Encyclopedia Dramatica:Quote of the Now/June 24, 2024

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When you find out your two year old was raped by your boyfriend, there will be no one that responds.

When your husband who beats you regularly gets a little bit more intoxicated tonight and beats you unrecognizable and leaves you on the floor gurgling on your own blood, there will be no one to respond.

When someone pulls up in a van in broad daylight and takes your sixteen year old daughter to sell her into the sex trade, there will be no one that responds to your call, to your cries, to your pleas for help.

When you watch a woman leave a bar, unable to stand on her own, get in her car and drive off, there will be no one to respond when she hits a family head on that just left the hospital with their newborn in the back seat.

When that child is left in a hot car in 100 degree weather, there will be no one to respond.

When you pull up and there is an infant screaming in its car seat and the parents are in the front seat with needles hanging out of their arms, YOU WILL CALL BUT NO ONE WILL RESPOND.


—The Ohio police, telling you that they've had enough of your shit