Encyclopedia Dramatica talk:List of commemorative days

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It's a good idea to have a page like this so we can get holiday themes out faster, but the problem is a lot of notable holidays like Hanukkah, Ramadan, that gay Spirit Day thing (Which we really need to make an article about because it's quite lulzy) follow a different calendar and happen on certain times of the year. (Like how Presidents Day in the US is the third Monday of February) What we could do is make a list of commemorative days for each year, so that way he have a set calender plan. Also, we should list the days of famous lulzy moments, like the Anders Behring Breivik shooting, or Virginia Tech, so EDitors have a good idea what to post for the main page. --LoverOfBats 17:56, 4 April 2015 (EDT)

Go ahead and make any changes that you feel would help this list. If someone doesn't fall on an exact month/day then I suppose include instructions on how to figure out what day it would be for that year. We could put those in their own section. reply 18:13, 4 April 2015 (EDT)