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He's bringing sexy back!

Jesse N. Richardson (aka Flare183) is a pedophile hailing from South Carolina who not only has the hots for your little girl's 14yr old virgin cooter, but also may lust for your little boy's cornhole.

Jesse is a firm "Belieber" in "if it's over 18, then it's not touchin' my peen", which has been proven in a series of emails which were released on doxbin just earlier today!

Has This Man Been Talking to Your Child?

If you have any reason to believe that this man has been talking to your child, please contact the center for missing/exploited children. Better still, you may also contact Jesse himself via the following mediums:
Phone: 859-740-0568
Postal Mail: 212 Brentwood Drive Seneca SC 29678 UNITED STATES
Email: [email protected]
Our sources have also found the following!

Charles Dean Isler (864) 903-4960 - mobile
Charles Dean Isler (864) 882-1022 - home
Carol Ann Richardson(Burton) (864) 882-5776 - home
Carol Ann Richardson(Burton) (864) 280-9806 - mobile
Carol Ann Richardson(Burton) (864) 247-9815 - mobile
Logan Richardson(864) 247-6256 - mobile
Alex Richardson (864) 247-4166 - mobile
Jesse Richardson (864) 903-3342 - mobile

If that fails you can contact his mother with the following information, one Carol Richardson:
Phone: 864-882-5776
Postal Mail: 1106 S Walnut St, Seneca, SC 29678-4430


Look at those ribs! Oh yea thats one hot piece of ass
I hope that's how you like it bby



Flare183 on Cutting

Jonathan: thx -- thought you weren't talkin to me anymore tho :P
Flare183: Well, meh
Flare183: I changed my mind
Flare183: But not for Lizzie
Flare183: And for her info, I cut that night :/
Jonathan: oi
Jonathan: i'm not gonna be a messenger
Jonathan: you want her to know that you gotta tell her yoself

Flare183 On Relationships

11:36 Flare183: I want you back
11:36 Flare183: but this
11:36 Flare183: is going
11:36 Flare183: to kill
11:36 Flare183: me
11:36 Luna: If you use Amy as a cover then i get a cover.
11:36 Luna: Deal?
11:37 Flare183: I told you that last night
11:37 Flare183: I told you we'd keep in down low
11:37 Flare183: but you went this morning and crushed me
11:38 Luna: idk why i am so hurt
11:38 Luna: sorry hun
11:38 Luna: <3
11:38 Luna rapes
11:38 Flare183: baby girl
11:38 Flare183: I love you
11:38 Flare183: damn it
11:38 Flare183 cuddles you
11:38 Flare183: MINE! >.<
11:38 Luna snuggle rapes
11:39 Luna: So we will move in together?
11:39 Flare183 snuggle rapes you back
11:39 Flare183: yes

[8:22pm] <04Luna> If you don't want me tell me
[8:23pm] <04Luna> 9,1T11o be honest10, 9I11 should of seen this a while ago10.11
[8:26pm] <04Luna> 9,1W11hy the hell did you do this to me10?11
[8:26pm] <04Luna> 9,1J11esse10.11
[8:26pm] <04Luna> 9,1D11o not ignore me10.11
[8:33pm] <04Luna> 9,1W11hy the fuck do you do this each time we get back together10?11
[8:33pm] <04Luna> 9,1A11my thinks 9I11 am nuts
[8:33pm] <04Luna> 9,1P11robably from your claims
[8:33pm] <14Flare183> -_-
[8:34pm] <04Luna> 9,1D11o you want me suicidal each time we break up10?11
[8:34pm] <04Luna> 9,1I11 am not medicated
[8:34pm] <04Luna> 9,1Y11ou know what the fuck happens next
[8:36pm] <04Luna> 9,1T11ell 9A11my the truth
[8:36pm] <04Luna> 9,1S11he deserves to know10.11
[8:36pm] <04Luna> 9,1Y11ou cheated on her10.11
[8:36pm] <04Luna> 9,1Y11ou should face the consequences10.11
[8:36pm] <14Flare183> No
[8:36pm] <04Luna> 9,1G11od would want you to tell her the truth10.11
[8:37pm] <14Flare183> I was in the process of ending it with you ok?
[8:37pm] <14Flare183> And I already have told her the trusth
[8:37pm] <04Luna> 9,1Y11ou lied to me
[8:37pm] <04Luna> 9,1T11he whole time
[8:37pm] <14Flare183> truth*
[8:37pm] <14Flare183> I gave you hints
[8:37pm] <14Flare183> :/
[8:37pm] <14Flare183> so yeah
[8:37pm] <04Luna> 9,1F11uck this
[8:37pm] <04Luna> 11,1my life is over
[8:37pm] <14Flare183> you're doing not mine
[8:38pm] <04Luna> 9,1S11o telling me we are moving in together
[8:38pm] <04Luna> 9,1W11e are getting married
[8:38pm] <04Luna> 11,1all of that
[8:38pm] <04Luna> 11,1is telling me we are going to break up10?11
[8:39pm] <04Luna> 9,1E11xplain to me how that is leading to us breaking up
[8:39pm] <14Flare183> No
[8:40pm] <14Flare183> I was going to tell you
[8:40pm] <04Luna> 9,1L11ess than a day ago
[8:40pm] <14Flare183> but you know how hard it is for me to give you up
[8:40pm] <04Luna> 9,1Y11ou were telling me how we were going to get married
[8:40pm] <04Luna> 9,1FUCK YOU10.11
[8:40pm] <04Luna> 9,1GO FUCK YOURSELF10.11
[8:40pm] <04Luna> 9,1Y11ou deserve 9NO ONE10.11
[8:40pm] <14Flare183> ya ok
[8:40pm] <14Flare183> bai

[11:27pm] <04Luna> 9,1D11ear 9J11esse10, 9I11 know this has hurt both of us a lot10. 9I11 want to tell you that 9I11 am sorry for anything 9I11 have done to hurt you10. 9I11f there is anything 9I11 can do to help you through this10,11 tell me10. 9I11 am done with you and all of your bullshit drama that comes with you as a person10. 9I11f you need me as a friend10, 9I11 will be here10,11 but in the future10, 9I11 will not be here for you as a girlfriend10/11fiance10. 9N11ever again will this happen10. 9I11 want you to understand that you have royally fucked yourself over with any future relationship that we would ever have10. 9F11orever your friend10, 9J11ennifer 9A11nne 9S11traus
[11:27pm] <14Flare183> :/
[11:27pm] <14Flare183> All I wanted was for you to be happy without me
[11:27pm] <14Flare183> that's all I wanted Jen
[11:28pm] <04Luna> 9,1W11ell in the process of that
[11:28pm] <04Luna> 9,1C11ame bullshit drama10,11 hurt10,11 and a lot of other feelings that 9I11 thought that 9I11 would never feel10.11
[11:29pm] <14Flare183> What do you want me to do Jen?
[11:29pm] <04Luna> 9,1Y11ou are all bullshit drama that 9I11 do not need in my life10.11
[11:29pm] <14Flare183> Well, that goes for you too
[11:29pm] <14Flare183> :|
[11:29pm] <14Flare183> esp if you're going to say that crap
[11:29pm] <14Flare183> And now you sound like my mom
[11:29pm] <14Flare183> fuck that
[11:29pm] <04Luna> 9,1T11hanks for all the drama that has made me cry and feel like shit
[11:30pm] <04Luna> 9,1Y11ou and all the other guys that are like you make me feel like a bad person10.11
[11:30pm] <14Flare183> fuck that Jen
[11:30pm] <14Flare183> I tried to treat you like a woman that you are
[11:30pm] <14Flare183> an amazing one
[11:30pm] <04Luna> 9,1T11hen you use me
[11:30pm] <14Flare183> FUCK NO I didn't
[11:30pm] <14Flare183> I let you go ffs
[11:30pm] <14Flare183> god damn
[11:30pm] <04Luna> 9,1I11t felt like you did
[11:31pm] <04Luna> 9,1T11hen explain to me
[11:31pm] <04Luna> 9,1W11hat the fuck you did to me
[11:31pm] <14Flare183> I let you go
[11:31pm] <04Luna> 9,1T11elling me that we were going to get married less than a day ago
[11:31pm] <14Flare183> because I can't stand the drama ok?
[11:31pm] <04Luna> 9,1W11hat drama10?11
[11:31pm] <04Luna> 9,1THERE WAS NONE10.11
[11:31pm] <14Flare183> you don't see the drama
[11:31pm] <14Flare183> lies
[11:31pm] <04Luna> 9,1I11 made this relationship as painless as 9I11 could
[11:31pm] <14Flare183> You don't know what I go through
[11:31pm] <14Flare183> for you
[11:32pm] <04Luna> 9,1W11hat10? 9P11eople harassing you over my past10?11
[11:32pm] <04Luna> 9,1T11hanks for blocking me on skype btw
[11:32pm] <14Flare183> More than you can imagine
[11:32pm] <04Luna> 9,1F11uck them10,11
[11:32pm] <14Flare183> oh you want me to add you back ok?
[11:32pm] <04Luna> 9,1T11hey try to create more drama10.11
[11:32pm] <04Luna> 9,1I11 physically did not do shit to cause this break up
[11:32pm] <04Luna> 9,1A11nd btw
[11:32pm] <04Luna> 11,1you did not dump me
[11:32pm] <04Luna> 11,1get your story straight
[11:32pm] <14Flare183> ...
[11:32pm] <04Luna> 9,1I11 dumped you for cheating
[11:33pm] <14Flare183> fuck that
[11:33pm] <14Flare183> I didn't cheat
[11:33pm] <04Luna> 9,1S11ince you were still with 9A11my
[11:33pm] <04Luna> 9,1THAT11 is 9CHEATING11
[11:33pm] <14Flare183> No
[11:33pm] <14Flare183> you never saw that I DIDN'T TECHNICALLY SAY I WANTED YOU BACK
[11:33pm] <14Flare183> I'm not going to deal with this shit
[11:33pm] <04Luna> 10,1...11
[11:34pm] <04Luna> 9,1YES YOU DID10.11
[11:34pm] <04Luna> 9,1W11ant fucking logs10?11
[11:34pm] <04Luna> 9,1T11hey are on this computer
[11:34pm] <04Luna> 9,1G11ood luck with defeating logs
[11:34pm] <04Luna> 9,1D11eal with your own drama
[11:34pm] <04Luna> 9,1R11ot 9I11n 9F11ucking 9P11ieces
[11:34pm] <04Luna> 9,1G11o to 9HELL11
[11:34pm] <04Luna> 9,1Y11ou lost me
[11:34pm] <04Luna> 9,1F11orever
[11:34pm] <04Luna> 9,1B11ye10.11
[11:34pm] <14Flare183> Actually
[11:34pm] <04Luna> 9,1W11elcome to the perm10.11 block list
[11:34pm] <14Flare183> FUCK OFF
[11:34pm] <14Flare183> corrupted cunt
[11:35pm] <04Luna> 9,1W11ait
[11:35pm] <04Luna> 9,1I11 am corrupted10?11
[11:35pm] <04Luna> 9,1F11rom what10?
[11:35pm] <04Luna> 9,1Y11our drama10?

Emergency LOLogs Dump

Seen this, had to share it... Up until now, we have only speculated that Flare183 was horny for your son... Here's the proof... whoever' is the mother of Austin, I'd keep an eye on that boy if I were you.

Flare183: I want you to pump your cock into me as much as you want ;x 9:50 PM
Austin: *blushes*mnyaa embarresed 9:51 PM
Flare183: sorry ;x I want you to fuck me >.< 9:52 PM
Austin: Really that much? 9:53 PM
Flare183: Yes! I want that cock in my ass, so badly >.< 9:54 PM
Austin: *blushes* my god... 9:55 PM
Flare183: what?... *blushes* ;x 9:55 PM
Austin: You flater me 9:56 PM
Flare183: I can't help it... 9:56 PM
Austin: *giggles* 9:56 PM
Flare183: Do you think you can cum in me more than once? 9:57 PM

Flare on Cybersex Keep in mind, he's soliciting an underaged girl for cybersex... so her screen name has been replaced with a different nick name in order to protect her identity.

Flare183: mmm good, then you'll love my cock being inside you then ;) *stands up, rubbing my cock around your asshole, sliding it very slowly into you* mmm oh god Amanda! fuck your're tight! 12:55 AM
Manda: *moans and whines* mmm you like that tight little asshole baby? 12:56 AM
Flare183: *pushes more of my cock into you, rubbing your clit* mm you know it honey 12:57 AM
Manda: *moans loud and pushes back against you making your cock go deeper, moaning loud* 12:58 AM
Flare183: *moans loudly, spanking your ass as I start to pound my cock harder into you* Mmm oh fuck yes! 12:59 AM
Manda: *moans louder almost screaming* fuck baby treat me like the dirty fucktoy i am! 1:02 AM
Flare183: *starts to really pound you harder and faster, forcing you to take it all* mm that's a good girl ;) 1:03 AM
Manda: *screams and moans loud and stumbles forward pulling away from you and gets down on my knees and starts sucking your cock fast and deep* 1:05 AM
Flare183: *screams out, moaning loudly* oh god baby! Fuck! Mmm 1:07 AM
Manda: *rubs your balls and kisses your cock sweetly* how much of a dom are you? 1:08 AM
Flare183: *moans, picking you up* I shall show you! *places you on the bed, hand cuffing you to it, as I get down and start to furiously eat you out* 1:10 AM
Manda: *gasps alittle and moans loud* mmmm fuck! 1:11 AM
Flare183: *rubs your clit hard, vibrating my tongue on your gspot as I suck on your pussy harder* mmm so fucking tasty 1:12 AM
Manda: *moans louder* ohhh my god yes Jesse! 1:14 AM
Flare183: *stops suddenly, taking the cuffs off and flips you over, cuffing you down to the bed again, sliding a didlo up into your asshole slowly as I slide my cock into your pussy, pounding it* ;) 1:15 AM
Flare183: Did I over do it baby? 1:19 AM
Manda: No. God i fucking love it 1:20 AM
Flare183: mmmm good ;) see if you were mine, I'd do this every night for you ;) *keeps going drilling the fuck out of your pussy* 1:21 AM
Manda: Mmm fuck im gunna cum! 1:21 AM
Flare183: *drills you as hard as I can, fucking you as fast as possible* oh god me too!! 1:22 AM
Manda: *screams loud and starts cumming hard* oohhhh my fucking god yess!! 1:24 AM
Flare183: *screams your name, cumming hard into you, cum pouring out of your pussy as I pump it full into you* holy shit baby!!! 1:25 AM
Manda: *whines and moans as my body shivers and shakes* 1:27 AM
Flare183: *holds you close to me as we both cum hard, kissing you deeply* 1:27 AM
Manda: Mmm *kisses back* 1:29 AM
Flare183: mmm good girl ;) did you enjoy that as well? 1:29 AM
Manda: Mmm very much 1:30 AM
Flare183: *kisses you again* Good girl, but you know if you were my girl. I'd please you just like this every night ;) 1:31 AM
Manda: I know 1:31 AM
Flare183: :3 mkay baby 1:31 AM
Manda: So tired now 1:32 AM
Flare183: Goto bed honey 1:32 AM
Manda: Nooo 1:33 AM
Flare183: Why not darling? 1:33 AM
Manda: Idunoo 1:34 AM
Flare183: Is it because you want to talk to me about something? 1:34 AM
Manda: No 1:37 AM
Flare183: Oh alright 1:38 AM
Flare183: Well ima goto bed<3 text me if you need/want me 1:41 AM

Google voice Intercepted!

Jesse: Recovery questions 12:23 PM
+12482565093: well fix it 12:25 PM
Jesse: I had to call google myself and they said it would take up to 3 or so days to evaluate my claim and stuff 12:27 PM
+12482565093: just got an unknown caller on my google voice... 12:28 PM
Jesse: Same on my cell pbone 12:29 PM
Jesse: Block it 12:29 PM
+12482565093: how did they get your cell phone? 12:30 PM
Jesse: Oh we are downloading all his text messages with underaged girls, there is at least 50 of them here. - FBI Special Agent Jimmy Russle 1:32 PM

The Logs Below:

[2012/Nov/26 - 19:52:34] FiSH: Chat in #TinyCrab will NOT be encrypted (no key found)
[2012/Nov/26 - 19:52:34] »» Now talking on #TinyCrab
[2012/Nov/26 - 19:52:34] »» Topic for #TinyCrab is:  -( Now thru Cyber Monday, 25% off LIFETIME discount on ANY ZTN Hosting VPS with coupon 'BLACKFRIDAY2012' http://www.ztnhosting.com/ )-  -( Refer a friend to ZTN Hosting between now and Cyber Monday and get their first payment credited to your account! (up to 20 dollars) )-  -( TinyCrab Christmas Eve 2012 Event & Giveaway info! http://n0ah.net/zoOh )-  -
[2012/Nov/26 - 19:52:34] »» Topic for #TinyCrab set by [email protected] at Mon Nov 26 15:09:20 2012
[2012/Nov/26 - 19:53:48] <@Noah> wb xnite
[2012/Nov/26 - 19:54:04] <xnite> not sure you guys knew this, but Flare183 is a pedophile and should probably be banned. - http://doxbinumfxfyytnh.onion.to/doxviewer.php?dox=Flare183 http://Encyclopediadramatica.rs/Flare183
[2012/Nov/26 - 19:54:09] <xnite> sorry to break the news to ya guyz
[2012/Nov/26 - 19:54:09] <@pie> .
[2012/Nov/26 - 19:54:15] <xnite> hi pie
[2012/Nov/26 - 19:54:17] <xnite> i like pie
[2012/Nov/26 - 19:54:22] <xnite> but while i'm here
[2012/Nov/26 - 19:54:23] «--- xnite ([email protected]) has Quit (K-Lined)
[2012/Nov/26 - 19:54:23] »» Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).

See Also

Flare183 is part of a series on
UnV& Pedophiles [-+]

Aaron WilliamsAdam LanzaAlenonimoAlison RappAmber ButtrumAndy MaherAngryjediAnimatedJamesBeefraveBikerfoxBill CosbyBritbongCasey AnthonyCamheadChaosscizzorsColonel McBadassComicalityCyraxxCyril SmithDoomentioDreamDrossRotzankDaddyOFiveDahvie VanityDangermanDeekerDidaskalosDynacatlovesmeEric RidenourErik MöllerFergie OliverFrank BonafedeGreg MazujianGreville JannerG-ZayGeosheaGalaxyRailways2199Harrison DigfootHumonHypnoHunter MooreIrish282Isabella Loretta JankeJames Terry Mitchell JrJaSonicJerry Peetjervaise brooke hamsterJimmy SavileJoey NigroJohn Patrick RogersJoseph KonyJustin BerryJustin DabrowKaitlyn HuntKatherine MarionKyle PerkinsLena DunhamLeonard F. Shaner Jr.LittleCloudLtFlaggerLogansperman2Lucian HodobocM. ChaosMagicrichMandoPonyMar9122Michael JacksonMikevirusMatrooko11MZMcBrideNathanrNeil FoxOmegaloreOnideus Mad HatterOnisionPaul WalkerPennywisePurple AkiPutridRalph SquillaceRiverman72Roger SampsonSam DeathWalkerSam RassenfossSarah ButtsShane LeeSibeScientologySethistoSophie LabelleTheAmazingAtheistThomas Watt HamiltonTimboxTrap-kunTyciolUncle GrandpaUpdownmostlyViolentacrezVonHeltonWoody AllenW. T. SnacksYandereDevYoung Tubers UnitedYtaskZeitgueist

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