Herb Smith

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The man himself.

Herb Smith is the name of a fictional person who supposedly left his wife after knocking her up, leaving her to her obvious incompetency of parenting (being a woman). Her son supposedly grew up to be a degenerate teenager, a sociopathic miserable being who has no compassion or empathy. The copypasta claims that his ex-wife saw the Anonymous report on Faux News, and tried to take advantage of the situation.

However, being a woman, she had no idea what she was doing, and flaunted her unwarranted self-importance around on /b/ with threats of hacking the site down with her 1337-w4r3z. If Anonymous did not agree to track down and destroy her ex-husband.

But Seriously

It's just another stupid copypasta aborted from the anus of /b/. After the thread was posted, it was subject to dozens of Hillary Clinton and Hulk Hogan variations, as well as endless "THIS IS HERB SMITH" posts.

See Also

Herb Smith is part of a series on


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