Hypercube Quotes 1

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Moar info: Hypercube.


Holy crap my facebook comments are going nuts since I posted about not winning.


—@4bit4, June 23 via Twitter


Checking out the canvasses of people I’d never heard of who won.


—@4bit4, June 24 via Twitter


man, a couple of ex-cubies have unfriended me already. Kinda sad.


—@4bit4, June 24 via Twitter


FIRST I DIDN’T WIN A CUBE, THEN MY DOG FARTS ON ME!!!!11!! I’m never going to the sandbox again and I hate everyone /drama


—@4bit4, June 25 via Twitter


@sandbarmark for the record, the people who won that didn’t do jack belittle us that busted our butts & didn’t win. I’m cool anyway though


—@4bit4, June 26 via Twitter


@sandbarmark agreed, but based on the stated criteria for winning, it doesn’t add up. Regardless, people need to get over it.


—@4bit4, June 26 via Twitter


RT @gunandagirl @thehypercube Love to see a discount from Nissan too for the other non-winners. The Cube still makes sense for us to buy.


—@ben3PO, June 26 via Twitter


@CubicLuv You’re joking right? You put up billboards..you’re the ultimate description of a marketing whore..


—@dogmeat78, June 24 via Twitter


was under the impression that the contest was about creativity and individuality, not corporate ad-whoring media campaigns


—@euthanaut, June 24 via Twitter


@jestdepsey my cardboard cube, tho posted, never got noticed. And it was out there before…u know. And I worked hard painting it!


—@iggabod, June 27 via Twitter


@PhilKnudson lots followed me. I followed back. tried to get to know them. but well, you know that story. “plastic people!”


—@iggabod, June 27 via Twitter


@jestdempsey but all along we were not meant to win. no matter what we did. They had their plans.


—@iggabod, June 27 via Twitter


@jestdempsey many are bitter. it will pass..but it’s gotta be pointed in the right direction.


—@iggabod, June 27 via Twitter


I’m happy for all of the winners, but bummed out for me.


—@Kooken1, June 25 via Twitter


is taking a break from twitter…


—Kooken1, June 26 via Twitter


@euthanaut Yeah, I thought it was about creativity, too. FML.


—@lifeofjames, June 24 via Twitter


@SunnyCrittenden Just read your post at Cubeless…I agree with ALL of your assessments. Peace.


—@lifeofjames, June 26 via Twitter


@SunnyCrittenden @gunandagirl I have to admit I unfollowed a bunch of cube winners i never had interaction with. *shrug*


—@lifeofjames, June 27 via Twitter


@CJulie75 No, apparently a lot of missed that. Should’ve worked on growing dreads instead. That & my modeling portfolio.


—@mackb1991, June 26 via Twitter


@SunnyCrittenden Anytime. Good read and analysis of the whole thing. I don’t regret participating, just feel like some bait & switch happened


—@mackb1991, June 26 via Twitter

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