Hypercube Quotes 2

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Moar info: Hypercube.

I still have a nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach after last night. :( I’m plain sad.


—@willeagle, June 25 via Twitter


@thehypercube somewhat lamely, didn’t win + broke a tooth on that free candy. BOOO. :P oh well.


—@fivebythree, June 24 via Twitter


@ibsurd thank you! Trying to make the most of the big ball of suck from last night. LOL


—@fivebythree, June 24 via Twitter


@thehypercube for those that didn’t win, how bout toy cars? or discount :D


—@fivebythree, June 26 via Twitter


hmm, why do i still feel like ive been shat on? UM not literally…JUST things are going badly right now.


—@fivebythree, June 26 via Twitter


I find all the cube talk pretty depressing, sigh. (adverlising…) might include a cube in the BBOD’s. :B


—@fivebythree, July 1 via Twitter


@qubicmx @thehypercube A Nissan discount for all our hard work would certainly come in handy & would be super appreciated. :)


—@gunandagirl, June 23 via Twitter


@heartsandclefs I joined twitter for this #thehypercube and have met many awesome and creative people :) I’ll stiil be tweetin


—@the_inkling, June 24 via Twitter


Schroedinger’s cat is dead. :( #thehypercube


—@joelparent, June 24 via Twitter


did Manitoba get turd-bombed out of the running for nissan cubes? I think it did…perfect. #thehypercube


—@joelparent, June 24 via Twitter


@kurchenko guess we’re not a big enough market. was hoping you’d win! (especially since you were looking to buy)


—@joelparent, June 24 via Twitter


@jestdempsey don’t be torn. being a good loser is for chumps! kia souls are bitchin.


—@joelparent, June 24 via Twitter


@ibsurd thanks. Probably most depressing birthday on personal record post-yesterday…


—@joelparent, June 25 via Twitter


@tswizz Any chance u cube winners could b a little less exuberant? ;) I’m a loser + I’m still REALLY sore. #thehypercube Kidding! (mostly)


—@joelparent, June 25 via Twitter


@SunnyCrittenden Read www.cubeless.ca (like your writing!) Feeling very similar. #thehypercube I feel like someone stole my bicycle.


—@joelparent, June 26 via Twitter


RT @jowyang Brands focused on tools (Twitter, Facebook, etc) w/o a strategy is like buying a hammer withought having a blueprint for a house.


—@joelparent, June 27 via Twitter


RT @dltcomicsdotcom: Blog Post http://bit.ly/17EOgU @thehypercube Problem w/engaging promos: hard to deal w/losing. Am still down/sore.


—@joelparent, June 27 via Twitter


@jestdempsey Hard to follow/swallow but some winners really deserve it! Did I misunderstood social media marketing VS Nissan’s target?


—@CJulie75, June 26 via Twitter


@mackb1991 Got it now! Next time (if there is) I’ll study the CIE’s marketing targets carefully between “lines” B4 or do not enter at all :)


—@CJulie75, June 26 via Twitter


1st and last Tweet about my position (3th). Had to say it once ;) See previous Tweet loll Good day to all ;) #thehypercube


—@CJulie75, June 26 via Twitter

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