Internet Freedom Movement/Arbchat

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<Internet Freedom Movement

seisatsu entered #arbchat seeking to have File:Seisatsu.png purged from Internet Freedom Movement. Honorable Andrew Weevlos presided.

[12:58]  * seisatsu ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[12:58]  <seisatsu> alright look
[12:59]  <seisatsu> I enjoy this site, but I'd like to ask for the pictures of my dick to be removed.
[12:59]  <seisatsu> seriously, I've seen worse, and I don't mind being the butt of jokes, but only when they don't involve my penis.
[12:59]  * dan ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[12:59]  * mediacrat sets modes [#arbchat +ao dan dan]
[13:00]  <seisatsu> So, I am asking for the picture in question to be removed.
[13:00]  <seisatsu> It's a tinychat screencap stolen by spais
[13:00]  <dowat> so let me get this straight
[13:00]  <dan> i do not see any judges around at the moment, would you like to schedule an appointment
[13:00]  <seisatsu> Judges...
[13:00]  <dowat> you put a picture of your dick on the internet
[13:00]  <seisatsu> oh boy
[13:00]  <dowat> and are now upset that it's out there
[13:00]  <dan> yes, it is ARBITRATION after all
[13:01]  <seisatsu> If a private chat room with 3 people constitutes "on the internet"
[13:01]  <seisatsu> then, yes. Yes I did.
[13:01]  <dan> if it hits a server, its pretty much fair game
[13:01]  <seisatsu> hmph.
[13:02]  <dan> link me the page that contains the discussed image
[13:02]  <seisatsu>
[13:02]  <seisatsu> This DID contain the image
[13:02]  <seisatsu> it's been removed like 10 times by supporters of the mentioned group.
[13:02]  <dowat> actually it does again
[13:02]  <seisatsu> yeah
[13:02]  <seisatsu> someone is lurking
[13:03]  <seisatsu> and resetting edits.
[13:03]  <dowat> that's me, fucktard
[13:03]  <seisatsu> :/
[13:03]  <dan> yeah, you arent going to get this removed that easily
[13:03]  <dan> and since it is causing drama, this case is definately going to need an arbitraiton
[13:04]  <seisatsu> I know it doesn't disappear once it's on the internet.
[13:04]  <seisatsu> It's the first rule of internet.
[13:04]  <dowat> yet you want it to disappear
[13:04]  <seisatsu> I want it to disappear from here.
[13:04]  <seisatsu> I don't like my name on it
[13:04]  <dowat> this shit is hilarious
[13:04]  <seisatsu> and I don't like that my dick is flaccid in that picture.
[13:04]  <seisatsu> so
[13:05]  <dowat> this entire fucking article is shit no one cares about
[13:05]  <seisatsu> yeah
[13:05]  <seisatsu> I know
[13:05]  <dowat> yet you retards back and forthing about it has made it matter 100x more
[13:06]  <dan> seisatsu: i have put the word out and i expect something back today concerning this matter
[13:07]  <dan> hahaha, nice talk page
[13:09]  * zaigermobile ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[13:09]  <seisatsu> oh
[13:09]  <seisatsu> someone removed it again.
[13:09]  <zaigermobile> hi
[13:09]  <dan> hold on seis
[13:10]  * weev ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[13:10]  <weev> hello
[13:10]  <dan> the image is still on ED, its just not on that page anymore
[13:10]  <dan>
[13:10]  <seisatsu> Yeah I know
[13:10]  <seisatsu> so basically
[13:10]  <seisatsu> If an arbitrator decides to remove the image
[13:11]  <seisatsu> someone will reupload and post it somewhere else?
[13:11]  <dan> well, weev is here right now, you can take your case up with him if he is willing
[13:11]  <zaigermobile> im on that already
[13:11]  <seisatsu> And then the arbitrator has to decide again or what?
[13:11]  <dan>
[13:11]  <dan> its still there, just not on the page
[13:11]  <seisatsu> I'm asking if arbitration is a farse.
[13:11]  <seisatsu> I know, yeah
[13:11]  <dan> nope
[13:11]  <seisatsu> thanks for sharing
[13:12]  <dan> its seriouos
[13:12]  <dan> serious
[13:12]  <seisatsu> srs bsns
[13:12]  <zaigermobile> serious business
[13:12]  <zaigermobile> yes
[13:12]  <seisatsu> I always wondered if it was illegal to post pictures of a non-minor's dick without their consent.
[13:12]  <seisatsu> I guess not.
[13:13]  <dan> was that a veiled or frivolous legal threat?
[13:13]  <weev> yes hello
[13:13]  <seisatsu> haha, I can't even afford mcdonalds
[13:13]  <seisatsu> so no
[13:13]  <dan> okay
[13:13]  <weev> okay so
[13:13]  <seisatsu> so
[13:13]  <weev> this article is largely unfunny
[13:13]  <seisatsu> my penis escaped to the internet
[13:13]  <seisatsu> and wound up here.
[13:14]  <seisatsu> what can you do about it?
[13:14]  <weev> ur dick is the only thing making it remotely funny
[13:14]  <seisatsu> yeah
[13:14]  <seisatsu> this is true.
[13:14]  <seisatsu> Well the article is an attack on IFM
[13:14]  <seisatsu> But it isn't funny, so I don't care.
[13:14]  <weev> i dont know what IFM is
[13:14]  <weev> ive never heard of it
[13:14]  <seisatsu> yeah
[13:14]  <seisatsu> exactly
[13:15]  <seisatsu> it's an article that was made as an attack
[13:15]  <weev> are you part of this IFM thing
[13:15]  <seisatsu> which I guess is common
[13:15]  <seisatsu> yeah
[13:15]  <seisatsu> I am.
[13:15]  <seisatsu> I don't care about the article.
[13:15]  <seisatsu> That dick was screencapped a month ago, and I still don't know who did it
[13:15]  <seisatsu> There were only 3 people who could've
[13:16]  <seisatsu> lots of drama
[13:16]  <seisatsu> anyway
[13:16]  * JuniusThaddeus ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[13:16]  * ptime ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[13:16]  <seisatsu> Are you able to do anything about it?
[13:16]  <ptime> oh wow there's actually an arbchat
[13:16]  <weev> WELL
[13:16]  <weev> IM ABLE TO DO
[13:16]  <weev> err sorry caps lock
[13:16]  <weev> im able to do
[13:16]  <seisatsu> BUT...
[13:16]  <weev> whatever the fuck i want
[13:16]  <seisatsu> yeah
[13:16]  <weev> im just thinking like
[13:16]  <weev> whats my motivation here
[13:16]  <seisatsu> so whatever the fuck do you want to do?
[13:17]  <seisatsu> ah. So arbitration is a farse.
[13:17]  <weev> removing ur dick from the article
[13:17]  <weev> makes it less funny
[13:17]  <weev> no
[13:17]  <zaigermobile> sweeten the pot a little weeaboo
[13:17]  <weev> its not a farce
[13:17]  <seisatsu> *farse
[13:17]  <dan> probably not a good idea to get snippy seisatsu
[13:17]  <seisatsu> sigh
[13:17]  <seisatsu> yeah
[13:17]  <weev>
[13:17]  <dowat> seisatsu weev is literally the only friend you've got in here right now
[13:17]  <weev> farce.
[13:17]  <seisatsu> He's certainly not impartial
[13:17]  <dowat> so maybe calm the fuck down son
[13:17]  <seisatsu> I'm just getting over that.
[13:18]  <seisatsu> weev, like the rest of ED, lives and works for the lulz
[13:18]  <seisatsu> and my penis is the only lulz on that page.,
[13:18]  * elixir ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[13:18]  <seisatsu> I understand that.
[13:18]  <weev> thats correct
[13:18]  <weev> so
[13:18]  <zaigermobile> he is also fair
[13:18]  <weev> im saying
[13:18]  <weev> how aer you gonna make more lulz
[13:18]  * Marekatt ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[13:18]  <weev> give me some ACTA-related lulz
[13:18]  <seisatsu> wouldn't it be better to remove that failure of an article?
[13:18]  <seisatsu> Oh
[13:18]  <seisatsu> well
[13:19]  <ptime> like you gotta pay for the lulz we lose when we lose your dick
[13:19]  * maxgalleio ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[13:19]  <seisatsu> there's plenty of drama inside IFM
[13:19]  * Becca ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[13:19]  <seisatsu> Some script kiddie is in a constant battle with us
[13:19]  * CacaScientifique ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[13:19]  <seisatsu> because he's butthurt that he lost admin for being a dick
[13:19]  <zaigermobile> hurt butts
[13:20]  <seisatsu> an UNFUNNY dick.
[13:20]  * Doakes ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[13:20]  <weev> none of this says entertainment to me
[13:20]  <weev> im looking for more along the lines of like
[13:20]  <weev> phone recordings of people threatening MPAA executives
[13:20]  <weev> or doxing their daughters
[13:20]  <weev> and getting nudes off their facebooks
[13:20]  <weev> and shit
[13:20]  <zaigermobile> im feeling entertained already
[13:21]  <seisatsu> Some people decided IFM would be a "peaceful" movement >.>
[13:21]  <weev> thats all peaceful
[13:21]  <seisatsu> haha
[13:21]  <weev> im not saying go to their homes and kill their families or nothin
[13:21]  <seisatsu> Well, about that script kiddie
[13:21]  <seisatsu> we've prank called him over 9000 times in the past week.
[13:21]  <seisatsu> He has no peace.
[13:22]  <JuniusThaddeus> That's all?
[13:22]  <dan> anything recorded?
[13:22]  <weev> im really not interseted in your internal network drama
[13:22]  <weev> unless
[13:22]  <zaigermobile> recordings?
[13:22]  <seisatsu> I don't think it's recorded
[13:22]  <weev> there are hilarious recordings
[13:22]  <seisatsu> It's all on skype
[13:22]  <dowat> but he made an over 9000 reference guise
[13:22]  <seisatsu> so someone needs to record one
[13:22]  <seisatsu> We had a couple good ones.
[13:22]  <seisatsu> I could post some dox
[13:23]  <JuniusThaddeus> How old is the person you're talking about?
[13:23]  * Marekatt ([email protected]) has left #arbchat
[13:23]  <seisatsu> But I'm sure you're not interested.
[13:23]  <seisatsu> 15.
[13:23]  <seisatsu> He has tourettes too
[13:23]  <weev> i want to see some acta related lulz and action
[13:23]  * elixir has quit (Quit: elixir)
[13:24]  <weev> i want to know that IFM is more than some retards in an irc channel
[13:24]  <weev> who happen to oppose acta
[13:24]  <weev> cause if theyre nothin more than that, they deserve to be made fun of
[13:24]  <seisatsu> The problem is
[13:24]  <seisatsu> so srs
[13:24]  <seisatsu> in the irc
[13:24]  <JuniusThaddeus> Is everyone there a teenager?
[13:24]  <seisatsu> no lulz
[13:24]  <seisatsu> Yeah pretty much
[13:24]  <ptime> when I went in there
[13:25]  <ptime> they implied that ED is not srs
[13:25]  <weev> faggots
[13:25]  <ptime> shows how much they know about srs
[13:25]  <weev> they should all kill themselves
[13:25]  <weev> ED is srs as fuck
[13:25]  <ptime> and they got all mad cos I was in the wrong channel
[13:25]  <seisatsu> oh yeah
[13:25]  <seisatsu> r000t
[13:26]  <weev> lol
[13:26]  <seisatsu> the afforementioned script kiddie
[13:26]  <ptime> Guy: Ptime, help or gtfo
[13:26]  <ptime> [11:16] tr0ck: ptime: Also, you talk like Encyclopaedia Dramatica is important or something.
[13:26]  <seisatsu> was responsible for the /b/ spam
[13:26]  <weev> dont give a shit
[13:26]  <seisatsu> you know the one, that required captchas
[13:26]  <JuniusThaddeus> Teenagers on 4chan isn't interesting.
[13:26]  <dowat> 4chan isn't all that interesting anymore tbh
[13:26]  <weev> yeah 4chan is fucking dead
[13:27]  <dowat> i like /fit/ and /lit/ but that's not really what you think of when you think 4chan
[13:27]  <seisatsu> Well
[13:27]  <seisatsu> I liked the part where jamer was eaten by a bear
[13:27]  <seisatsu> but
[13:27]  <seisatsu> Yeah the article is kinda lacking
[13:28]  <dowat> understatement, that article is a pile of shit
[13:28]  * maxgalleio has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[13:28]  <JuniusThaddeus> seisatsu: What's your age?
[13:28]  <seisatsu> 19
[13:28]  <ptime> lol
[13:29]  <dowat> dicks everywhere.jpg
[13:29]  <dowat> also, as a suggestion to your movement?
[13:30]  <dowat> sort your shit out for fuck's sake
[13:30]  <seisatsu> yeah
[13:30]  <seisatsu> It's falling apart
[13:30]  <ptime> or just don't do a movement
[13:30]  <Becca> what is this arbchat about?
[13:30]  <ptime> calling anything a movement destroys it
[13:30]  <dowat> Becca: seisatsu seeks to have his dick pick removed from [[IFM]]
[13:30]  <seisatsu> Can we just delete the article and forget it happened?
[13:30]  <seisatsu> Since it's shit and all
[13:30]  <dowat> pic, whatever.
[13:30]  <weev> no
[13:30]  <JuniusThaddeus> Becca: Solving disputes.
[13:30]  <weev> how about
[13:30]  <weev> you make the article good
[13:31]  <weev> filled with awesome ruins
[13:31]  <weev> of acta-related figures
[13:31]  <weev> and ur dick can not be included
[13:31]  <weev> otherwise, fuck all of you ineffectual nerds
[13:31]  <dan> the MPAA thing sounded nice too weev
[13:31]  <seisatsu> I'm not in charge of IFM >.>
[13:31]  <dowat> no one is "in charge" of the article
[13:31]  <seisatsu> no
[13:31]  <seisatsu> but if I want to ruin some actas
[13:32]  <seisatsu> I have to do it on my own.
[13:32]  <zaigermobile> that is your decision
[13:33]  <zaigermobile> you are the one who pulled is pants down on the internet
[13:33]  <zaigermobile> his
[13:33]  <dowat> ^
[13:33]  <seisatsu> Well
[13:33]  <JuniusThaddeus> Well what?
[13:33]  <seisatsu> the other person had awesome tits, to be fair
[13:33]  <dowat> seriously man, you whipped your dick out on webcam. if you didn't want it getting out, DON'T WHIP YOUR DICK OUT ON WEBCAM
[13:33]  <zaigermobile> well nothing
[13:33]  <dowat> how fucking hard is this
[13:33]  <seisatsu> Though I didn't screencap.
[13:34]  <zaigermobile> there are tits all over the internet
[13:34]  <seisatsu> yeah well, there's no undo button on the internet.
[13:34]  <zaigermobile> ctrl z
[13:34]  <dowat> this shit's boring, i'm going back to tumblr porn
[13:34]  <ptime> lol
[13:34]  <zaigermobile> yeah srs. im gonna go back to work.
[13:35]  <seisatsu> If I made the article funny, would that be bribing a judge?
[13:36]  <ptime> not exactly
[13:36]  <ptime> more like serving a sentence
[13:36]  <ptime> that's the point
[13:36]  <ptime> if you want us to do something for you
[13:36]  <ptime> you gotta do something for us
[13:36]  <seisatsu> sigh
[13:37]  * Faust ([email protected]) has joined #arbchat
[13:37]  <seisatsu> I guess I'll gather some lulz together and make the shit smell nicer.
[13:38]  <ptime> go for it
[13:39]  <seisatsu> BBI is gonna help me get some lulz together I guess
[13:39]  <JuniusThaddeus> Don't "guess", just do.
[13:40]  <seisatsu> yeap
[13:40]  <seisatsu> Consider it done.
[13:40]  <ptime> srsly why do people get nekkid on webcam
[13:40]  <ptime> it never turns out well
[13:40]  <dowat> agree to disagree, it always turns out well
[13:40]  <dowat> either hilarious or fap material
[13:40]  <dowat> in this case, hilarious
[13:40]  <dowat> i think weev fell asleep
[13:41]  <ptime> yeah
[13:41]  <dowat> alright unless he pops back in i'm calling this a log
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