Joe Leger

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Joe Leger.

Joe Leger is an 18 year old pedophile who flirts with young girls from the ages of 10 - 16. Can you say desperation? I know I can. But don't let his looks mislead you. Just know if you are a girl and/or guy who is desperate for a boyfriend, and I mean super desperate, and under the age of 18 then this is your man. He loves to have sex, but will ask you not to go to the police and say it was rape.

  • Only because he doesn't want to admit that he likes dropping the soap.

Joe Leger is currently living somewhere in Vancouver, Washington and he is currently dating an underaged girl who is 14 years old. (Sorry girls, he is taken.) But Joe being the pedophile he already is has seen her tits, not to mention he lives quite close to her. (Coincidence?).


In the early years of Joe Leger's life, Joe Leger was a scenester or a emo, which of course means he is a attention whore as well as a giant raging faggot. In true emo/scenester fag form, he makes five million accounts on every social networking site, all filled with his barely-literate high school dropout whining. He is under the impression that he is some kind of lothario despite looking like a Basset Hound with Down Syndrome and the most jacked teeth the world has ever seen. He also once got two 12 year old girls drunk with one of his retarded friends and had sex with them. In the morning, one of their fathers chased him off with a shotgun and then got him sent to juvy. He also dropped out of high school to become better at being a redneck. He likes BMX and buttsex.


Joe Leger's mother is called Susan Leger. There are no pictures or any useful information on her yet, but Anonymous is working on that. Joe Leger has a brother called Jeffrey Leger and the same applies to him. He was once caught jacking off in the bathroom of his high school and was subsequently expelled.

