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The scrawny thieving wigger as he appears IRL.
Typical KAWS "art".

KAWS (Powerword: Brian Donnelly) is a 49-year-old Jew York City graffiti vandal turned modern artist who steals copyrighted characters, slaps a skull and crossbones on them and then pretends that they're his very own original creations. Despite being an utterly talentless hack who couldn't even create an original character if Jigsaw was threatening to chop off the tattered remains of his foreskin, KAWS has gained a cult following of retarded artfag hipsters such as PewDiePie who are actually dumb enough to pay hundreds of dollars just to purchase a single item from KAWS' official line of overpriced plastic toys.

KAWS' original creations include a dead Disney ripoff called Companion, a dead Elmo ripoff called BFF and a turd emoji ripoff called Warm Regards.

KAWS on eBay

KAWS the Hypocrite


See Also

External Links

KAWS is part of a series on


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