Kenneth Englehardt

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Definitely not a paedophile.

Kenneth Erwin Englehardt, also known as Beglamishiro and affectionately nicknamed "Kengle" by CWC followers, is a fat, unemployed accountant from Florida who is somehow an unironic fan of Chris-Chan's Chris-chan/Sonichu comics. He currently resides in Rhode Island where he lives in his parents' basement. As a result of his uncanny Sonichu obsession and constant need to get the attention of Chris, Kengle decided to create his own comic called Sonichen and Rosechen where he gets to show off his subpar Photoshop Dreamweaver skills. He spends most of his days posting shitty artwork and clay turds on his Facebook page and leaves love notes to Pixyteri and Gloria Tesch obsessively, justifying his behavior by saying they're public figures, so it's A-OK to creep on them.


Kenneth is a part-time book keeper who lives in his elderly parents' basement in North Kingstown, Rhode Island. Much like Pixyteri, he has a bachelor's degree but prefers to spend his time stalking Chris-Chan on Facebook or fapping to the latest batch of Gloria photos.

He's best known for clumsily attempting to befriend other notable internet figures such as ParkourDude91, Pixyteri and most notably Chris-chan, which has earned him the dubious monicker "Lolcow Collector".

Kengle will typically "adopt" the interests of the lolcows he's pursuing. The best example of this is his balant Chris-chan/Sonichu ripoff, creatively titled "Sonichen & Rosechen", which Chris-Chan hates. Kenneth also makes retarded art sculptures that best resemble aborted fetuses.

He's known for randomly skipping from project to project with little sense of commitment.


Kenneth was discovered around 2012 when he began obsessively commenting on Chris-chan's Facebook posts. He also joined Kiwi Farms but was banned for being a sperg. He now has his own thread on the forum, which currently (Jan 2016) has 5000+ replies and over 230,000 views .


Kengle is notoriously indiscreet with his private information on the internet, as a result he's doxxed himself multiple times. However, he's such a boring tard that there's literally no point to trolling him. Kengle is a bored lonely old man that will talk to just about anyone. He's also very gullible and will believe just about anything that is said in a convincing manner.

External Links

See Also

  • Time Cube - A shitty ripoff of Kengle's Buffalo Cube.