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Kimmsanity (a.k.a Kimm Elizabeth Putzke or the 23 year old Kimberley de Vries who lives in roelofarendsveen, the Netherlands) may be one of the greatest lulcows of our time, not only does she resemble a living troll doll that fucked a Walrusbut she's a self-proclaimed Furry and Weaboo. She also claims to be Bipolar and a Camgirl while actually being an Attention Whore and an actual Whore. She can be found spreading her horrible, quivering neon greaseflesh primarily on Facebook, which is plastered with pictures of her rat and her own disgusting face where she acts like a 16-year-old girl despite being 23 years old. The fact nobody would touch her IRL with a ten-foot cattle prod for risk of catching venereal diseases, should be proof enough of her basic whitegirl cancer status. Somehow, simply due to the power of being a girl on the internet she has amassed over 9000 facebook likes. Whatever she hasn't deleted can still be found all over the Internets like oh so much smegma smeared over a Cum rag. She also likes to make over 9000 accounts on all kinds of websites.

Apparently she's a scammer as well

On April 17 2015 she thought it was a great idea to create a gofundme for her dog. Except she forgot for a second that image search is a thing click here and here. The pictures she used for the dog came from a website from 2009. click here .- What a retard. click here for the original link and click here for the archived link incase she deletes the original one.


After Ludalaluna found out about her Gofundme she quickly deleted it. Who needs to pay surgery for their dog when you can get a brand new Intuos tablet? lol

kimmsanity in a nutshell

Kimm is a 23 year old(born november 20 1991.) female from Heemskerk, north-holland, the netherlands and is currently living with her 34 year old boyfriend in Roelofarendsveen, south-holland, the netherlands.

Puzzle globe logo
Still stuck in her teenage weeaboo phase

According to sources, Kimm's father pulled a nigger when she was younger leaving her emotionally traumatized and fucked up for the rest of her life. Having to grow up with a mother who never called her out on her bullshit made her believe that she can get away with anything. This includes harassing teenagers online, spreading nudes of herself, tracing other people's art, bullying and stalking people who call her out on her bullshit, and masturbating tocheese pizza. Her current 34 year old cuckold knows about the kind of the shit that she's doing online and isn't calling her out on her bullshit, thus making Kimm believe once again that she can get away with everything. A few of her known victims are Kandyland and Ludalaluna. Kandyland was a 17 year old female who got accused of tracing Kimm's art by the ogrelord herself.

In her free time, Kimm likes to draw, fap to Ericka Camacho, have her nudes leaked, stalk people she doesn't like, and take pictures of herself and her rats. Oh, and let's not forget her creating over 9000 profiles on teh interwebz. Whether it be fake profiles where she pretends to have either breast cancer CLICK or just pretending to be a 15 year female model from the Netherlands. CLICK which she also uses to promote herself. CLICK Then there's also the Amanda Wisniewski account CLICK which she uses to stalk people she hates. In other words, the one she uses to try and add you.

Apparently, Kimmsanity said on a forum that she got bullied a lot during highschool which explains a lot about her behavior. It is not uncommon for people who got bullied when they were younger to resort into becoming a bully themselves. Of course, Kimm being too much of a pussy will never bully people in real life. She will only go after underaged teenagers.

Muh Art

She can't even trace very well.

Kimm considers herself to be an artist, though in reality her "skills" seem to turn out piece after piece... of badly traced art. Be it el natural environments, or even (godforbid) your own fursona, she'll copy it. DO YOU HATE HER?! Doesn't matter. She'll claim to have created the art that you spent hours of your own time creating, and then using.

Do you then make this hate known?! She'll claim you stole her art, somehow miraculously made it better, claimed all copyright rights of it on DeviantArt without getting a copyright strike of your own, claimed money of it from yourself buying it, and that she was the original artist all along. Beautiful, beautiful cancer.


Fortunately, the last time this happened Kimm happened to open a door to a world of e-pain. Worse than her supposed miscarriage. Worse than her supposed assault. Kimm would awaken the beast known as Ludalaluna. Clearly she did not know what she was getting into.

Kimmsanity VS Ludalaluna & Jennsanity

The real drama started when Kimm decided it would be a good idea to post her art on her Jewbook account, despite it's undeniably shit quality, she still had plenty of beta faggots sucking her cock over her art, she pulled off this apparent miracle through her judicious abuse of the banhammer on anybody who dares criticiser her, causing an enormous self-sustaining circle jerk like a snake continuously eating it's own shit. Despite being an unashamed art thief she decided to accuse Luda of stealing her art, this led to a massive shitstorm as Kimm's legion of White knights to rush in and defend their Queen [1].

Luda naturally called her out on her painfully obvious bullshit. Despite the valiant effort the post did not get the reach that Luda wanted; so in a stroke of geniusshe created the page , tracing, Kimm's traced art causing much keks and butthurt when Kimm inevitably found the page.

Having a rare congenital disease that leaves her with no sense of humour she soon sent her legion of white knights after the page, under the presumption that Jennsanity actually was stealing Kimm's art despite being an obvious parody page. Jennsanity then used this as an excuse to post clear proof that Kimm was indeed stealing art from other people. However being retarded, Kimm's fanbase they called shooped. This led Luda with no other choice but to purge Jennsanity. Despite some moderate success the page eventually died out, and people slowly but surely relised Kimm was full of shit, like the all-devouring, four-stomached cow that she is, the only "Friends" that remained being thirsty Indians and scene kids. Kimm in the meantime BAWWWleted her Facebook accounts and accused Luda of hacking her accounts. She also accused Luda of photoshopping Kimm's head on naked bodies despite this being considered a war crime in most civilized nations, in a bizzare twist she accused Luda of using her own naked body for this, which is probably wishful thinking as Luda is actually hot as fuck and doesn't have the consistency of a bean bag chair. Of course, being a living train-wreck this is not how the story ends.

Kimmsanity II: Rise of Luda

Eventually things died down, and Luda started her now mildly infamous, like Grendel holed away in her cave she couldn't bare the sight of someone else getting attention on the Internet. But Luda had now amassed her own army of faggots and faggot provocateurs and started her own Facebook page of the same name, to which she posted much kekworthy stuff about the Great White Whale; such as the time Kimm posted pictures of her dead chinchilla with #a #tonne #of #insipid #hashtags.

Died of suffocation after Kimm queefed.

Eventually Luda got into a fight with another retard, Shelbait over yet more tracing, in her soft, bashed-in mongoloid head Kimm clearly thought this was the best time to strike from the shadows, in reality it was like a sausage dog with Down's Syndrome scheming against a prowling tiger. She told Shelbitch that Luda had been harassing her too. Obviously being a sweet little angel Kimm told Shelbait a bunch of lies (see here)(and here) about how she had caused three people to an hero complete with dox despite this Luda was never Vanned probably because like everything Kimm touches it turned out to be bullshit, even so this resulted in no small amount of death threats sent against Luda. What a lovely, completely sane person kimm is, eh?

Luda sent her newly assembled special forces up against Kimm and Shellbatshit, It did not take long for Shelbutthurt to finally break, give up and suck Luda's dick and beg her to make Luda's fans stop harassing her. In one last depserate Hail Mary, Kimm attempted to trigger Luda over her Mother's death, Luda simply reminded Kimm that she is a whore because her Daddy issues decided to pull a Nigger and leave her, Kimm immediately made a bizarre ranting post bragging about her AWESUM 34 year old boyfriend who is a literal eunuch, before retreating to her tank at Sea World, crying blubbery tears the whole time, thus keeping both the whaling and oil industries afloat for another year.

Kimmsanity III: The Cunt Strikes Back

Months later Kimm decided to create a Ask.FM account, being a furry and thus naturally drawn to drama it took all of five minutes for Luda and her fans to raid Kimm's ASK. Kimm spilled the beans and said that she was preggo with her cuckold's baby, yes, once again, he is castrated. So Kimm whored herself out (nothing unusual there). Everybody was spamming her Ask.FM by asking her when the lovely, shining cherub was going to be born. Kimm said she did not have to because she was truly pregnant with Satan's baby, because obviously nobody else would fuck her.

Apparently having turned over a new leaf, Kimm decided to be honest about everything and finally admit to being a lying slut. Luda and Kimm became fuckbuddies on Facebook again and everything went back to normal. For about five minutes, then Kimm decided to create a fake account and create a private conversation between her and 10 other people. She was telling people that Luda and her friends beat the living shit out of Kimm and that they not only broke her ribs but also caused head trauma; this was obviously false as Kimm could not possibly become any more brain damaged then she already is. Luda also apparently made Kimm's spawn an hero. Of course nobody asked for proof and everybody flew into a tard rage. Kimm also said that the police refused to do anything, likely because it never happened. One of them added one of Luda's friends into the conversation because he wanted them to talk it out. Kimm fucking threw a fit, insulted Luda's friend and then pussied out of the conversation as fast as she could once actual consequences might arise.

Moral of the story; go and fuck with kimm and call her out for tracing right now, shit's hilarious.

Her Tumblr is About as Awful as You'd Imagine

It recently came to light that she has a tumblr blog here; [2], not only is the pun cringeworthy in and of itself, but it contains even more selfies absolutely nobody asked for. She recently claimed to have almost died in a fire and will be coming back when she loses weight. So she's basically gone for good really.

Apparently she's a Kiddy Fiddler Too

Even the handful of delusional faggots who still cling to her called her out on being a Pedo. This may or may not be related to her unnerving fascination with Ericka Cammacho her's a gallery of her acting out her numerous perversions.



And now the minute you've all been dreading... Kimm's nudes.

H.P. Lovecraft himself could not have come up with a body more eldritch.

External Links

Notice how some of them are very similar in name and behavior.

Kimmsanity is part of a series on


Visit the Whores Portal for complete coverage.

Kimmsanity is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

Kimmsanity is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.