LUNA Online

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LUNA Online / LUNA Online Plus / Celestia Luna is a shitty, generic Korean MMORPG published by gPotato. Basically, it's Ragnarok Online in 3D, which means shit squared. Leveling is fine until level 40, but after that, it becomes a grinding hell. The game servers are EXTREMELY lagged, and playing with a fast-attacking char, like a Dagger Rogue is nearly impossible, since the game disconnects all the time, even with a 10Gbps connection, less than 1 mile from your ISP.

Cash Shop items are overpriced, and some of them are overpowered.

The game is full of pedos, faggots, 80-year-old Chinese man in panties and sea niggers.

If you ever undressed your female char just to look at her pantsu (and fap afterwards), congratulations, A winner is you.

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