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What the loser wants you to think he looks like.
What the loser looks like in real life.
File:Spike edmund.png
What the loser looks like without his stupid mask.

Spike Edmund (seriously, what shitty ass fucking parent names their kid "Spike"? You're pretty much asking for them to grow up to be an asshole) aka MrCreepypasta is a mediocre "creepypasta narrator" with a watermelon sized ego who will read literally any shitty Creepypasta to get views and is sadly one of the few people keeping the fucking abomination that is the creepypasta fandom alive. Like most creepypasta narrators all he does is blandly read other people's stories over other people's art while other people's music plays in the background, all without doing any second takes or editing out any mistakes and monetizing the ever loving shit out of his videos. Also like most narrators he is hell-bent on turning the creepypasta community into a hellhole of shit by using his legion of 12 year old fans to attack all "haters", aka people who call him and his friends out for being the pathetic bottom feeding money grubbing cunts that they are.

He makes a metric shit ton of money off of his creepypasta readings (enough money to edit not one but two books collecting readily avalible stories you can read online free of charge and expecting people to pay money for it) and is even supposedly partnered with a media company, but he almost never bothers getting the permission of the original authors of these creepypasta stories since that would take time off from his busy schedule of cheating on his wife and scamming his imbecilic fanbase.

Drama with Slimebeast

One author he pissed off with his genius business model was Chris Wolf/Slimebeast (writer of popular creepypastas like Funnymouth and Abandoned by Disney) who's always made 0 $ off of his work while Mrcreepypasta admitted to raking in over $1000 in revenue off Slimebeast’s stories alone. Slimebeast asked him if he could just, you know, not do that and politely asked if ads could be taken off the videos or maybe if the revenue from them could be shared.

Mrcreepypasta first claimed that taking the ads off was impossible, and when pressed further, being a whiny bitch, he simply took the videos down, claimed that Slimebeast tried to get money from him (when he was the one who offered to give Slimebeast a fee for letting him keep his videos up) and e-mailed Slimebeast saying his non existent “legal council” informed him that any story that winds up on Tumblr or a creepypasta wiki at any point is free for anybody to use however they want and that if they weren't registered with the "United States Copyright Office" he totally didn't have to pay him anything. Any attempt by Slimebeast to explain to them how the real world fucking works was ignored.

After he finally took a break from BAWWING and just took the damn videos down, MrCreepypasta ordered his personal army to spam Slimebeast with protest letters so he could keep the videos up and continue leeching that precious Jewtube money. He achived this by doxing Slimey and giving away his email address and social media contacts in a public announcement. This was after MrCreepypasta personally sent Slimebeast the narration vids for him to host ad-free and even thanked him for reposting them.

Before the videos were taken down they were uploaded on Slimey's own channel and they were hosted on the channel of fellow talentless narrating hack CreepsMcPasta with the agreement they’d be ‘free’ and would have ads disabled. Since faggot youtubers cannot handle losing the slightest bit of ad revenue for any extended period of time, the ads were instead enabled on the videos, so Slimebeast requested Creeps take them down as well. Slimey briefly hosted the videos ad-free before getting fed up with MCP's faggotry and removing the videos entirely. But before that happened MCP admitted in leaked audio from a shitty failed podcast he did with his buttbuddy Vincent Vena Cava that he was at that time considering filing Content ID strikes on videos he straight up fucking gave Slimebeast himself. He considered taking down Slimey's whole channel because he was seriously that butthurt over the whole thing. This was also the same podcast where he admitted to sending fake license numbers to YouTube so he could keep making money off shit that wasn't his and where he whined about how YouTube's broken copyright system is harmful... to the people who make the false flags.

A few years after all this drama went down and many lulz were had, Slimebeast and some other people no one cares about put together a document detailing this drama as well as other bullshit MCP and his partners in crime VVC and OldManMurphy of WellHeyProductions have done. This document was called Creepy Leaks and it definitely was not a rip off of the "Not So Awesome" document in any way, shape, or form.


But if you thought that was the extant of MCP's blatant douchebaggary you'd be surely mistaken. Not only does Spike steal from authors but he also steals from his own fucking fans. Good ol' Spike made a Kickstarter campaign for a poorly drawn and lazily shat out creepypasta comic with Vincent Vena Cava, his idiot fans gave him money and instead of using it for the terrible comic in question he used it to buy an engagement ring for his wife, fund his wedding, go on multiple lavish vacations with his wife and their friends to places like Vegas, Oregon and Florida, buy an authentic suit of armor for a ren fair and furnish his game room. All while the project was facing heavy delays and backers got no updates or rewards for months. They eventually did get their rewards and the comic was released (and was surprise surprise, complete shit) meaning Spike can't even do a simple Kickstarter scam right.

The obligatory sexual deviancy story

Considering this next bit of info came from some asshole named "Anonymous 2" there's at least a 20 % chance it's as true as Onision eating his pet turtle or Anita Sarkeesian being honest (i.e. complete bullshit). Here it goes: according to "Anonymous 2" a female fan of Spike and other hack narrators had met with them and was being passed around and fucked by the group and then thrown out when she told people what was happening (allegedly). This chick was known under many names such as MrCreepyastasKitten and EnigmaticKitty. Though MCP was already engaged to his current wife he rawdogged this fan senseless and then tossed her aside faster than a used cum rag (allegedly). The fiancé he cheated on was also a fan he had cheated on another previous girlfriend with (allegedly). All this rawdogging resulted in pregnancy that ended prematurely (allegedly). For the girl, not MCP (allegedly). MrCreepypastasKitten publicly talked about MCP and her pregnancy and said MCP didn’t seem to care or assist her in any way (allegedly).

The one thing everyone should take away from this is that there are women in this world desperate enough to do the horizontal mambo with MrCreepypasta of all people. Allegedly.

The full leaked audio from Spike and VVC's failed podcast.'
Slimebeast's response to the full leaked audio from Spike and VVC's failed podcast.'

External Links

Mrcreepypasta is part of a series on Creepypasta
