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I was a wyvern in my past life.

"Otherkin.com" was a forum where the most severely mentally ill basement-dwellers congregated to discuss the trials of being a mythical creature in a human body. The users of this website claimed to be the standard cookie-cutter otherkin creatures, from dragons to werewolves to elves. The website hosted a variety of boards where the board members may also discuss more normal things such as anime, religion, and magic. The boards were open membership, which might give the average hate-filled internet user the perception that the forum is easy to troll. However, this was not the case; users of otherkin.com actually seemed to enjoy trolls.

What Horrors Dwell Here?

The members of Otherkin.com can be broken down into 4 catagories.

'Real' Otherkin

'Real' Otherkin are the few people on the wretched site who actually, completely, absolutely believe that the are indeed mythical creatures. These lolcows can be easily distinguished by their grammar nazi tendancies, elitism, and their ability to easily admit that they may indeed just be insane as opposed to a lvl 80 dragon. The real otherkin are the most likely to believe themselves obscure and even ugly kintypes. Strangely enough, the real otherkin are the least obnoxious of the four member catagories.


Wishkin are the most pathetic of the four catagories. A 'wishkin' is a freak of nature who doesn't actually believe that it is an otherkin but pretends to be one in a desperate attempt to be unique. They comprise the majority of the site and can be identified by their bad grammar and tendancy to label every newcomer 'fluffy'. 75% of wishkin are wolf therians because wolves are so majestic.

Lil_pup draws his 'true form'.


Skeptics make up a fairly large chunk of the otherkin.com membership. They believe only in the laws of nature and vehemently tear down any idea with supernatural elements. Surprisingly, the skeptics get along quite well with the 'real' otherkin. They all are most likely otherkin in denial. Why else would they be on a forum full of nutjobs, other than the fact that they have no friends IRL?

Otherkin.com's supreme skeptic Ghotay obviously listens to Evanescence.


Troll are trolls. Most of the trolls on ok.com fail miserably because they are obvious. The only way to successfully troll the forum is to infiltrate the member base and start as much drama as possible. While otherkin.com is constantly bombarded by trolling, only a patient, basement-dwelling few have actually succeeded in terrorizing the members.

Joining Otherkin.com

How to blend in with the Otherkin.com community:

  1. Create an account with a fantasy or new-age sounding name
  2. Determine what your 'kintype' will be. Extra credit points if you combine your primary kintype with a secondary wolf type, because everyone knows that wolves are majestic and beautiful creatures
  3. Post on 'First Retreat' with your kintype. Say you have past-life memories. Remember to offer *cookies*! If you want to do a follow-up, write a novel on the 'Members' History' board about how as a child nobody liked you, and how you always felt different. You'll get a lot of sympathy.
  4. From there you can spread out to different boards. Remember to relate everything you post back to your kintype.
  5. After a while, if you aren't banned by the admins for some ridiculous reason, you will be accepted by the members and community as a whole. Congratulations, you have no life!
Do you think there's an inverse correlation between the beauty of otherkins' 'true forms' and their actually physical attractiveness?

Fluff Hunting

A favorite pasttime of Otherkin.com is 'fluff' hunting. A member of the boards will find another otherkin site or forum, post its link in the 'fluff hunting' subforum, and engage in group ridicule of the site and those involved with it. This would be all fine and dandy if the opening page to Otherkin.com weren't a disclaimer that says this:

Warning: The following site contains information on the subject of otherkin. This includes vampires, weres, demons, angels, fae, elves and dragons.

This is not a roleplaying site, and the information stored on this site is not to be used in the hunting of vampires or any other type of otherkin. By clicking on "I Agree" you are accepting these terms. Please do not come to the site with a closed mind. There are plenty of people we have to deal with in real life who have the same outlook. This page is designed to share infomation. You do not have to agree with this information, but respect other people's right to learn.

On a personal note, vampires and otherkin rarely attack humans. We have found other ways to live and co-exist. Vampires have gone out of its way to live with the human race with minimal impact on their well being. Now that we have gone out of our way to co-exist, it is time the human race did the same. Forget what you see on Buffy, we might not be the nicest people on the planet, but when you have some psycho with a crossbow trying to "slay" you, we all of a sudden don't think too highly of the human race. And if it comes down to a fight between a vampire and a "slayer," I hope you can run fast...


srs otherkin

How can the members of Otherkin.com take themselves seriously when their own front page implies that otherkin attack humans? The most logical explaination is they're too busy masturbating to hentai read the disclaimer.


The admins of Otherkin.com are mostly 'vampires' who for some reason decided to create a website for fairies and demons instead of remaining where they belong in a gothic vampire circlejerk community. These admins are feared by each and every non-troll member of Otherkin.com and have been known to deal out the banhammer for petty disagreements. The banned members are listed upon a thread that incidentally happens to be the largest thread in the entire forum. In order to prevent what should be considered an inevitable banning, members suck the admins' e-dicks on a regular basis. In stark comparison, moderators don't seem to have a purpose upon the forum and can be argued with freely.


One fine day, the members of Otherkin.com tried accessing the site to find that it had gone offline forever. This happened in time with the admins' irl vampire forum, suggesting that they either ran out of welfare cheques to support the upkeep costs or simply conceded defeat to tumblr's growing influence over the internet's otherkin community. RIP.

Quotes From Real Mythical Creatures

Hey, it's a long story, and people who don't know about theosophy and other related things often laugh when they hear about the dragonwolf, just because, as I was told we're only about 30 in the world. I have no idea if Sapphire is one. Maybe it's just a name coincidence.

Since we're so few there is no community and most people never heard of any of us.

Alexander The Great was one. Jesus was one. An atlantean General was one(for those who believe Atlantis existed). I don't really know many dragonwolves. And since I don't care to prove to the world I am one of them or that they even exist I'll avoid being ridiculed by people who don't know, please understand it has happened a couple of times already :/

The problem is can't quite prove it because I'm still learning about it, and I'm still learning astral travel which will allow me to learn much more about myself. They described my astral body as being a red and black fire dragon with two pairs of horns. The primal energy behind it would be creativity, just like for all fire dragons. A dragonwolf would have a lot in common with other dragons, but also with wolf therians. It's a combination of the two things actually.

Now, my claims have been rejected by people who simply don't have my knowledge.. I mean, if you disagree at least be respectful, that's all I can ask for.


— Maddox Dragonwolf informs everyone about the historical significance of dragonwolves.

Luci...all talk and yeah he's a bitch but i still love him just the same. we talk alot still though not as much as we used to. Gabe. He's a character always has been and again love talking to him. I never could stand michael really but thats personal preference. so now i feel like I can actually be myself about talking to them and not feel totally crazy!


—Rubyrose describes her personal relationship with the devil and God's messenger.

I was made to serve. When I am not serving, my body actually aches. I was the Familiar of some higher being.(possibly a Celestial, but more likely a Higher-Up Demon)

Anyway, I managed t escape for my old master, and found a little nook were I could create a living space. But I still longed to be serve a ward, so I tricked a witch from the physical plane into summoning me, creating a bond, and letting me live with her, do her work, and help her small town (it had fallen to an illness, and, for reasons unknown to me, I had the power to help them heal or something). After many years, she died, and my I returned to my plane. It felt like a million lifetimes of loneliness, not having anyone to serve. I became so sad. But then another Master summoned me. He was a terrible man, ho performed experiments on corpses and summoned evil beings to aid him in his terrible magick. He tortured me with these beings, and never gave me rest (metaphorically speaking). Eventually, I was saved by a girl, who I served for many years, until she left. I have no idea where she went, but, once again, I was alone... So I decided to become a human. I was experimenting with forms, and incarnated into my current body.

you may notice that I didn't mention the whole 'Bran' incident. This is because that part of my history is still pretty foggy.


—xxravenohayexx tells everybody about his life as a demon and brings up many questions as to what 'Bran' is and why there was an incident.

My life has been filled with hatred, misunderstanding, and betrayal. Sometimes to the point of my seeking oblivion. As a child, I was scorned by peers, and then soon scorned even by adults, hated and misunderstood even by my own parents. Even as an adult, I am not part of the flow of human society.


—LostSphinx, one of the many suicidal societal rejects that dwell on Otherkin.com.

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