Play Area

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^^^Other than the fact that the guy was using the INTERNET to look at pornography while he rubbed one out in a McDonalds...

File:Play area 3.jpg

Everybody knows what a great place the Play Area (also known as "The Play Place," or "The Big Toy") of your local fast food restaurant is for picking up hot chicks, but did you know that now, most of those Play Areas have free WiFi access? It’s true, so now not only can you check out the babes, you can also check out your email, your Facebook, and even pornography!

The Incident

File:Play area 1.jpg
Baumgartner...the not so bright pedophile.

On Sunday, June 27, several children were playing in their neighborhood McDonald’s play area. Parents were nearby, chatting amongst themselves, and so were many other patrons of the hamburger restaurant. Also, Michael Baumgartner was there, checking out some hot naked chicks on his laptop. Concerned parents noticed that Mr. Baumgartner did not appear to have any children of his own while he was using his laptop right next to the restaurant’s Play Area, so they examined the lone man a little more closely. What they found shocked and appalled them, as Mr. Baumgartner was viewing pornography right there, next to their 15-20 darling children. He also appeared to be fondling himself.

Naturally police were contacted.

The Arrest

File:Play area 2.jpg
An online copy of the arrest report.
One responding officer witnessed the same computer images, and the same suspect behavior as the father.


—From the police report

Upon their arrival, Madison, Wisconsin police officers noticed that Mr. Baumgartner was busy fondling himself near to where the children were playing. They immediately made an arrest for lewd and lascivious behavior. Upon his apprehension, Mr. Baumgartner agreed with the police officers that his actions were “probably not in good judgment.”

Ronald McDonald was unavailable for comment.

See Also

External Links

Play Area
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