Queeny Martha

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Queeny Martha = infected with GOTIS
You can help by not giving her any attention.

Cannot decide if hot or not, 75% chance of bangableness depending on just how fat. Who are you joking you would definitely hit that no matter what.
File:Martha tweet.png

Queeny Martha or Martha Castro is a Mexican YouTuber living in Monterrey and is the epitome of FGAS with complete girl on the internet syndrome. She is the absolute worst of everything girl gamer by constantly shoving her ugly fat tits into the camera, like a cheap knock-off Laci Green. Her video content is utterly vapid, and what it lacks in content it makes up for by always including her tits in the video thumbnails. She has the gaming skills of PandaLee at her worst, so expect sub-DarkSydePhil competence of gameplay, but hey huge ugly old tits. When she isn't including her whale-mammaries in the thumbnail, you can rest assured that she will name the video something with tits or boobs.

She started YouTube in 2013 with a prank caller group called the "Troll Posse", as she posed as a 15yr old girl to lure old man into saying cringey shit to her over the phone. The cringefest was later uploaded on YouTube for everyone to watch.

"Leaked" Prank call, even tho its on her channel

The fat slut was the girl who saw UTF1127's bent dick on Skype and told a bunch of strangers who she thought she could trust since she's that gullible and stupid. Before getting into her cancerous gaming streams with her cheap blue wig where she constantly asks for attention, she used to do rants/sleep-endusing opinion videos on shit no one cares about but her and her friends. Her topics and talking points are extremely cringey which her Latina maid accent and slow-paced talk makes it even more intolerable to finish the video.

Who the fuck thinks about this?!

After realizing no one actually gives a fuck about her opinions or thoughts on anything, and getting no attention from the rest of the community, she eventually hoped on the Omegle Prank bandwagon where she just sits there and watches lone fags masturbating their dicks to her fat face.


What it actually looks like

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What Queeny Martha needs most.

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