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replay398 AKA the harassment man (or just "Replay") is quite possibly an adolescent that faps to images of girls from Pokemon as either piles of bubbling fat and or eating each other as piles of said fat. Be careful when contacting him. He'll ask you to send messages to tartlets, ask you if you have sent them, and even ask tartlets to send them messages.


Crypto's fear is if Snoup77 replaces his other dimension picture with a picture of May ate Cheryl instead. That will make Crypto angrier than Angry Video Game Nerd



(Now thatblackguyfromkfc). This is either Replay's friend or just an alternate account. Before he got banned for Sexual roleplay, he and a fellow tartlet snoup77 did a role play that involved Pokemon characters May and Macy eating each other for Ash's dick. Snoup77 made a picture based on the role play, and that somehow got Crypto/replay's panties in a twist.

Favorite Girl

Obviously, his favorite girl to fap to is Macy[1]. But he only wants to see her as the eater, and not the eaten.

other girls

  • Marley
  • Cheryl
  • Little girls
  • Fat girls
  • Mimi from super paper Mario


crypto456 will be more piss if you replace his Cell absorbing Macy with a picture of Cell absorbing Cheryl instead. Crypto's true favorite is Cheryl. If you replace he will be upset at you. The whole Macy thing is just a mask to fool you into thinking that.



Hansolo14 is another tartlet who draws and faps to pictures of girls in bondage. He's also a voraphile, and this got the attention of replay and asked him to remove his art. Eventually, Hansolo14 learned that replay's favorite girl is Macy, so he draws a picture of her getting sucked into Cell's asshole and May getting caressed by Vegeta. Since then, replay declared war started to spam Hansolo14 - and Snoup77 for some reason - and says that Cheryl is his favorite character and that he's not Crypto456.


He thought wrong.
driewerov said the following: Message sent[2]. replay398 said the following: Remove it, please


—no subjectation

driewerov is yet another tartlet who draws and faps to pictures of girls and boys in bondage and vore. He caught wind of replay's shenanigans and went undercover as a snake in the grass. From what he's found, replay has other vendettas with other tartlets like TickTockCroc and Triobite. When it was time to strike, driewerov devoured Cheryl and Macy and blasted replay389 with his laser vision!

Other Aliases

You'll know it's him just by looking at their favorites!


At least this fag's humble enough to admit that he fucked up in typing his name backwards lulz.


Replay398 is part of a series on


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