Rome Viharo/deleted RationalWikiWiki article

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<Rome Viharo
  • RationalWikiWiki (not to be confused with RationalWiki) was a Wikia site about RationalWiki users. Since Viharo has created dozens of sockpuppets on RationalWiki - he ended up with a RWW article. Mikemikev and Rome Viharo showed up at RWW, and then later complained about their articles to Wikia Community, resulting in the website being shut down; note that Mikemikev and Viharo are notorious for creating their own defamatory articles attacking people they dislike, but cry like babies when someone writes something not nice or critical about them and try to get the articles deleted.

Archived Screenshot

Rome Viharo is a troll who owns a fake news website about RationalWiki and Wikipedia, WikipediaWeHaveAProblem.

He's been blocked on multiple sockpuppets on RationalWiki for trolling and attacking RationalWiki editors of his article that he intensely dislikes. Although complaining his article contains misinformation, Viharo's spends his time posting nonsense and hearsay about RationalWiki on his website ranging from unsubstantiated rumours and wild allegations about its editors, conspiracy theories and outright falsehoods. Viharo doxes RationalWiki editors on his website, although he is less severe in harassment than the more malicious troll Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, choosing wisely not to publish their home addresses. 


Viharo was banned on Wikipedia in October 2013 having edited as Tumbleman.[2] He posted his real name on his account.[3] After getting blocked, he was briefly mentioned on a RationalWiki article, that later resulted in his own article being created. Viharo created his first RationalWiki account in December 2013 to complain about his article creation.[4] Instead of posting a concise argument that might have resulted in the deletion of the article; Viharo got into a hissy-fit, spamming walls of text on the talk-page and then invited members from the pseudoscientific Skeptiko forum, including Laird Shaw to post comments. This resulted in further flooding of posts, attracting lots more members from Skeptiko; eventually admins got bored of it all and blocked Viharo in January 2014 for wasting everyone's time and trolling.[5] Viharo returned on the sockpuppet WikipediaWeHaveAproblem and at least two IPs.[6] By this time Viharo had his website up and running and had also posted on Skeptiko making up stories and fabricating evidence that Wikipedia and/or RationalWiki editors had somehow harassed him.[7] 

At some point in 2016, Viharo turned more aggressive and started openly harassing RationalWiki sysops he thought were responsible for his article creation; his website began to dox editors, as well as create defamatory articles on them, while spreading all sorts of unsubstantiated and seemingly false allegations and conspiracy theories such as editors belonging to a skeptic shadow organisation, RationalWiki being a "troll farm" or editors being paid cash to create articles to harass people. Note that Viharo also promotes conspiracy theories about skeptics on Wikipedia.[8] In April 2018 Viharo showed up on RationalWiki on another sock, Correcttherecord. He was though invited to make a case for his article deletion to end an off-wiki feud. Rather than making an actual argument, he attacked and posted lies about RationalWiki editors, repeating much of the nonsense on his website, quickly resulting in him being blocked again.[9] Having been given numerous chances to delete his article, it seems Viharo is more interested in continuing a harassment campaign against editors of his article based on a grudge that has lasted many years, rather than getting the article deleted and moving on in his life.