Russian Bot

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Everyone I Don't Agree With is a Russian Bot. And YOU are one too.

A Russian Bot is a robot, from Russia. It's also something that people made up just so they don't actually have to face the fact that an actual human being could have an actual contrarian opinion to their own. ... Actually, naw, it's not because of that... it's REALLY because elite ex-KGB Russian hackers have written tons of code back in the 1990s which have no other purpose than to fuck up the lives of some random C- and D-list celebrities on Twitter. That is literally what is going on here. Glad we cleared that up.

List of things that Russian Bots have Ruined

That said, apparently Russian Bots have been behind all of the greatest tragedies of the last couple years. In particular, Russian Bots have:

  • Allowed President Trump to win The Great Meme War of 2016
  • Continue to support Trump; in fact if he wins again in 2020, it's only because Russian Bots acquired US citizenship and voted for him
  • Gave movies like Ghostbusters (2016), Star Wars The Last Jedi and Solo, and TV shows like Doctor Who and Star Trek Discovery terrible ratings on Rotten Tomatoes just so no one will watch them
  • Created a fake backlash against the aforementioned movies and shows, because it's absolutely impossible for anyone to hate those wonderful, amazing movies that Disney and Lucasfilms definitely did not pay me to say good things about
  • Got poor, innocent, defenseless people like James Gunn and Chuck Wendig fired
  • Harassed C- and D-grade actors and actresses to the point where they closed their social media account
  • Made GamerGate and ComicsGate a thing to begin with
  • Wasting the time of millions of people on Twitter and Facebook, because those two sites are otherwise sites full of highly productive, extremely constructive people, who need social media in order to do their extremely skilled work.
  • Destroying the Democrat Party from the inside
  • Downvoting your post on Reddit

Pictures of Russian Bots, For Your Reference Only

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