Scotty24360/batshit crazy 1

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[03:53:44] Nightwolf5052: hey
[03:53:59] (You): hello?
[03:54:05] Nightwolf5052: how are you ^^
[03:55:05] (You): hello
[03:55:05] Nightwolf5052: mind if i talk for a moment?
[03:55:14] (You): Depends on who you are
[03:55:38] Nightwolf5052: someone you hate, that i got really upset over something dumb and wanna apologize and talk to you :/
[03:56:22] Nightwolf5052: and i have something to make it right
[03:56:52] Nightwolf5052: its driving me nuts everyone has the wrong opinion of me ...
[03:57:12] Nightwolf5052: and i wanna start making it right and making it up if you would allow me to talk to you for a few moments..
[03:57:48] (You): I'm listening but I wont verbally speak to you.
[03:58:02] Nightwolf5052: why not?
[03:58:24] Nightwolf5052: it seems people take it wrong when i type, and i dont feel typing is good enough to make up for how ive done
[03:58:39] (You): Because you've disrespected me enough as it is verbally. I DONT have to put up with it.
[03:59:05] Nightwolf5052: you dont have to anymore at all
[03:59:08] Nightwolf5052: i promise
[03:59:40] (You): You'll be fine typing. I dont feel like talking to you, i'm sorry.
[04:00:00] Nightwolf5052: you will when u see what i got you
[04:00:09] Nightwolf5052: and hey even if u never forgive me, keep it on me
[04:00:17] Nightwolf5052: to make up for a little bit of it
[04:00:26] (You): I dont want nothing from you, Scott... No amount of gifts will make anything right.
[04:01:20] Nightwolf5052: will you meet with me in person for a moment?
[04:01:25] Nightwolf5052: i have something i wanna tell you...
[04:01:30] Nightwolf5052: i wanna tell you
[04:02:06] Nightwolf5052: im sry for getting weird, as you know recently my ex left... and theres a few things thats happened, and i feel i should share, i feel if you knew the truth about everything you would udnerstand..
[04:03:06] Nightwolf5052: its not to do with her, its about where i was hospitalized and the medication ive been on and stuff...
[04:04:32] Nightwolf5052: im still sort of having problems with halucinations and stuff... and idk, theres alot o wanna share with you that i should of in the first place...
[04:04:40] Nightwolf5052: (i
[04:06:17] (You): I dont want anymore of your sob stories. That's all you've given me. Not only that, you've threatened me. Other's may forgive you but why should I? You burnt that bridge when you refused to understand anything I was telling you because you were too high on your horse to see the truth to anything. I tried to be your friend, and you still became a douche to me even after I apologized and explained my assumptions and then got furious at me because I told you how I fucking felt. My question is why are you making a ditch effort to stalk me. I barely even know you and you've given me shit... Its frustrating to me and you messaging me is only making me upset because I feel you should just be leaving me alone. You made it blatantly clear that our friendship was over. When I left because I was done listening to you, you got on a alt and threatened me. And yes, I will take it in circles because thats how I am.
[04:07:01] Nightwolf5052: if you will please come for a few minutes and talk to me at my sim, i will be honest and tel you everything, its not a sob story
[04:07:04] Nightwolf5052: i just
[04:07:10] Nightwolf5052: felt special talking to you..
[04:07:22] Nightwolf5052: we kinda clicked from the start
[04:08:03] Nightwolf5052: ting ting! i still laugh over it... but, if you will come see me, for just a minute, i will nver bother you again
[04:10:14] (You): I dont know.
[04:11:54] Nightwolf5052: listen, you told me about how things have been with guys and friends, i know your scared, but im not them.  and i want a few minutes of your time, even if i wont ever have your friendship back, i not only owe you something, but i want to show you something..
[04:12:20] (You): I am not scared, I dont know what gave you that idea.
[04:12:38] Nightwolf5052: idk either...
[04:13:01] Nightwolf5052: i guess its just how you told me your ex dd nd all the bad stuff thats happened..
[04:13:08] Nightwolf5052: *did'
[04:14:19] Nightwolf5052: please meet with me though at my sim for just a few minutes, unmute me, i will tp you, and like i said if u never wanna see me again after, i understand and wont ever bother you again
[04:14:44] (You): Its quite all right... I don't feel like seeing you right now.
[04:15:17] Nightwolf5052: then i will come to you
[04:15:22] Nightwolf5052: sec..
[04:15:26] (You): You dont even know where im at
[04:15:30] Nightwolf5052: i do
[04:15:31] Nightwolf5052: with mia
[04:15:33] Nightwolf5052: and saijen
[04:15:38] Nightwolf5052: i have map rghts on everyone
[04:15:47] Nightwolf5052: at viper bay
[04:16:26] Nightwolf5052: mia hates me anyways after some things that happened then what you told him i said he was nasty or something
[04:17:02] (You): Kind of creepy
[04:17:09] Nightwolf5052: i havent been able to sleep hardly, i havent eaten, ive literally lost 6 pounds in 3 days now x.x
[04:17:27] (You): Sounds like a personal problem...
[04:17:32] Nightwolf5052: yeah...
[04:17:56] Nightwolf5052: saorei, understand one thing
[04:18:38] Nightwolf5052: when i seen you with your guy friend it upset me for some reasons i cant explain, one i do know was because after everything you told me, i didnt want you to be hurt again... beleave it or not i do care about people, way more then i should...
[04:19:39] (You): I been fine before you and after you. You arent that big of a loss of what you make yourself out to be though, Scott.
[04:19:52] Nightwolf5052: im not trying to be a big loss
[04:19:57] (You): I don't know why you're trying to creep me out but you're doing a good job at it.
[04:20:06] Nightwolf5052: wtf :(
[04:20:12] Nightwolf5052: im only trying to make things right...
[04:20:28] (You): How, you just literally told me where I was at and I dont see how.
[04:20:38] Nightwolf5052: its easy
[04:20:44] Nightwolf5052: sill
[04:20:46] Nightwolf5052: silly
[04:20:50] Nightwolf5052: i have friends at the sim
[04:21:13] (You): So you have your friends stalk me? nice to know
[04:21:28] Nightwolf5052: your the one that went there with them...
[04:21:42] (You): yeah because some of them are MY friends.
[04:21:51] Nightwolf5052: why do u wanna hate me so much
[04:22:03] (You): Because, you're an asshole.
[04:22:09] (You): Its not that fucking hard.
[04:22:15] Nightwolf5052: you dont even know me though, how could you say that...
[04:22:57] Nightwolf5052: hospital steroids make you do really dumb shit, and im sorry :/
[04:22:58] (You): You see, the last thing I recall you expected me to know you within the three days of MEETING you. I retorted to you that it takes literally MONTHS to know a person, not days and you bashed the idea like I was some fucking lunatic.
[04:23:57] Nightwolf5052: tbh i hate having someone hate me over something that 1. i hardly remember because of what happened, and 2. when it wasnt even really me
[04:24:28] Nightwolf5052: 3 days we laughed, talked, had fun, you didnt realize someting was a lil off about me that night?
[04:26:05] (You): -shrug-
[04:26:39] Nightwolf5052: its not just a shrug...
[04:26:43] Nightwolf5052: not to me
[04:26:56] Nightwolf5052: you was a important friend to me, i was hoping i was to you too
[04:27:22] (You): important friend my ass.
[04:28:51] Nightwolf5052: u was :)
[04:29:33] (You): you lie.
[04:30:13] Nightwolf5052: how can you say that when you have seen how much ive tried talking to you
[04:30:28] Nightwolf5052: you went and told a close friend i said things i didnt
[04:30:33] Nightwolf5052: and im not mad at you
[04:30:37] (You): I can easily say that because you were the ones that were showing THEIR true colors.
[04:30:39] (You): You fucked up
[04:30:54] Nightwolf5052: you knew me 3 days, u dont know my true colors
[04:31:03] (You): Im using YOUR words.
[04:31:06] Nightwolf5052: you knew me when i was roid raging
[04:31:13] (You): nobody cares
[04:33:33] Nightwolf5052: your right
[04:33:45] Nightwolf5052: no one ever has, dumb of me to think someone would now right
[04:33:59] (You): dont start your pitty party Scott.
[04:34:06] Nightwolf5052: not even a pitty party
[04:34:10] Nightwolf5052: real feels
[04:34:18] Nightwolf5052: if thats a pitty party so be it
[04:34:21] (You): You have my attention, im still waiting for you to initially tell me what you're wanting without dragging me away.
[04:34:35] Nightwolf5052: i want you
[04:34:37] Nightwolf5052: ...
[04:35:08] (You): me?
[04:35:18] Nightwolf5052: >.<
[04:38:44] Nightwolf5052: lost ya?
[04:38:51] (You): im here.
[04:39:26] Nightwolf5052: so will you come hear me out..
[04:40:49] (You): just type it, im listening.
[04:41:00] Nightwolf5052: i cant speak from my heart by typing...
[04:42:49] Nightwolf5052: so one more time, will you come to me, please?
[04:43:38] (You): no. I'm not stupid Scott, you're just setting me up at this point. if you cant tell me through typing then I dont know what to tell you. I dont trust you enough to even step foot near your sim
[04:43:53] Nightwolf5052: very well,
[04:44:03] Nightwolf5052: then i will come to you
[04:45:52] (You): why are you so adamant of doing this Scotty. I'm truly not that much of a loss.
[04:45:55] Nightwolf5052: im asking nicely please dont really make me creep u out by coming there too
[04:46:09] (You): coming where?
[04:46:10] Nightwolf5052: because beleave it or not i care
[04:46:16] Nightwolf5052: where you just moved to with mia
[04:46:27] (You): YOu dont even know where im at...
[04:46:42] Nightwolf5052: and if i show up its just gnna freak you out
[04:46:44] Nightwolf5052: so
[04:46:46] Nightwolf5052: idk what to do
[04:46:54] Nightwolf5052: you are a loss to me though i mean
[04:46:57] Nightwolf5052: damn
[04:47:04] Nightwolf5052: why would you think that
[04:47:16] (You): You dont know where im at. You're just saying these things o freak me out
[04:47:29] Nightwolf5052: if i did something bad in my right mind, i would accept it, and stuff, but... it wasnt me...
[04:47:50] (You): They always say "it wasnt me"
[04:48:29] Nightwolf5052: saorei
[04:48:34] (You): ....?
[04:48:35] Nightwolf5052: why would i literally wanna freak you out
[04:48:39] Nightwolf5052: its what im trying to avoid
[04:48:41] Nightwolf5052: >.<
[04:48:48] (You): .......
[04:49:10] Nightwolf5052: what kind of monster do you really thin i am...
[04:50:10] (You): i dont know. all i know is if you know where im at then I dont see you...
[04:50:30] Nightwolf5052: everyone at this point thinks im something im not
[04:50:32] Nightwolf5052: and it hurts
[04:50:32] Nightwolf5052: s
[04:50:35] Nightwolf5052: so fucking bad
[04:50:43] (You): Well, im waiting
[04:50:46] Nightwolf5052: all because of my own damn health problems
[04:50:49] (You): Where are you since you know where im at?
[04:51:16] Nightwolf5052: you sure u want me to do this?
[04:51:23] Nightwolf5052: if i do
[04:51:29] Nightwolf5052: your just gnna officially think im a creep
[04:51:33] (You): Of course. i'm waiting.
[04:51:41] Nightwolf5052: legs spread too?
[04:51:53] (You):
[04:51:57] Nightwolf5052: darn
[04:52:59] Nightwolf5052: anyways, if you go to
[04:53:18] Nightwolf5052: with a proxy lock and a changing uvc IP adress, it will let you in
[04:53:32] Nightwolf5052: just put in any avatar UUID, and it will show you where they are on the grid
[04:54:14] Nightwolf5052: just make sure you at least try throgh a prozy locked browser or it wont even link you to the site
[04:54:19] Nightwolf5052: *through
[04:54:37] Nightwolf5052: *proxy
[04:54:41] (You): sounds rubbish
[04:54:52] Nightwolf5052: call me on skype i can share my screen
[04:55:05] (You): i dont even have you on skype...
[04:55:12] Nightwolf5052: because im not going to do this and get in trouble...
[04:55:15] Nightwolf5052: scotty24360
[04:55:16] Nightwolf5052: add me
[04:55:19] Nightwolf5052: and i will show you
[04:55:27] (You): its fine. i believe you and what not
[04:55:53] Nightwolf5052: so come see me please...
[04:56:43] (You): Its ok, if you want to see me bad enough you can come where im at. im not going anywhere...
[04:57:21] Nightwolf5052: no
[04:57:23] Nightwolf5052: im not doing that
[04:57:25] Nightwolf5052: mia hates me
[04:57:48] Nightwolf5052: its not that im worried about anyways, im focused on you
[04:59:05] Nightwolf5052: why are u not going anywhere
[04:59:22] (You): point in going anywhere if you know where im at
[04:59:59] Nightwolf5052: your testing me arent you
[05:00:05] Nightwolf5052: your a playful little girl
[05:00:14] Nightwolf5052: just like you used to tease with those bouncy breasts
[05:00:39] (You): ....
[05:01:02] Nightwolf5052: why the ...
[05:01:30] (You): idk...
[05:02:24] Nightwolf5052: lets play a little game
[05:02:44] (You): Scott I really dont want to play games right now, you're scaring me enough as it is...
[05:02:51] Nightwolf5052: no
[05:02:54] Nightwolf5052: its a easy game
[05:03:01] (You): ....
[05:03:06] Nightwolf5052: we each get 3 questions we can ask eachother
[05:03:17] Nightwolf5052: we have to answer honestly, openly, without judging
[05:03:34] Nightwolf5052: we take turns, we can ask minor questions till we are satisfied with the full question
[05:03:45] Nightwolf5052: the questions can be ANY thing
[05:04:27] Nightwolf5052: easy enough, so you can even go first
[05:05:12] (You): i really dont want to play this game....
[05:05:28] Nightwolf5052: you sure?
[05:05:42] Nightwolf5052: you can find out anything u want, my intentions, how i feel, the truth on anything
[05:06:58] (You): i just dont..
[05:07:20] Nightwolf5052: ok hun..
[05:08:11] (You): I dont even know why this is happening.... I dont understand your intentions or what you want with me or why you're putting this much effort...
[05:10:43] Nightwolf5052: beleave it or not
[05:11:02] Nightwolf5052: i put alot of value in friends, known me for a day, a year, its all the same, once i let you into that place in my heart, you become the world to me
[05:12:27] (You): i dont know
[05:13:20] Nightwolf5052: about what?
[05:13:34] (You): everything.
[05:19:45] Nightwolf5052: still creeped out? .x
[05:19:46] Nightwolf5052: x.x
[05:19:46] Nightwolf5052: x.x
[05:20:15] (You): ._.
[05:21:16] Nightwolf5052: o.0
[05:23:16] (You): -_-
[05:23:31] Nightwolf5052: what?
[05:24:01] (You): nothing, im still waiting for your intentions to why you messaged me.
[05:27:32] Nightwolf5052: you have them
[05:27:41] (You): ?
[05:27:50] (You): have what?
[05:28:28] Nightwolf5052: my reason
[05:28:37] Nightwolf5052: now unmute my main and talk to me on there
[05:29:01] (You):
[05:29:26] Nightwolf5052: why?
[05:29:33] Nightwolf5052: your talking here
[05:29:47] (You): for now.
[05:29:52] (You): doesnt mean i want to talk to you on dark
[05:29:56] (You): or talk to you on voice
[05:30:02] Nightwolf5052: and i gotta get off this profile and get up and take some of these damn meds and stuff
[05:30:25] Nightwolf5052: im not doing well >.< but i think we found the problem yesterday..
[05:30:34] (You): ok
[05:31:28] Nightwolf5052: yeah, remember me telling u bout those bad rashes i started getting, then i developed severe anxeity and it was mostly cuz the massive steroids they was giving me cuz they thought i was having a daily allergic reaction?
[05:32:32] (You): nope, never heard about it
[05:32:51] Nightwolf5052: i even ended up in a mental hospital for a week cuz they was giving me so many steroids i started halucinating from it
[05:34:40] Nightwolf5052: my last day of rl work i started seeing bullets flying through my co workers, then the world turned upside down and i was falling into the sky, when i got home, my tv and monitors started having horrible creatures faces in them, then they would start crawling out of the screens, i went to take a shower and the lights turned off for a minute, when they turned on this...thing was holding the curtain back looking at me, i ended up calling my grandmother to rush me to the ER cuz i was contimplating suicide, i couldnt take what i was seeing anymore
[05:35:38] Nightwolf5052: it got really bad...
[05:36:31] Nightwolf5052: but anyways they put me on klonipin, muscle relaxers, and even pain meds to basically make me so numb that even with seeing things i wouldnt even care. but the steroids are mostly out of my system
[05:37:15] Nightwolf5052: anyways we ended up finding black mold when me and my grandfather put in a new water heater today, and turns out its all under the house, and im in stage 2 black mold infection
[05:37:55] Nightwolf5052: that was what was causing my problems the whole time with the anxeity, the breathing, swelling, rashes. and the psycological issues.
[05:38:17] (You): ok...
[05:39:15] Nightwolf5052: i told you i havent quite been normal and my self. and to top it off, im on serious medications, and sometimes randomly i have these weird roid raging moments, and im sorry. its not my fault, if i could take everything back i would..
[05:40:38] Nightwolf5052: i have faults just like everyone else out there, i make mistakes, i fuck up, but i can truly say lately, its not even been my own mind...
[05:41:26] (You): i dont know what to say
[05:42:17] Nightwolf5052: mia and the others dont even know about this really, im not the type of guy who likes sharing things wrong with me, im the leader of my sim and my family and if the leader is weak, the whole group gets weak... i like to kee most things to my self, but...i thought you should know the truth about whats going on with me...
[05:42:34] Nightwolf5052: *keep

[05:43:22] (You): is scotty243991 an alt of yours?
[05:43:23] Nightwolf5052: told u i was swinging by
[05:43:27] Nightwolf5052: idk if i would even forgive my self for what happened, or how i acted, but i hope you find it in your heart to at least try, what hurts worse then hurting people you care about, is not even being able to control it...
[05:44:29] (You): ...
[05:44:42] Nightwolf5052: what?
[05:44:55] (You): Why are you stalking me?

[05:45:22] Nightwolf5052: tbh its not just u i wanna apologize o
[05:45:23] Nightwolf5052: to
[05:45:26] Nightwolf5052: its mia too
[05:45:30] Nightwolf5052: cuz things happened recently
[05:45:46] Nightwolf5052: i wanna make things right, then take a tiny break from SL till im normal again...

[05:46:02] Nightwolf5052: im not a stalker, i assure you
[05:46:22] (You): ok.......

[05:45:46] Nightwolf5052: i wanna make things right, then take a tiny break from SL till im normal again...
[05:46:02] Nightwolf5052: im not a stalker, i assure you
[05:46:22] (You): ok.......
[05:46:45] Nightwolf5052: so listen, i am going to attempt to pop in and talk to mia
[05:46:47] Nightwolf5052: please
[05:46:49] Nightwolf5052: dont run
[05:46:57] Nightwolf5052: it hurts that people are so scared of me
[05:47:12] Nightwolf5052: its seriously making me hate my self more and more by the day
[05:47:32] Nightwolf5052: and i just wanna simply make it ok, then leave for a little tiny bit and just be normal and happy again

[05:49:00] (You): ok....
[05:49:48] Nightwolf5052: idk what mia might say, i know mia is mad at me, alot happened and i admit that, but... please understand i truly am only coming to try to make everything ok
[05:50:40] (You): idk...
[05:52:41] Nightwolf5052: what dont you know