Scotty24360/causing drama

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[04:55] Second Life: Incoming message from alt203159121 Resident
[04:56] alt203159121: lol flexays a fucking hypocrite, talking shit about me getting on alts to talk, yet he goes and messages 2 girls on alts ''to talk'' cuz they have him blocked and muted.
[04:56] Nixxy (demonixx94): look idc
[04:56] Nixxy (demonixx94): lol
[04:56] alt203159121: you should, was your biggest fault with me
[04:56] Nixxy (demonixx94): leave em alone
[04:56] alt203159121: just saying i dont wanna hear shit about it
[04:57] alt203159121: tell him to leave my friends alone then
[04:57] Nixxy (demonixx94): fuck off
[04:57] alt203159121: i would but i just did
[04:57] alt203159121: you wanted peace, i want peace, tell your bitches to stop. and we will stop
[04:58] alt203159121: sad the only bit of drama we have had keeps coming from you, your friends and your sim, its been amazingly peaceful and happy here
[04:59] Nixxy (demonixx94): this has nothing to do with me
[04:59] Nixxy (demonixx94): leave me aolone
[04:59] alt203159121: your name sure keeps getting brought up
[04:59] alt203159121: just saying
[05:00] Nixxy (demonixx94): i don't really care
[05:00] alt203159121: and dont ever say shit to me again about using a alt to talk to you. when your friends do the same shit, bold, nikky, flexay, and dont forget who came to my sim in the first place on alts trying to be someone else completely, at least i was honest who i was from the start. we dont want in yalls games. we miss ya and care about ya but shit ends for real
[05:00] Nixxy (demonixx94): I don't even talk to you
[05:03] alt203159121: yeah i know you dont, cuz your friends lol. you let your own friends dictate your life. and yet you called me the controlling one, and messed with me for making alts to try to make peace, hypocritical  when you, flexay and nikky all came to me in the first place on alts. anyways im done here, when u wanna talk hit me up. you should see our new full sim. tc
[05:03] Nixxy (demonixx94): noone dictates anything
[05:03] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[05:03] Nixxy (demonixx94): lol
[05:03] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later