Scotty24360/cg club

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[18:30]  ღڰڿMilkeewayڿڰღ ۣ  (mizaki.steampunk): we dont need psychos here
[18:30]  ღڰڿMilkeewayڿڰღ ۣ  (mizaki.steampunk): SL is to relax
[18:30] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): awwwww
[18:30]  ღڰڿMilkeewayڿڰღ ۣ  (mizaki.steampunk): so bye Dark Aeon
[18:30] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): so you believe the rumors too?
[18:30] Flexay: rumors
[18:30] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): rumors from that guy up there
[18:30] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): the one that sent me your chat logs and told me what u said
[18:30] Flexay: I haven't even said a word and Mizaki already concluded you're a psycho
[18:31] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): she doesnt know me
[18:31]  ღڰڿMilkeewayڿڰღ ۣ  (mizaki.steampunk): keep ur Drama Dark Aeon
[18:31] Flexay: See :<
[18:31] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): you have around 9 whitnesses this morning
[18:31] Flexay: Bye bye
[18:31] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): im drama, sure misaki, keep telling your self that when people every day are getting ran off cuz your admins cant do there jobs
[18:32] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): if u guys want drama we will bring some. i only told u not to believe what u hear. so now im permenantly making my self a part of this
[18:32] Flexay:
[18:33] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): just know
[18:33] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): your admins came to MY sim crashing people, bringing drama and problems. i came to you sim owner to sim owner, and you couldnt handle being adult about it
[18:43]  ღڰڿMilkeewayڿڰღ ۣ  (mizaki.steampunk): everyone about this Aeon guy using alts
[18:43]  ღڰڿMilkeewayڿڰღ ۣ  (mizaki.steampunk): just ignore him
[18:43]  ღڰڿMilkeewayڿڰღ ۣ  (mizaki.steampunk): add him to mute that it
[18:43]  ღڰڿMilkeewayڿڰღ ۣ  (mizaki.steampunk): if u reply that what he wants
[18:45] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): not really
[18:45] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): u called me phsyco so im just giving a reason for you to think so
[18:45] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): why not? lol i come to you as a owner of a sim and you act like this,
[19:01] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): listen guys, you wanna believe this bs thats up to yall, i was only talking, misaki got upset, flexay has trolled me all day, as he has for months so if u guys wanna block and mute me for nothing, then please do. SL is for relaxing and having fun, not drama bull shit like what ive ran into at this club and group. everyone have a wonderful evening
[19:01] ıllıllı sүмραтнү σғ α ғℓαмε ıll (crimsonflare724): ok
[19:02] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): see even crimson can vouch for me >.> but anyways