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[16:30] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): nucca u keep tryina Ddoss me you are going to mess up my loli with cocks orgy we got goin on. and your going to mess up my play through of uncharted, i like me some drake ass
[16:31] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): once i change my IP and info you cant even get my IP anymore and thats all u got, now stop tryina mess up my loli cock enjoyment and ass play
[16:31] Flexay: good luck
[16:31] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): wanna come get your dick sucked?
[16:31] Flexay: Nah I'm good, I don't really swing that way
[16:32] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): you sure? no man ever suck your dick so fast its like a lambo? like damn he can suck a dick good
[16:32] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): cuz i do that
[16:32] Flexay: Pretty sure I'll pass
[16:32] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): alright well stop trolling me or ima cry while i look you in the eyes and lick on your nipples
[16:33] Flexay: I'll think about it
[16:34] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): please do, cuz you have a sweet little ass. one i just wanna put banana nut muffins on my feet and slide on that ass
[16:34] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): i like banana nut muffins
[16:35] Flexay: I someone helping you come up with those jokes?
[16:35] Flexay: or is it just all you trying to impress your family with your lack of social skills
[16:35] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): nah i impress by sucking they dick dude
[16:35] Flexay: Good for you
[16:35] Flexay:
[16:36] Flexay: That's cute by the way, I wonder what LL thinks about it
[16:36] Flexay: The fact that your other account is on hold
[16:36] Flexay: =\
[16:36] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): my other account?
[16:36] Flexay: Are you denying nightwolf5052 is yours?
[16:36] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): man if you want me on another account sucking my own dick i do that too
[16:37] Flexay: There we go with changing the subject
[16:37] Flexay: It's alright I've already reported it as ban evading
[16:37] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): 69 and sticking a finger in my ass
[16:37] Flexay: Enjoy it while it lasts
[16:37] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): ban evading like you? dude you have 38 reports on you
[16:37] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): you know that right
[16:38] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): they on your ass like im on that ass, or wanna be
[16:38] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): just hit me up again when u wanna get your dick sucked. peace
[16:38] Flexay: You do realize that none of my accounts is banned nor on hold?
[16:38] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): none of mine are either
[16:38] Flexay: Nightwolf5052 is as a matter of fact
[16:38] Flexay: Keep denying it though
[16:38] Flexay: And that's a nice try to pull a number out of your ass
[16:39] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): you do know i deleted any alts i previously had and most of those was to watch you naked
[16:39] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): thats why its ''on hold''
[16:39] Flexay: I don't think you understand the actual meaning of ban evading?
[16:39] Flexay: No, the account was put on hold by LL, this is not what happens when you delete it
[16:39] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): i watch you fuckin and look deep up in that ass
[16:39] Flexay: Good for you
[16:39] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): not a ban, watch me reactivate it and log onto it
[16:39] Flexay: Lets go
[16:40] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): im not one to disappoint my fans, flattered as fuck tho
[16:41] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): my name comes out of your mouth more then almost anyone i know, you a fan nucca
[16:41] Flexay: I don't have nor need any fans, if you have the need for acceptance on the internet oh well, kinda sad
[16:41] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): only thing i need acceptance on is sucking your dick
[16:41] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): just get that shit dude
[16:41] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): when your ready to give me that cock? hit me up
[16:42] Flexay: Why don't you just be a man, come here and get on voice instead of being a little bitch about it?
[16:42] Flexay: Last time I had tons of fun, there's even a video of the entire thing.
[16:42] Flexay: Come here and make a fool out of yourself again
[16:42] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): selfish, keeping that big pink bubble gum stick lookin dick to your self
[16:43] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): funny part is most are IMing me
[16:43] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): the other night when i came half muted you literally
[16:43] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): one even stated they muted you cuz your voice is annoying is fuck
[16:43] Flexay: But... What makes you think I care about them?
[16:43] Flexay: lol
[16:43] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): another even apologized i even had to listen to you
[16:43] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): you shouldnt
[16:43] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): you should just care about me
[16:43] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): your my man
[16:43] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): i call dibs on that ass
[16:43] Flexay: Kind of a sad argument Scotty, I don't really give a shit about any of the people you associate with or about this game at all
[16:43] Flexay: I have a life, you live in a game
[16:44] Flexay: See the difference?\
[16:44] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): coming from the a game
[16:44] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): yeah
[16:44] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): i see it
[16:44] Flexay: I'm not on here nearly as much as you are first of all
[16:44] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): its the only place i can get sooo much dick
[16:45] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): between gay porn and this? i wont ever leave home
[16:45] Flexay: And second well I don't really need to go around looking for girls to make me feel better about myself because I'm a pathetic, suicidal loser like you. Get that scotty?
[16:45] Flexay: Keep getting that virtual pussy, you're doing great so far. The amount of insecure guys pretending to be girls you've had so far is sky high.
[16:45] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): dont even play you know you been comin to my sim, you know i been watchin you for a long time, just give me that sweet ass and those cheeks and we can get along
[16:46] Flexay: Is that your response when you can'
[16:46] Flexay: Can't come up with a reasonable argument?
[16:46] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): i just need your cock man
[16:46] Flexay: You're pathetic scotty and you should just accept it. Go kill yourself and do everyone a favor.
[16:46] Flexay: Even your own parents left you
[16:46] Flexay: Ever wondered why mommy and daddy didn't want you?
[16:46] Flexay: Is that why you have daddy issues now?
[16:46] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): your pathetic, keep on keeping that tight lil butthole to your self
[16:47] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): stop trying to put up a fight
[16:47] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): you want this ass and you know it
[16:47] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): yeah
[16:47] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): look
[16:47] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): ima give you a real talk...
[16:48] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): when i was a kid, i used to eat cereal, i love cereal. but one day my dad made me stop eating it, then he started making me eat dick for breakfast.
[16:48] Flexay: Doesn't surprise me, no wonder you're this messed up now.
[16:48] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): so here i am at 5, eating dick before school
[16:48] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): nah i ate the teachers dick too
[16:48] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): oh and this one lil cute asian guy
[16:49] Flexay: Wait, do you actually believe this is funny or does this get you anywhere or what? I
[16:49] Flexay: I'm not quite getting your point.
[16:49] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): im asking you to come let me give you my point
[16:49] Flexay: Your family probably thinks this log is just pathetic in cringy like your whole self so I suggest you keep it to yourself.
[16:49] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): no im sharing it
[16:50] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): literally im sending it in groups and shit and people loving it
[16:50] Flexay: So am I, although you are the one making a fool out of yourself here.
[16:50] Flexay: It's literally gonna be slapped on your ED page so I don't see your point like I Said.
[16:50] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): only one being fooled is your self
[16:50] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): like i said when u want that ass pumped come on.
[16:51] Flexay: What are you even talking about now?
[16:51] Flexay: I'm not keeping up with your retardation I'm sorry scotty, I think we should end this conversation now unless you intend to get on voice.
[16:51] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): you just a lil tease. i dont like teases. my daddy always told me, dont be a tease...suck this dick
[16:52] Flexay: Be a man come to AMH and voice me or keep being a little insecure bitch and sit at home trying to act tough with your 5 virtual girls that you think make you so badass.
[16:54] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): i like being the bitch sometimes
[16:55] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): not all the time but sometimes i like my nipples pinched a bit
[16:56] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): you keep callin me a lil bitch your going to just get me more excited. i like that shit