Scotty24360/malice guilt trip

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[18:58] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): aoki listen to me, im not trying to be a dick, your my baby girl, but yesterday you said one thing, today you say something else, i want malice back just as much as you do. but if your going to side with her on this then i will have to let you go... our family is tighter then that, she made her choice, and im fine with that, when i was crying and upset, you kept saying ''let her go let her go'' well now im back up to enough strength to NOT let go, but just let her go do whatever.
[19:00] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): she has hurt the family, she made her own choices and now the family as everyone agrees needs to let her lie in the bed she made..
[19:02] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): Letting her go doesn't mean I have to stop caring about her. She has a mind of her own and I respect that about her as much as I love and respect you....but if you feel you need to let me go then so be it. I am not going to choose sides over this. I love you BOTH and I will not be pulled by EITHER side. I can do bad all by myself and I've been abandoned before so as much as I love you you just have to do what you have to do. It's not fair that I have to choose when all I did was try to help. She and I , out of ALL of the family closer than any of the other sisters I have. And as soon as that happened then she left because YOU had a bad day and hurt her feelings. Yes I know you tried to fix it as did I...but she is very special to me because she got attached to me and I her. I'm not saying I want to leave the family but SHE is still my baby sister. So now the ball is in your court...shoot or pass.
[19:03] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): im drained from this, emotionally, physically,  i have not slept good, i have barely eaten, i have cried till i am empty and have no tears left. i will have to just let her go, if she comes home it was ment to be, but she muted me, she wont talk to me, and you as family should not allow that, because if someone did half of this to you? you can bet i would be batting for you.
[19:03] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): no aoki
[19:04] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): thats her own excuse, it wasnt just me that hurt her feelings know why?? cuz we have always talked through bs, this was lenas influence and pawos.
[19:04] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): Do you want me gone...yes or no?
[19:04] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): she ran from the daddy trying to hold her close and love her
[19:04] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): and went to people who dont give a shit
[19:04] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): and no i dont
[19:04] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): Then why are you treating me like this?
[19:05] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): im not treating you in any way
[19:05] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): im to numb and empty to be mad, sad, or anything
[19:06] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): and no aoki you got attached to amai, then it was mia, then it was malice, which is weird cuz the other day it was different and your mind set was different,
[19:07] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): if you feel malice loves you more then all of us do? then go ahead :/
[19:07] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): Then when you get yourself together where you can focus and think straight let me know. I did nothing wrong and all i did was voice my opinion. Hurtful is putting it until then I wont' be around but I'm not muting you and I'm going to keep loving you until you don't want me to.  I get attached to the people in my life who show me they care about me. That's just how I 'am and it's best you learn that about me now rather than later.
[19:08] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): no aoki look this is me being a daddy and thinking
[19:08] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): this is the daddy you have always know
[19:08] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): known
[19:08] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): you voiced your oppinion but it changes daily
[19:09] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): my rule stands, if any family goes to pawos, they will be banned, no questions, if, ands or buts, and no mercy. this was not only my choice, but everyone here
[19:09] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): Just because I told YOU to let Mal go doesn't mean we ALL have to. We are ALL individuals and deserve the same respect and consideration you would want yourself. Do you want mindless drones or people who are going to be honest with you because they care how you feel?
[19:09] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): yeah well thats not family aoki
[19:10] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): if someone did that to you, then i would have to let them go too
[19:10] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): i expect the same treatement i give the people i love because there feelings are the world to me
[19:10] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): and mine should be the world to them
[19:10] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): Then I guess I'm in the wrong farmily then. Because family doens't give up each other just because one is upset with the other. What Kitzii did to me was foul and childish and I realized after I got done cying over her that it was best that she is gone from my life.
[19:11] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): So I guess this is good bye. I'll always love you
[19:11] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): nope but when she joins another family? hurts amai, mia, elem, and others, and me? then everyone stops to think wtf
[19:11] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): i never said im giving up on her
[19:11] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): but shes happy where she is
[19:11] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): leave her be
[19:12] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): and dont hurt me by having her around when that means i couldnt come around my own daughter because of that bs
[19:12] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): she will come back to all of us on her own..
[19:12] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): In the words of Maya Angelou.....When people show you who they are...believe them.
[19:12] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): aoki
[19:13] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): if someone was here, kitzii for example, perfect example, would you still come here and act like everything is happy go lucky? even though she muted you, hurt you in horrible ways?
[19:13] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): knowing your muted and would be missing half the convos,
[19:14] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): lain, if he did that to you tonight and came here, talking to everyone having fun, but your sitting at home then come here, everyone is having fun with lain, but he just hurt you badly and he has you muted. would YOU want that??
[19:14] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): put your self in someone elses shoes before saying things like this..
[19:15] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): because right now im against a wall and no matter what way i try to get away im going to be hurt
[19:15] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): its checkmate for me and ive accepted that
[19:21] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): Kitzii is a non issue...because Lain told me how she realy is...she even cut HIM off. So at least I still have my son. Malice made a CHOICE....and you have to understand that because she CHOOSES to still talk to me...doesn't mean I am leaving the family because of a decision you made to excommunicate her and let her be until she sees for herself how they are or aren't for herself.  So sue me if I'm out of line for caring about her...but if you TRULY cared about how she feels then you'd let her see that for herself and let her come home in her own time. You cannot fix things RIGHT NOW...doesn't mean she wont come around if that should happen.  I dont see why I have to give up on her just because she gave up on YOU and Amai and the rest of the family save for me. Obvoiusly she must value my opinion if she still kept me on her list. So maybe it's best I go and just be by my damn self on my own lil island and let you all work this out on your own. I'm too old for this shit. I'm tired of having hard days at work
[19:21] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira):  and then come home to he said/she said crap. All i ever wanted was a family that cared about each other and then THIS happens. I did EVERYTHING I could to make things right and get her back but I failed and "I" have to live with that. But that doesn't mean I"m going to abandon her because I KNOW how that feels.
[19:21] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): STOP
[19:22] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): STOPPPP
[19:22] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): LISTEEEN TO THE WORDS IM ABOUT TO SAY
[19:22] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): ITS SIMPLE, AND IDK HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE TO SAY THIS
[19:22] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): I
[19:22] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): AM LETTING HER
[19:22] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): MAKE HER OWN CHOICE
[19:24] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): you should give up on her for now because everyone here is hurt and grieving over her, but HER happiness is more important then ours? your going to bring her to your home, hang out with her, despite everyone elses feelings? you want a family that caares about EACHOTHER then your in one! but your the one only caring about your own selfish feelings too much to see that
[19:24] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): your looking for reasons to fight with me tonight and i know its cuz your mad at me over things,
[19:24] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): i do NOT want any one to abandon her
[19:24] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): NEVER would i ask that, you assumed that your self
[19:25] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): aoki you win, your right, do what you want aoki, im too tired of fighting, i cant anymore. just do whatever you like, as i told you all, i want ALL of you to do what makes you happy, all while making choices a real family would make. but aoki idc just do whatever you wanna do,
[19:25] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): [18:58] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360): aoki listen to me, im not trying to be a dick, your my baby girl, but yesterday you said one thing, today you say something else, i want malice back just as much as you do. but if your going to side with her on this then i will have to let you go... our family is tighter then that, she made her choice, and im fine with that, when i was crying and upset, you kept saying ''let her go let her go'' well now im back up to enough strength to NOT let go, but just let her go do whatever.
[19:25] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): exactly
[19:26] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): you just contradicted your self, raed the message -.-
[19:26] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): but if your going to side with her on this then i will have to let you go...
[19:26] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): you kept saying ''let her go let her go'' well now im back up to enough strength to NOT let go, but just let her go do whatever.
[19:26] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): That was the line that set me off.
[19:26] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): you kept saying ''let her go let her go'' well now im back up to enough strength to NOT let go, but just let her go do whatever.
[19:26] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): you kept saying ''let her go let her go'' well now im back up to enough strength to NOT let go, but just let her go do whatever.
[19:26] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): you kept saying ''let her go let her go'' well now im back up to enough strength to NOT let go, but just let her go do whatever.
[19:26] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): you kept saying ''let her go let her go'' well now im back up to enough strength to NOT let go, but just let her go do whatever.
[19:26] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): how much more clear can that get
[19:27] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): I said let her go...yes...I admit that....BUT...does that mean WE ALL Have to give up on her?
[19:27] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): something else, i want malice back just as much as you do
[19:27] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): something else, i want malice back just as much as you do
[19:27] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): something else, i want malice back just as much as you do
[19:27] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): something else, i want malice back just as much as you do
[19:27] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): something else, i want malice back just as much as you do
[19:27] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): something else, i want malice back just as much as you do
[19:27] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): how are you reading this wrong aoki
[19:27] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): ugh
[19:28] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira) sighs. " It's obvoius that we are not going to be on the same page right now...all I want is my family whole again. Why is THAT so hard to understand. If "I" keep talking to her...maybe she will see how much we ALL miss her and will come HOME...what is so hard to understand about THAT?!?"
[19:29] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): im done fighting, aoki your right, you go do whatever you want, i really truly cant take anymore, your thinking up stuff in your own head, i CLEARLY SAID NOT EVEN I AM GIVING UP ON HER, AND NO ONE ELSE SHOULD FOR CHRIST SAKE.
[19:29] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): Ok then. That's all I meant when I said what i said in the FIRST PLACE.
[19:30] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): You made it sound like if I didn't STOP talking to her then you were going to kick me out.
[19:30] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): anyways its whatever aoki, your choices are your choices, you do whatever you wanna do, im not arguing or fighting anymore, im to weak to, i cant anymor
[19:31] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): Fine.
[19:32] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): I can do bad all by myself, Daddy.
[19:32] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): aoki no, im saying that if you did side with her, as in let lena fill your head with bull shit, and get wrapped up in what malice is wrapped up at the moment, i will have to let you go, i have known lena 5 years, it was my mistake allowing her back here. 3 families she ruined, not even including mine, it took her 1 single day, to ruin 40.000 people in my clan
[19:33] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): I DON"T EVEN TALK TO LENA!!!!
[19:33] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): cuz if malice comes, lena comes, malice is wrapped around lenas finger at the moment, lena is a master of manipulation
[19:34] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): take my warning now please, and this im saying out of the kindness of my heart, i would not wish my worst enemy to go through what lena can cause, and with that being know right now, malice is wrapped around lena, wherever malice goes, lena goes, until lena drops her like she has everyone else, and uses malice
[19:35] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): and that is the choice malice made for her self regardless of mine, and others warnings
[19:35] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): if you get wrapped up with malice now, trust me, lena will find a way to you, dont...for god sake dont let your self fall for it..
[19:36] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): 5 years ive watched her do this over and over and over
[19:36] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): and i cant have my family, people i love, subjected to that, and atm, malice is lenas plaything
[19:38] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): and you let malice close to you, you will be come a plaything too through malice from lena. but im going to let you go ahead and see for your self too, i love you, and i wanted to protect you, but ok aoki, your in my family to stay, your stuck with us, we love you too much to let you go, but this is a choice im gnna let you see till the end
[19:39] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): malice can come to your land, hell i even told amai and everyone shes welcome here to talk to everyone still.
[19:41] Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira): I'm going to say this one last thing and then I'm logging off. Those who do the MOST accusing are USUALLY the ones guilty of the accusation. Those who talk the most usually know the least. And all i'm hearing right now is hot air. I haven't done anything to deserve this right now. I have my OWN mind....I control ME...and NO ONE else has the right unless I give the say so.  I told you to lock my collar and you DIDN'T...that let me know you didn't want me or didn't trust me and you have admitted as much. Now you are in a fight with ME over someone I'm trying to get to come back to YOU and the FAMILY because I'm STILL trying as you ASKED ME TO. And yes I know Mal and anyone else can come to my land because it's just that....MINE. So let me make this PERFECTLY clear....I love YOU...and I love HER...and NEITHER of you can make me choose between the OTHER. SO therefore..since I've been drinking and am entirely on FIRE right now. I"m going to GO. I love you but GOOD NIGHT.
[19:41] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): it hurts me badly to see people i love, talking to people who hurt me that i used to love, or still do, and not caring that it hurts me. and cant even understand that. she wants nothing to do with me, and the family should stand TOGETHER until she wants all of us again. thats all i mean,  but aoki its whatever, it really truly is whatever. i love you, i dont wanna lose you, but at this moment im worried sick about you
[19:41] Second Life: Ⓐoki Ⓣokii (Shakirah Savira) is offline.
[19:42] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): yeah aoki, bye
[19:42] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[19:54] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): you know what, you contridicted your self so much its insane, you let your self think all this stuff i was saying was something completely different from what i said. i said clearly many times i do not wanna fight, to stop, your right, and go do whatever, you just WANTED TO FIGHT WITH ME!!!  IM SICK OF BEING CALLED FUCKING CONTROLING, I DO NOT CONTROL ANYONE HERE BUT MIA AND MY SUBMISSIVES, EVERYONE COMES AND FUCKING GOES AS THE PLEASE, DO YOU NOT?????? DO YOU NOT????  and saying i am full of hot air? like i said go right on ahead and bark up that alley, and you enjoy the result, because i have many, many, many eye whiteness to whats coming your way that can predict this for you exactly how its going to play out. i will let the results show, i never tried to own you, but you did agree to be my submissive and give your self fully to me. even THEN i have not tried controling you. your making your own selve beleave that, im sorry you are acting this way tonight, you know how torn up ive been, how worried sick, and your putting it in your head that i want to give up??? ALSO as far as locking your collar you knew good and well we was having problems with it, i wanted to lock your collar, but we couldnt get it to work remember??? even your leash got stuck. me and you are going to have a long long talk when you get back. untill then, yeah goodnight
[19:54] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[19:54] Second Life: User not online - message will be stored and delivered later.
[19:57] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): PS: even if you hate me right now because apperently you have misstook EVERYTHING i have said, i still love you despite your outburst you had on me tonight, we will have a long talk. goodbye aoki and sleep good...