Scotty24360/nice guy drama

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<April 4, 2015>
[21:07] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): so amai
[21:08] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): are you mad at me over including you in that? you know and understand why i did want you there wasnt to get you involved, only for you to be a eye whitness to the claims and everything...
[21:08] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): ive felt bad about it since
[21:08] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): don't worry about it, but just know, I don't side with either force in that argument
[21:09] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): your one of my best friends and people trust you here
[21:09] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): well you didnt hear the whole argument
[21:09] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): however
[21:09] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): I can see both points of view being accurate yet innacurate
[21:09] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): well everyone wants them gone muted and banned
[21:09] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): and no thats not cuz of me
[21:10] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): her lying to everyone about the Q thing, the problems Q caused, trying to actually steal mia, and various things, malice has a new reason for disliking me each week and sex wasnt really that cuz we didnt but 1 time a lng long long time ago. and i dont do things with my other daughters like i did wayyy back when
[21:10] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): all i needed you to verify was her admiting she is q
[21:10] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): thats more then enough
[21:11] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): I can, to an extent, see the "picking out" that Aoki was talking about, however, I also don't believe with the way Aoki thinks. It just bugs me. That's why Nikky, Malice and I left
[21:11] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): ider who Q was
[21:11] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): you left too?
[21:11] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): like, logged off
[21:12] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): well
[21:12] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): turns out
[21:12] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): malice was behind WITH flexay and aoki the whole time
[21:12] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): I was skyping with Nikky and Malice
[21:12] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): the fake chat log ruse to make me hate q, tahat malice acted like she didnt know about
[21:12] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): idc about the Flexay thing anymore at this point. It's their decision about him
[21:13] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): so if u guys was all talking on skype thats kinda fucked up you was letting them all just pound your friend like that
[21:13] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): you know how bad malice has fuced with me in the past
[21:13] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): no wonder they said what they did
[21:13] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): I'll just say this, I hate people, and all this going on is solidifying that more and more
[21:13] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): well I didn't talk on skype until we all logged off
[21:14] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): yeah after her and nikky removed me cuz aoki told them to
[21:14] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): then later they added me to the call
[21:15] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): so once a fucking more i was left alone, no one to talk to, no friends, and who i THOUGHT was one of my must trusted sl best friends was actually in the call with people who hurt me the most
[21:15] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): aoki is getting exaccctly what she wants
[21:16] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): like I said, I'm not siding with anyone, I just couldn't listen to that anymore, especially aoki's voice morpher
[21:17] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): she made a claim that im not 100 percent honest with you guys, thats bs, with aoki and Qs messages i was not cuz i was showing a specific part
[21:17] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): I had a headache before I got on, was way worse when I got off
[21:17] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): so whats your plans once they are all gone
[21:19] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): because i was not trying to wrap you up in this however you know when flexay, soma, and me and various other people say do NOT trust nikky thats one u should probably steer clear of not only for your own good but your friendships. malice...well you know malice, she will follow anyone for a while then change. and every week its something new
[21:20] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): its my own fault, i should have ejected and banned nikky, akimi and the others when they first came and i found out who they are and the game they was all trying to play with me and my family, but i was still trying to fix friendships but i learned ya cant make the whole world happy
[21:21] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): I don't really follow anyone as I prefer to stay neutral. Nikky is fun to talk to when it comes to things like WoT and anime with Malice. I see everyone as friends because I am neutral but I am always cautious of everyone
[21:22] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): As i've stated before . . I hate people and nothing will change that, it's just who do I hate more, and who do I not hate very much at all
[21:22] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): this is my job to protect you guys from getting involved in bs like this and i failed
[21:22] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): look at it from my own shoes
[21:22] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): IF i allow any gateway to aoki of any form, expecially nikky who already has started some things, then i have a chance of losing more people i love
[21:23] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): malice i can live with
[21:23] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): I don't need protection as I know how to deal with people, but I can see people like elem needing it more
[21:23] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): actually elem is quite diff, shes the one that thought it was a good idea for eject, ban and mute for all of the fam and finally get rid of the bs
[21:23] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): shes innocent and nieve but knows how to make smart choices for a group too
[21:25] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): my only job is to insure our families growth peacefully, happily and no more bs. my shoes what would YOU do?
[21:25] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): good, glad some people can get right to the point, but I don't need protection. If people try to control me, I will not allow it and will easily take charge if needed. I have to deal with this crap daily in rl so it's nothing new to me.
[21:27] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): I probably would've done what elem suggested earlier based on caution. If I don't know who it is for anything, I don't acknowledge unless I feel the need.
[21:28] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): I have no grudge against Nikky, nor Malice, nor Aoki, Flexay is just dust in the wind. They're still nice to talk to, but I won't be pulled to either side. That's just how I prefer to live
[21:34] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): im going to put this as bluntly as i can
[21:35] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): amai
[21:35] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): i care deeply for you, i do view you as one of my best most trusted friends, i share things with you i shouldnt and i am very happy to have you in my life
[21:35] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): under no circumstances do i want to ruin our friendship,
[21:36] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): i do not want you to stop being friends with malice and nikky and aoki however do promise me one thing
[21:36] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): that you will NOT let it affect my family, thats the one single request i have
[21:37] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): and if i may ask, what did you mean by ''you would have done what elem suggested earlier based on caution'' what did elem suggest?
[21:39] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): How would I let it mess with the family? and you just said elem suggested to ban and remove
[21:39] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): well yeah after me and elem talked about it
[21:39] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): didnt know if she talked to you directly or what
[21:39] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): and idk honestly amai
[21:39] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): its a worry i have thats all
[21:39] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): at this point with whats been done/said, we are at a fagile state...
[21:41] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): and your actually a nice guy your self amai and wether you like to admit it, you are. and its easy for people like nikky or whoever to take advantage of you. wether you need protection or not, i do care about these things.
[21:42] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): thanks, but I can be highly aggressive once aggravated and I was getting really aggravated yesterday
[21:43] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): i never meant to aggravate you
[21:43] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): i only wanted to know if i upset you
[21:43] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): its what friends do
[21:43] Amai (SneakHayabusa Resident): not you, but the situation
[21:43] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): yeah...
[21:43] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): it hurts and kills a little part inside me too
[21:44] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): i truly cant BELEAVE aoki had us going this long
[21:44] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): mia i think is taking it the hardest
[21:44] Đαℜӄ αȼσи (scotty24360 Resident): know what why not just explain who Q is cuz your only getting half the story here