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{{Quote|1=In conclusion, I think the job one does at the English Metapedia relates to how much of it shows up in Encyclopedia Dramatica. Anything added to that site is a bad sign and we should strive to keep Encyclopedia Dramatica from documenting anything else.|2=[ A Wyatt Man]|3=[]}}

[[File:Metapedia logo.jpg|thumb|right|250px|More like the <s>alternative</s> [[batshit insane]] Encyclopedia, right?]]
'''[ Metapedia]''' is what [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]] is often mistaken for — a [[Nazi]] wiki. As of 10 May 2009, was voted number one in's [ ''5 Terrifying Bastardizations of the Wikipedia Model''] (though Metapedia put it on the current events section of their site, claiming that [[unwarranted self-importance|they were voted number one alternative wiki.]]) In what can only be described as a tragedy, Encyclopedia Dramatica was [[Fail|only voted number three]], [[A cat is fine too|but that's fine]], seeing how [[batshit]] crazy the other two were. In case you were wondering, number two was some shitty website about [[Pagan|paganism]] whose domain expired in 2008, and later replaced by some [ webshop].
__TOC__ on Metapedia==
[[File:HappyMerchant.gif|thumb|Yessss goyim. Vandalize metapedia. [[Jewish Internet Defense Force|The internet belongs to the Jews]]. Remember the 600 <s>thousand</s> <s>million</s> bazillion jews that died in the holohoa-I mean holocaust.]]
<center>{{bigpic|Cracked Metapedia.PNG|700|250|ED was beaten by a site that gives instructions on how to [[Voodoo|sacrifice a goat]]. Go figure.}}</center>
==The Difference Between Encyclopedia Dramatica and Metapedia==
[[Internet Law#Bunker's law|They're not joking.]]
[[Image:Metapedia White People.PNG|thumb|right|As suspected, [[white people]] are excellent at everything except [[fucking]].]]
The primal fear of all white supremacists is that despite the fact that they are the most [[Gay|beautiful]], intelligent, brave and powerful race, they're somehow going extinct[]. These people have clearly never seen an episode of [[Maury]] or [[Jerry Springer]].
This morally, mentally, physically superior race is beset on all fronts by its own [[Moralfag|morally superior]] conviction that all races should be equal. While they slowly but surely run themselves out of their comfy majority bracket, they are expected to elect not only the first [[Black Jesus|black president]], but also the first [[Hillary Clinton|black woman president]]. They invented everything that is good in the world: the [[Internet]], [[ED]], [[Buttsecks|doggystyle]], [[Opioids|pizza]], and hydrogen bombs. The fact of the matter is that they love them some black, brown and [[Yellow Fever|yellow]] ass. They continue to [[Miscegenation|breed interracially]] then wonder where all their [[Fail|whiteyness]] has gone. Also, their birth rates are not too good. That means that white women are good for only two good things: [[sandwich]]es and [[Oral|giving head]]. Since they can't pop out babies, they might as well suck them out of men.
[[Image:Metapedia Black crime.PNG|thumb|left|With all these [[nigga stole my bike|bike-stealing niggers]], you would think the article would be longer.]]
According to this gem of a site, the word nigger is not officially in use by modern [[niggers]]... oops, better not say that again or the [[Lemonparty|NAACP]] will look down upon our shenanigans. The truth is that a nigger is only called a nigger when that specific nigger is involved in niggrish behavior. This behavior is coined as "[ Typical Nigger Behavior]". Such behavior includes, but is not limited to, things that we're already familiar with such as putting too much salt on a watermelon, getting mad at Popeye's Chicken for not giving them free chikinz, yelling at Oprah for not getting their Grilled Chinkinz (this also applies to fat [[italian|goombas]]), and impregnating young 14 year olds and not paying child support. It may also be noted that TNB is a term only widely used within certain racist communities on the web like and that the general population is totally unaware of the very existence of such a term or corresponding behavior.
In addition, "[[The Great Black Dick Hoax|Negroes are found to possess penises an average 130% the length and 155% the girth of the average European, as well as showing a stunning value of 160% the "veininess."]] These differences are believed to be derived from the decreased intelligence and increased animal sex drive of the Negroid, with larger penises allowing for more efficient and brutal rape of children." In other words, niggers are AWW-RIGHTTT!!!
From an objective perspective, [[niggers]] are very helpful to our way of life. They steal our bikes when they are getting old and this forces us to buy new ones. They steal our cars and we file for a claim to get free monies. They break into our homes and kill our dogs, making it easier to go on that trip to Thailand and score uncut dope and shemale hookers. They bring laughter to our faces, smiles to our hearts, and greasy food to our local McDonald's menus. If there was no high demand for them, they would not be in business.
[[Image:Metapedia Jews 1.PNG|thumb|right|They would stab them to death using those sharp noses.]]
Undoubtedly the most accurate section on the site but still riddled with mistakes. Like all white supremacists, [[holocaust|they are extremely proud of something that they claimed never happened and would like to see in action again]]. Evidently, the writers honestly believe that [ Jews used to cannibalize Christian children] despite the fact that [[Christfags]] are not Kosher due to the Eucharist.  Well, as long as they're unbaptized, it's cool.
Even though they believe white people and their sub-species are the only ones intelligent enough to know how to deal with money, Metapedia has a [[Zionism|strange fear]] that [ Jews consider themselves the master race], which is far more terrifying than a [[Obama|a nigger being president]].
Oddly, there is no mention anywhere on Metapedia of the fact that [[Jews did 9/11]].
[[Image:Metapedia holocaust 1.PNG|thumb|left|Yet again, Nazi sympathizers are being persecuted by an [[Nazis|oppressive political regime]].]]
Unlike Metapedia, ED has plenty of information regarding Nazis. These "gods among men" were once thought to be the ultimate salvation of mankind. They branded their party with the [[Curry nigger]] symbol of [[Swastika|peace and prosperity]], and proceeded to defeat the [[French]] in a blitzkrieg ground war. However, everyone knows that the French saw that coming and freely handed their muskets over to the invading troops while naked on the beach listening to [[Daft Punk]]. Oh, they also lost WW2 for everyone, outsourced their smartest [[nerds]] to develop atomic bombs for the [[Yankees]], and their Supreme Ayatollah [[Hitler|Hitlerasad]] [[an hero|an heroed]] when he heard ''The Internationale'' in the distance while on the toilet in the [[Hugbox|Führerbunker]]. Metapedia features [ literally two sentences of text] dedicated to the subject of [[Nazi]]sm, the first of which states that Nazi "[[LOL WUT|is a politically correct term]]".
==What Makes the Site Funny==
[[Image:Metapedia Australoid.PNG|thumb|It's funny because it's true.]]
*Blatantly racist statements without citations.
*Blatantly racist statements with citations.
*No [[dubious disclaimer]] whatsoever.
*Never ''quite'' stating that Hitler was right.
*[ The page that tells you how to avoid being prosecuted for denying the Holocaust].
*Obviously fucked-up numbers and statistics turned around to make [[Fact|Jews seem like bad people]].
*[ Strange begrudging admiration for the former Soviet Union].
Plus their [[Sysops]] are more downy than [[Trap-kun]].  They get highly butthurt over their edits being corrected, as seen in the example below:
[[Image:Argentum 1976 Is A WikiFag.PNG|border|center|800px]]
At least even this [[Wikipedia|fagwiki]] acknowledges that [[Jews did WTC]]; however, this does not excuse them from pissing in the wind.
==The Secret Behind the Site==
[[File:Big-Robo5.jpg|thumb|A prime example of the Aryan race, reflecting their great physical beauty and noble character.]]
Some may wonder how a wiki that tells its editors how to avoid being arrested for [[holocaust denial]] could possibly avoid persecution. The reason for this is clear: '''[[truth|the site is run by gay, black, Jewish feminists who have an agenda to give white people a bad name]]'''.
Those who do not believe this must ask Metapedia's editors to [[Pics or it didn't happen| provide a photograph]] to [[prove me wrong|prove us wrong]].
[[Image:Hitler's Encyclopedia.png|thumb|300px|In a nutshell.]]
As with all fundies, extremists and complete and utter nutjobs, the lovely people of Metapedia are [[sick fuck|so self-righteous and fucked up]] that they are often difficult to make fun of. However, this should not deter anyone from trying.
===The Site Itself===
<big>If you are White:</big>
*Tell them you voted for [[Obama]].
*Offer to trade [[CP]] or weeb shit.
<big>If you are Black:</big>
*Claim to be a white guy with ['s_syndrome Nelson's syndrome].
*[[The Great Black Dick Hoax|Show off your massive cock]], or just state how much larger your dick is than theirs.
*Take a photograph of yourself fucking white women.
<big>Other Techniques:</big>
*Show them the article about [[white people]].
*[ Provide proof of Hitler's homosexuality].
*Remind them a [[Abraham Lincoln|a Republican white man]] freed the black slaves.
*Upload [[:File:BlessHitler.jpg|this file]] (just to confuse them).
*Mention that user Cicero is [[Gregory Lauder-Frost]]. [ He changed his name to hide this].
===Using the Site to Troll===
[[Billy Mays|In only the five minutes or less]] it takes to troll these dumb rednecks, one comes to the conclusion that the Metapedia sysops are a bunch of fucktard n00bz.  Pages that have been vandalized on the site have not been reverted, telling [[ED|us]] that [[13 year old boys]] run this fagwiki.  Unless it is the truth that [[Chris-chan]] is the President of [[Borat|US and A]] — if so, God [[rape|help]] us all.
[[Image:trollbanned.jpg|thumb|left|Oh hai guise. If one gets B& this shows up on your user page. [[not|Really fucking funny.]]]]
'''[[PROTIP]]:''' The best sites that should be directed to Metapedia are:
*[[Cultural Marxism|Liberal]] sites.
*[[Conservative]] sites (to watch them [[Not racist|backpedal]]).
*[[Black]] forums.
*[[Gay]] forums.
*[[Holocaust]] remembrance forums.
*To EDiots - if a [[butthurt]] [[lolcow]] complains (as they will) that ED=NAZIS, show them Metapedia.
[[Image:Metapedia.jpg|center|800px|thumb|'''And remember, vandalism is always welcome.''']]
==Founder and Associates==
[[File:Jonni Alm Nordisk nu.png|thumb|[[Kimmo Johan Alm]]'s brother Jonni Mikael Alm has been visiting Anders's forum and posting using his real name since as far back as 2007.]]
Metapedia was founded by Anders Lagerström.  He was in the Svenska Motståndsrörelsen (Swedish Resistance Movement), a [[Mantrain|white supremacist nazi group]].  In 2004, he and others broke away from this group because it wasn't violent enough.  So they formed Nordiska förbundet (The Nordic Association).  Anders has been convicted of violent offenses, including assaulting a police officer using tear gas in 1999 and then illegal weapons in 2000.  In 2006, he founded Metapedia, going by Aurvandil.  In 2008, he with a group broke into the home of someone who left his neo-nazi group, robbed him, and beat him up, which Anders served prison time for in 2009.[]  Anders frequently sees the inside of a courtroom.[]  While in prison, he ignores Metapedia.
Anders also runs a website for his group Nordiska förbundet at .  There he impersonates the semi-celebrity, [ "Daniel Friberg"] [] [] by using his photo and his name "Daniel F".
[[Kimmo Alm]]'s brother Jonni Alm (a member of Svenska Motståndsrörelsen) also hung out on since around 2007 and was friends with Anders, posting using his real name.  August 2012, an account named Vir appeared on Metapedia, uploaded two files, and was then blocked.  Later on September 28, 2012, at the insistence of Anders, Nat85 made Vir a sysop.  Vir then believed he was [[AnonTalk|The Sysop]] and acted like he ruled over everyone.  In under a month, Hu1 removed his administrator rights and blocked him for a week.[]  Vir then changed his name to [[Upplysning]] and hung out on the Swedish Metapedia.  There Upplysning added links to a very little known website, [[]], and links to things buried deep down inside the website.[]
==The Month of Long Knives==<!-- For the uneducated, see -->
[[File:Fucking shitlisted.jpg|thumb|Kimmo wins.]]
In November 2014, four Metapedia sysops were founded guilty of one thing or another, desysopped, and banned. The first to go was [[Basileus]]. Basileus ignored [ Veronica Clark's requests] ''not'' to have photos on her on Metapedia, and Big Boss [[Swedish|Aurvandil]] [ blocked him for three months] for it.
Next to go was [[Hu1]]. In June 2014, [[Kimmo|Upplysning]] started posting complaints about Hu1 on [], []. For several months, Hu1 was fortunate enough not to notice these threads, but in November 2014, Hu1 made the unwise choice of engaging in these threads and drawing attention to himself. [ "Daniel F." / Anders Lagerström noticed the thread],  [ desysopped Hu1], and not only did Aurvandil [ invite Upplysning to the wiki], he [ made him a sysop as well].
Upplysning started his English Metapedia editing career by creating the "Ethnic heterogeneity" article. Galileo, not realizing that the new user was Aurvandil's new second-in-command, [ entered an argument with Upplysning] and [ was thoroughly pwned].
On the 22nd, "Krom" ([[Oliver D. Smith]]) [ posted a complaint about Basileus' attack articles], and by the 27th, Upplysning [ transformed] Basileus three-month ban into a permaban.
On the 29th, Upplysning and "A Wyatt Man" entered into [ an argument] over who's the bigger copyright [[e-lawyer]], and [ A Wyatt Man lost]. A Wyatt Man then fled to, whined ([], []), and ultimately accomplished nothing.
Finally, on November 30th, [ Upplysning permabanned everyone]. NatAll75 made [ a half-hearted attempt] to challenge the bans, but ultimately walked away from the argument.
On December 10th, A Wyatt Man [ accused Upplysning of being KimmoA], and "Daniel F." [ responded] by locking the thread and blocking A Wyatt Man from the forum. Later that day,  Hu1 lost his temper and [ accused Dan_B of being Upplysning and a troll]. This led to [ "Daniel F." banning him as well].
On December 19th, Julius_A, [ upset over the deletion of his beloved anime articles] and [ the banning of his mates], [ quit Metapedia], and on the next day, Upplysning [ removed his admin powers].
In late December, Hu1 (now Fiala1) went to and created [[Rightpedia]] and was joined by the other banned Metapedia users, including Mikemikev, A Wyatt Man, and Galileo (now Mussert).
And what does The New and Improved Metapedia look like?  Six million articles deleted and a content removal greater than when [[DeHippo]] changed [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]] into [[Oh Internet!]]  Speaking of ED, they even deleted [ their article on ED] and unlike DeHippo, they make sure to  purge the [[|The Internet Archive]] of all deleted pages [*/].  Everything they removed went like this:  Now for example, in [[Rotherham]] [[England]], a pedo-ring of [[Pakistanis]] raped 1400 [[loli|little girls]], the police refused to investigate, and anyone who complained was called a racist and jailed. [ Metapedia deleted] and replaced it with a line of text summarizing the city, copied from Wikipedia without giving credit.  In these nazis' twisted views, reporting this diminishes the credibility of their encyclopedia because anti-racists and non-whites care about this.  Metapedia kept all of its Holocaust denial and stuff praising nazis while omitting their misdeeds. It's now a fully accredited encyclopedia, having taken care of all of ['s criticism] and is completely respectable.
{{needsmore|screenshots of trolling}}
{{cg|Metapedia Gallery|metagallery|center|<gallery widths="150px" heights="150px">
Image:Metapedia_Troll_-1_-_National_Alliance.PNG|Proving racists can still love teh cock.
Image:Mtcwc.JPG|Their article on [[Chris-chan]]. [ Srsly]
Image:Metapedia troll 1.PNG|Article on [[White People]]
Image:Metapedia troll 2.PNG|[[The Great Black Dick Hoax|We all know that's a lie.]]
</gallery>|<gallery widths="150px" heights="150px">
Image:Metapedia troll 4.PNG|It's not often [[ED]] gives out free advertising
Image:Metapedia troll 3.PNG|They finally <s>have</s> had an article on [[Nazis]].
Image:Metapedia troll 5.PNG|An oldie but a goodie
Image:Metapedia troll 6.PNG|[[X? In my Y?|Faggots? In my master race?]]
Image:Metapedia troll 8.PNG|An image which is equally good for trolling ED.
Image:Metapedia troll 7.PNG|Never forget.
Image:Metapedia troll 9.PNG|[[Grawp|And of course . . .]]
Image:Nickgriffin-metapedia.jpg|[[Homosexual|Nick Griffin for what he really is]]
Image:Dickcheney-metapedia.jpg|The truth about Cheney
Image:EURO-metapedia.jpg|With Russians in Memphis, black person can't stay fly.
Image:United states of america metapedia.png|[[Goatse]] is the new [[Wikipedia]].
Image:Metapod.gif|You're doing it wrong!
Image:Metapedia pussies.PNG|Judging by the dates they get vandalized quite often, and still don't have a clue how to deal with it.
Image:Imagememphiskelso2687russianpresentationjpg metapedia.png|They went on to delete even the good image... Metapedia definitely self-pwn3d.
Image:selftroll1.jpg|Metapedia trolls itself, putting an image of a bisexual child molester on its front page.
Image:Hitlerseconomicpolicy.png|Hitler showing his love for the people of the Third Reich.
Image:SemysaneMetapediaTrolled16.jpg|Metapedia jizzes its pants for [[Pokemon|POKEMANS]].
Image:Kazakhstan.jpg|Needed some more information, so I added [[Borat|notable residents]] and national anthem.
==Meet some Metapedia Admins==
Image:Shit Skinhead.gif|NatAll75
Image:Redneck Bubba.jpeg|Teutonic
File:Ron Paul Capitalism.png|Doktor Faustus
Image:Drip.jpg|Gunpowder and Dan
Image:Faggots234.jpg|Aurvandil, Hagal and Troy Southgate
Image:Glennbecknazi.jpg|[[Glenn Beck|Bh3u4m]]
==Meet some former  Metapedia Admins==
File:Cynewulf.png|"Cynewulf", de-sysoped admin incognito
File:MussoliniAndPalsCorpsesHanging.jpg|[[Basileus]] hanging out with his friends.
==See also==
*[[Rightpedia]] &ndash; created by ex-Metapedia users
*[[Conservapedia]] &ndash; Not too far from this end of the spectrum
*[[White Nationalism]]
*[[Wyatt Mann]] - The site's illustrator
*[[Serious Business]]
*[[Nobel Prize for Racism‎]]
*[[Jewish Internet Defense Force]]
==External links==
<center><small>Their e-mail</small>
<b><font size=6>[email protected]</font></b></center>
*[ Their mission statement]
*[ Jesus was NOT a Jew!]
*[ Their head sysop]
*[ A news article where the author ACTUALLY believes] [[Lies| the white race is dying]]
{{Timeline|Featured article May 27, [[2009]]|[[Myah Walker]]|{{PAGENAME}}|[[Mattmurderface]]}}
[[Category:Metapedia| ]]
Anonymous user

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