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Good luck, "hero."



Darth Mau5

Swayzak is a practically unknown fictional character that demonstrates everything wrong with the Internets nowadays, even down to being a computer virus.


He originated in Toonami's TIE (Total Immersion Event) "Trapped in Hyperspace" in September 2002. The plot of the TIE showed him infect the ship the main characters inhabit, the Absolution, solely "for fun." The tie-in game was essential to the event and is currently lost to the ages, but had you as TOM blasting through the computer, getting help from Sara, in order to stop Swayzak, who'd show up at the end of every stage and taunt you in a New Zealand accent.

Sonbreezie and Swayzak

After a one second cameo in a video game review Toonami did in 2004 that nobody paid attention to, Swayzak went unnoticed for years until July 2016, when Sonbreezie discovered him, having recently gotten into Toonami and started her wreckage of hell on that fandom. It was originally her "sister" whom did so, but Sonbreezie soon enough had a crush on him, for no reason, except for his "thin waist and sexy legs." He became the major character for most of her works, and he was practically everywhere by July-August 2017 when Sonbreezie was at her worst. She even worshipped New Zealand like it was God itself when she found out Swayzak had a New Zealand accent in the game, and thought other sentient computer viruses were sexy (like the Spindly Johnny) because of him. She had stated "No woman can resist Swayzak" and shipped him with every character in her fandoms of choice, even characters that made no sense like Shinobu Oshino; the only one that made sense was Hexadecimal from ReBoot, the only female virus Sonbreezie liked and allowed to exist because apparently sentient computer viruses have to be male and Swayzak clones for her enjoyment. She even shipped other virus characters with random people (like the Spindly Johnny with Undyne and Hitagi Senjouhara.) Thankfully, she matured by December 2017, but still used the character up until the next month, when she became a Sonic the Hedgehog. Fast forward to October 2018, when Sonbreezie realized Chibiyima made her the person she was most of her life, and Sonbreezie has started liking Swayzak again, as a normal person would like him, instead fangirling over another tech-related character owned by Time Warner.

As of November-December 2018, Sonbreezie has stated Swayzak is sexy again, but has just shipped him with Karen from SpongeBob SquarePants and left it at that. She has reiterated a statement one of her enemies during the Bottom of the Barrel said about "wanting Swayzak to finger her" but probably in a joking manner, knowing her nowadays.

Comparisons to the Internet

Effects Swayzak has on the world

  • An example of the current state of the Internet, made before it was even around, is a blessing
  • New Zealand is referred to as "Swayzak Country" by this user
  • Nobody used to like him, everybody has their own opinion on him now, including you and Your Mom
  • He was used to troll Sonbreezie during the total creep and Sonicfag years of her life
  • Chris-chan can easily be compared to him; heck, Chris scored 2 on the degrees of Swayzak. (Don't ask.)

Swayzak is part of a series on


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