Talk:Loki Blackfang

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I can't see the body... apparently every bone in her body was crushed...



-hipcrime 00:18, 19 March 2012 (EDT)

Reads more like grudgewank than actual drama. HardfacedCommunistNazi

Considering none of us knew who this person was till their death, I wouldn't call it grudgewank shit. 07:58, 19 March 2012 (EDT)
it's all of two days old and is in progress. Also lolthis is certainly not grudges, this is a furry died and we're documenting it. Mike the Great (talk) 02:20, 19 March 2012 (EDT)
Out of the kindness of our hearts Sirkillsalot 02:21, 19 March 2012 (EDT)
it is crystal clear that you have not seen the image of the fursuit head on the highway next to the twisted wreckage, nor have you read the twitter drama, nor the repeated blanking attempts. if you do not like it, do not read it. :) -hipcrime 03:56, 19 March 2012 (EDT)

Oh Lawd, this Loki fellow sure was a convincing trap. Still, we can all sleep a little more peacefully tonight, knowing that another furry has been smitten from the universe. Scorch 04:05, 19 March 2012 (EDT)

you didn't get all the images we did, and you can't run away from that man-nose Mike the Great (talk) 04:23, 19 March 2012 (EDT)

I lol'd

Loki Blackfang ‎(358 links) Mike the Great (talk) 20:05, 28 March 2012 (EDT)

Oh shit, I didn't know this was deleted. ••General Niggerson Page me. 01:04, 12 February 2013 (EST)
never piss off the furluminati. hipcrime 15:55, 14 April 2013 (EDT)