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Done For Now I Think

I'll add in some funny pictures later on, maybe a gallery, but text wise I think it's pretty good. There's probably a few more "common tactics" that could be added but I think I got the major highlights. Probably needs a bit more pipeage and probably there's at least one of two spelling errors that need fixed, but otherwise it's good. Needs more "examples" though... I couldn't remember any off the top of my head so I just put in Oni. If that makes anyone overly ass flustered they can take it out I suppose (since he's already linked in like a bazillion other articles). --U Mad Bro 17:54, 8 February 2015 (EST)

It made an entertaining read. What's amusing is that I was imagining people in my head who applied to each common tactic as I read them. Some were from here and the forum. Vermin   00:29, 9 February 2015 (EST)