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Article Restoration

Well, I replaced one of the missing videos (the most important one). There's still two others that are missing...which I'm not entirely sure if I have them or not.

I restored a few of the images as well, but for some reason I have very little material on her from the original ~article~...although for some reason I have a whole metric shit ton of NEW material that was just never sorted/added in...which could have been stuff from the forums.

As I recall, on the forums, we used to do a lot of proposed article planning, building up material and using it as a staging area, so there's likely quite a number of potential articles that wound up lost when it went tits up, not to mention a lot of NEW content for existing articles that was being compiled there. I'm afraid my archives of the old forums only cover threads that I directly posted in, so a lot of stuff could be permanently lost. --Onideus 20:09, 30 August 2013 (EDT)

Added her new Bitchute page and Deviant Art page. Also she is 30 years old now (07/04/2022). -Barron Silas Von Greenback