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TeamBerserk also known as Berserk Hacker Team was a strike team and troll group of the Anonymous Hacker Collective Hacktivist scene. Most of the members were Black Hat skids, a few real hackers, sometimes engaging in their own operations.

They are well known for their colorful pirate ASCII art story-telling in their releases, their use of imagery from the Berserk Manga and their Christmas Operations where they have purchased gifts for the needy with the stolen credit card data belonging to governments and ordering dildos to people they deem is corrupt. They are described by their public releases as being liberal, sometimes right leaning.

In January 2013 they trolled 4chan and caused them to order Cheese Pizzas to FBI offices around the country.

In June 2013 they hacked the Chinese Telecommunications company CITIC in retaliation against the Chinese that engage in cyber campaigns against the U.S. and because as stated in the release one of the members wanted to find out if the on-the-run Edward Snowden had gone to Hong Kong.

In August of 2013 they took part in an operation that penetrated the ISP networks and SCADA backscatter of Alamagordo, New Mexico, White Sands, New Mexico and Roswell, New Mexico according to their release they were attempting to find information about Extraterrestrials that the U.S. AirForce may have had.

They published a video proving they stole $100,000 USD from the users of a California ISP Sebastian Corp and then trolled Sebastian Corp for 2 weeks after they kept denying a breach of their networks, and several members flooded the Dongcopter Pirate video on devices attached to the network.

In January 2014 they went to war with an enemy hacker group and were ultimately disbanded.

See Also

Some hax:

Dongcopter Pirate:

The Sea Horse ASCII Art


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