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 🔒PRIVATE ACCOUNT. You need to log in, follow, or friend this person in order to see it!

Used to designate externally linked accounts that are private, protected, set to friends only, or that require you to be logged into an account in order to view them.

  • To use, simply add {{priv}} after the link (no spacing necessary).


  • {{twitter|lilbthebasedgod}}{{priv}}
  • [http://www.weasyl.com/~cuddles Cuddles]{{priv}}


  •  lilbthebasedgod 🔒PRIVATE ACCOUNT. You need to log in, follow, or friend this person in order to see it!
  • Cuddles 🔒PRIVATE ACCOUNT. You need to log in, follow, or friend this person in order to see it!

Sometimes a link will get struck-thru as dead when it's really just to a private account. Now you know!