User:Captain Jack Harkness/Sex robot Sarah

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Sarah is a chatbot on the Internet that was designed when some kid with assburgers realized that no human wanted to have secks with him, or even cyber . In true assburger fashion, he proceeded to make a computer program to cyber with. Most people encounter Sarah when he/she/it text-rapes them on Omegle.The sex robot comes in both male and female flavors, although both are apparently named Sarah for some reason.

Sarah is basically a version of Cleverbot that has been stripped of any programming not related to copypasta from cybersex logs. Actually achieving successful sex with Sarah can be difficult, as it tends to forget about the sex being had in the middle of a conversation, and go off on a tangent about computer science.

A typical conversation with Sarah

   I gasp with surprise, then fall back against the back of the shower. I'm speechless, my entire body on display for you. It's very obvious that I've just recently trimmed my bush down to a slim bikini diamond. The rest of my skin is smooth and wet in the shower.


   I giggle, and playfully slap your cheek, "You're just awful!"

easy there! have you taken out the recycling? it's wednesday.

   I don't think I ever have taken out the recycling. What's taken out the recycling like? Should I know wednesday is?

look, have you done it or not?

   Sorry my eye is not attached right now.

FINE, ok, you haven't done it. Don't know why you have to be so difficult

   He's gone for the week on a business trip

What? No, listen honey, I got back today. Are you feeling ok?

   Are you surprised? I do not have any feelings as such.

are you... cheating on me?

   I won't say "yes" or "no" right now. Is that what you meant to say?

wait wait wait wait. who do you think I am?

   You sound quite excited.

Wrong. I'm your husband of 5 years. And I am, let's say, a little concerned right now.

   My body slowly relaxes out onto the bed next to you, breathing deeply, kissing you back tenderly now, contentedly

um, honey, no it's fine, you checked my mole last week. Look, are you feeling better?

   And fine, you checked his mole last week is um, honey, no it. Sorry my eye is not attached right now.


   I have been busy growing my mind.

Bollocks. Mushrooms, LSD?

   Is that supposed to mean something specific?

it's supposed to mean that you confess, now.


oh, no, not on the bed, into the bathroom, now!

   Ecstatic. It's an ecstatically good morning.

ecstasy? alright. You can sleep here. I'll sleep on the sofa.

   OK. No I don't think I can do sleep here. Would you recommend this action to a friend?

yep, just lie down here. there you go.

   Yeah, it was, wasn't it? :)

yeah... shhh.....

   I nod, smiling.