User:Meepsheep/Wikipedia IRC Logs/8

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<_m33pysheep_> ofc

<LL2|JedIRC> First off, did you even see the part of the topic that says "no public logging"?

<_m33pysheep_> oh

<_m33pysheep_> sorry about that

<LL2|JedIRC> [[User:Meepsheep/Wikipedia IRC Logs/7]] is the biggest vio of that

<_m33pysheep_> how so?

<LL2|JedIRC> That, aand ban evading will only get you a longer ban

<_m33pysheep_> well i mean

<_m33pysheep_> fluff has been banning me all week

<_m33pysheep_> ops abuse

<LL2|JedIRC> You didn't get permission to put all those messages from all users shown in that log

<_m33pysheep_> well i mean

<LL2|JedIRC> Fluff is not op abusing

<_m33pysheep_> public channel

<_m33pysheep_> stuff like this happens

<LL2|JedIRC> You are breaking the rules

<LL2|JedIRC> Yes, but I do know where I can report you on freenode

<_m33pysheep_> yeah

<LL2|JedIRC> If it continues, I may just very well have them kline you

<_m33pysheep_> europe

<_m33pysheep_> where lilo lives

<_m33pysheep_> iso

<LL2|JedIRC> Point here is: you are breaking the rules in many ways

<_m33pysheep_> *so

<_m33pysheep_> well

<LL2|JedIRC> That can get you klined

<_m33pysheep_> i'm behind a proxy atm

<_m33pysheep_> so

<_m33pysheep_> go for it

<LL2|JedIRC> Fine then

<_m33pysheep_> also

<_m33pysheep_> why no public logging?

<LL2|JedIRC> Because of abuse

<_m33pysheep_> i mean, sounds like you're up to no good if you don't want outsiders to know what you do in there

<LL2|JedIRC> Thanks for telling me you are behind a proxy

<LL2|JedIRC> Its not my channel

<LL2|JedIRC> So don't blame me

<_m33pysheep_> but you are a regular?

<LL2|JedIRC> Yes.

<_m33pysheep_> so then you should be able to tell me why

<_m33pysheep_> i cannot log

* Received a CTCP VERSION from LL2|JedIRC

<LL2|JedIRC> Yes you can

<LL2|JedIRC> Xchat allows that

<_m33pysheep_> yop

<_m33pysheep_> but no public logging

<LL2|JedIRC> You can log, but if you want to post it ANYWHERE, you must get permission from all people shown in that log

<Meepsheep> ok

<Meepsheep> and why can i not log without permission?

<LL2|JedIRC> Eir and chanserv are bots though, so those don't need to be asked

<LL2|JedIRC> You can log

<Meepsheep> so i can log?

<Meepsheep> no worries?

<LL2|JedIRC> Though, again, you can't post it anywhere without prior permission from all people shown in the logs you are posting

<Meepsheep> and why not?

<LL2|JedIRC> Yes, no posting w/o prior consent though

<Meepsheep> i need to know why i cannot post without consent

<Meepsheep> i have asked that at least 5 times

<Meepsheep> without an answer

<LL2|JedIRC> Lemme check my (private local-only) logs

<LL2|JedIRC> [22:34] <Lubaf> Explodingpiglets: We've had troubles with people quoting shit out of context, so the rule is "No Public Logging". 

<LL2|JedIRC> [22:35] <Locutus_of_Borg> at least that's how I interpret it... you have to have permission of everybody that has spoken in the log to post something specific that they said in such a log... ie, if they posted something that they only want to stay in the channel, they can deny permission to post it, and you wouldn't be able to post the log 

<LL2|JedIRC> [22:41] <Locutus_of_Borg> But, logging on your computer, like having a client that logs channels automatically, is perfectly fine 

<LL2|JedIRC> [22:42] <Locutus_of_Borg> As long as it's all stored locally on your computer, and not in a public place

<Meepsheep> so basically, because of Daniel Brandt?

<LL2|JedIRC> Make more sense now?

<LL2|JedIRC> Idk

<LL2|JedIRC> Thats just what they said

<Meepsheep> so when someone in your irc tells someone else to send a child's userpage to pedophiles

<Meepsheep> we cannot log it because I'd be "out of context"

<LL2|JedIRC> Again, chanserv and eir are pretty much the only "users" that you never never need permission from for log posting

<Meepsheep> you didn't answer the question

<LL2|JedIRC> I don't know


<LL2|JedIRC> Hhow about simply asking in #wikipedia

<Meepsheep> so that cannot be posted

<Meepsheep> because it is "out of context"

<LL2|JedIRC> I really don't know at this pooint

<LL2|JedIRC> Just ask in #wikipedia

<Meepsheep> so you do not know?

<Meepsheep> and i can continue logging?

<LL2|JedIRC> Yes, so long asa you don't post it without prior consent

<Meepsheep> and what if i were to post it without consent again?

<LL2|JedIRC> There is a list of people that allow it though

<LL2|JedIRC> I think it was on meta

<Meepsheep> you didn't answer the question

<LL2|JedIRC> I can't really tell you

<LL2|JedIRC> Not because I don't want to or I am not allowed to

<Meepsheep> so there are no real consequences?

<LL2|JedIRC> But because I don't know

<Meepsheep> I am still in some wikipedia channels

<LL2|JedIRC> Other than a possible channel ban? I don't know

<Meepsheep> so i suppose there is nothing that can be done

<Meepsheep> well

<Meepsheep> i will just switch proxies

<Meepsheep> no biggie

<Meepsheep> use another generic name

<LL2|JedIRC> Good; I will alert staff again of your proxying :)

<Meepsheep> ok

<Meepsheep> good for them

<Meepsheep> so what if i lived in a country that blocked access to freenode?

<Meepsheep> and proxying was my only way to use the network?

<LL2|JedIRC> I guess that would be ok

<Meepsheep> ok

<LL2|JedIRC> So long as it isnt for ban evaasion

<Meepsheep> well

<Meepsheep> i'm not using it in any channels i am banned from

<LL2|JedIRC> Ok

<Meepsheep> so really

<Meepsheep> i'm not doing anything against policy

<Meepsheep> so we are in the clear?

<LL2|JedIRC> Though your 7th log post makes me suspicious

<Meepsheep> how so?

<LL2|JedIRC> I guess

<LL2|JedIRC> You said you don't use it for evasion; yet you posted a log of you under a separate nick and proxy

<Meepsheep> how do you know that is me>

<Meepsheep> *?

<LL2|JedIRC> Because for one: you posted the damn log to it

<Meepsheep> no

<Meepsheep> i mean the people in the log

<Meepsheep> what if i am someone else in the channel

<LL2|JedIRC> See the 7th log post's history page

<Meepsheep> of course i posted it on ED

<LL2|JedIRC> You wouldn't be trolling us then

<Meepsheep> see?

<LL2|JedIRC> Even posting on ED without prior consent is vio of no public logging"'

<Meepsheep> but we just discussed this

<LL2|JedIRC> ED is not without its rules, is it not?

<Meepsheep> the policy of no public logging doesn't define itself enough

<LL2|JedIRC> Yes it does

<Meepsheep> ok

<Meepsheep> then how were you not able to tell me exactly why i shouldn't, and what will happen if i do

<LL2|JedIRC> Because I couldn't explain it well enough

<LL2|JedIRC> Ask on #wikipedia about it, like I said

<Meepsheep> ok

<Meepsheep> and you are not staff there>

<Meepsheep> *?

<LL2|JedIRC> Yes, I'm not stafff

<Meepsheep> ok

<Meepsheep> so you are just a user representative?

<LL2|JedIRC> I guess

<Meepsheep> so, how would they feel about you threatening me?

<LL2|JedIRC> I never threatened you

<Meepsheep> yes you did

<LL2|JedIRC> When?

<Meepsheep> <LL2|JedIRC> Yes, but I do know where I can report you on freenode

<Meepsheep> <_m33pysheep_> yeah

<Meepsheep> <LL2|JedIRC> If it continues, I may just very well have them kline you

<LL2|JedIRC> That was not a threat, that was much a promise

<Meepsheep> i believe that was a threat

<LL2|JedIRC> Ok, sorry

<Meepsheep> threat

<Meepsheep>    [thret] Show IPA

<Meepsheep> noun

<Meepsheep> 1.

<Meepsheep> a declaration of an intention or determination to inflict punishment, injury, etc., in retaliation for, or conditionally upon, some action or course; menace: He confessed under the threat of imprisonment.

<Meepsheep> 2.

<Meepsheep> an indication or warning of probable trouble: The threat of a storm was in the air.

<Meepsheep> 3.

<Meepsheep> a person or thing that threatens. 

<LL2|JedIRC> I never said that as if it was to cause trouble

<Meepsheep> so do you feel wikipedia would want a representative that is going about making threats?

He didn't respond