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Haley, A suicide victim? No, CQ is a user on the website deviantArt. Most recently known as Cq-Doodles. *deactivated deviant* She had her parents deactivate her account after she was repeatedly "harassed" by Bumfondler and XXXICry4Everxxx. Two users on deviant art who were very good at trolling excessively. Now back to CQ!

On May 14, 2012 she submitted journal post hinting to take her life because she was "harassed"(annoyed to extremes) by a couple of trolls. Obviously the best way to react to trolls rite? Maybey not so. She should have manned the hell up and not given a crap about them, instead she bitched about it. That's why this is here. So after making this claim, she has this troll go around and claim he goes to school with her. He did not. It turns out this was a longtime troll whom harassed her back in her "early days". He also claimed that was cutting herself and emailing it to him. This was not true. Apparently CQ was not suicidal, ALSO not seeking attention either?! When requested he denied anyone to view them. After that the story turned into something extreme,a flame war! Trollman was a liar and we are unsure why he was fond of harassing Haley. Probably because he was linked with bumfondler. CQstill roams the internet after learning a horrible lesson that yes, people are assholes. And now she "dosen't give a shit". I hope if she ever finds this she learns to not give a crap about those trolls. She made the mistake of writing a hinting "suicide journal". Which is kind of funny. Matt also made up stories how the school was honoring her death with anti-bully day at "their" school, "Trollman" (matt the asshole) made things much worse. I think it's safe to say we can change the article to "troll who harassed whiney girl". Both sides are at fault. You can thank the troll whom trolled CQ, "Bumfondler".

While this master troll does a swimmingly good job convincing her friends she is dead it gets better. He also claimed that his computer was searched by the school. Besides how was he linked to this other than being her friend? He claimed to never speak up about it, and only stated that teachers were gossiping about her "suicide." A sloppy job by this true god of a troll. But we all have a chink in our armor, rite? Trollman made CQ's appearance much worse. People claimed CQ was trollman but those can be proven false. The IP addresses didn't match to the two users.

justanotherperson000. Was a faked Haley account by bumfondler. It's clear that two trolls were obviously taking things to extremes, (So I don't blame her for leaving deviant art) Which is strangely the tag in this picture of this girl's submission. Obviously someone made a troll account of her. The whole situation was a misunderstanding.

Haley messed up by making a suicide journal that *only trace of suicide was this quote here* it said "I hate my life, why can't you trolls cut this shit out!?" that fucked her friends over by causing them much grief and worrying. Also feeding the trolls! Big mistake. She would have been better off blocking them. Matt the master troll, is a horrible troll. Playing with suicide "victims" as a form of trolling, is going too far! On top of that, if your even attempting that. Be better at trolling. He was attempted trolling way beyond his capabilities and was extremely obvious.

(The people involved with this are all sepreate and created one huge hell of a misunderstanding. You can thank bumfondler, pinkpokeball, superdragonpuncher, xxxicry4everxxx and tr0llman *who was a backup account of bumfondler* for trolling the shit out of her because she refused to be shit on by trolls. We apologize, CQ.)