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sections of this article were edited by Dave Days' army of fanbois
obviously asking for it
Days responds to Encyclopedia Dramatica

Davedays is "a total faggot".

Dave "Days" Daysetti, is most likely the worst thing that has ever happened to, other than Smosh, Fred and Google AdSense. Most of Dave Days YouTube clips consist of vlogs and promises expressed in song. Dave is a faggot. He has gay hair, and eyes which many could get sick of in about never. Dave's claim to fame is his YouTube clips and the fact his legion of one fan came onto ED to delete everything, coz they're all stupid emo fags. Dave plays guitar like a drunk five year old and sings like a middle age woman on karioke night. He also spends the day sitting on his huge ego. He is the founder of much of the fagotry on the internet. His record isn't worth listening to as it's shit. In late 2008 it was revealed that Dave has and obsession with molesting Children, Pie and sucking his own cock. Davedays is a total fucking faggot who brought shame and dishonour to the internet, the day he decided to click Upload to YouTube. Since then retards who have no fucking life started watching his shit parodies, and somehow he racked up millions of views from disillusioned people, who are stupid enough to think he has any talent whatsoever. A good example of this is this fail video, which shows that he has no life and instead makes videos of himself frolicking around in his mom's basement with a carboard cutout of Miley Cyrus.

Shows how much spare time he has!

When not busy on Stickam [1], Dave can be found sneaking. Dave is also argued to be a cross breed hybrid between Daxflame, and Sxephil. Nevertheless sorry ladies, he's taken by the power of Jesus Christ.

Oh yeah, and he has the biggest fucking jewnose you ever saw.

The Nose.

My name is Dave. I do know why I bought this site. I must've done it whilst my head was up my ass! Check out my videos for an interesting... yet fun experience of true homosexuality :-)


—Dave Days

All of these people, are complete idiots. It's all Tom Serson's fault...


—Dave Days

I enjoy having incest sex with my mother, and watching her cream all over my crap, overused green shirt


—Dave Days

Report them all to the internet police, why are they not ROFLing?


—anonymous Dave Days fangirl on Stickam

his videos

Davedays videos are all shit parodies of other songs, as he is too much of a retard to come up with his own ideas, or just slander better jewtubers.

No, he enjoys playing with cock much more!.

Ironic, he is also a JewTube celebrity.

Dave confessing his love for cardboard


  • Within less than 24 hours of posting, these two came onto Encyclopedia Dramatica to edit this amazingly truthful article.

Badboy007, and LeSHok are clearly asking for it. You can help by creating massive flame wars with them and reminding them that ED is satire. These two users are faggots and should be treated as such. They have no life and so resort to shoving their hand up dave"faggot "days already huge asshole because off all the cock he's had up there.

See Also


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Sirkillsalot/Davedays is part of a series on YouTube.

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