User:Sock Puppet

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Could this user be Jack? WARNING! WARNING!
Sock Puppet is a sockpuppet of Sock Puppet and seems to think that greed is a virtue!

This user is the sock puppet of a famous ED user.

Upon viewing this page, you should contact ArbCom immediately to warn them that someone is editing Encyclopædia Dramatica under a false name! (I mean, another false name)

Oh, that's right, ArbCom is stuck somewhere in Florida and Encyclopædia Dramatica is in Sweden. Row, ye scurvy dogs, row, or I'll show ye what this lash can do when I swing it with a will!

  • Did you know? The password to this account is the name of a world-famous sock puppet that has been viewed by most people in America. Can you guess which, and claim this prize for your own? (Somebody tell ArbCom about that too, that's strictly verboten!)
  • Did you know? This account is not JuniusThaddeus, but he'll probably get blamed for it anyway.
  • Did you know? It's super quick to get a(nother) free e-mail account on so you can verify your e-mail on ED or lesser Wikis, in case you find you have to do that more than a few times a day.
  • Did you know? ED High Poobahs could still figure out who this is by tracing the IP and shit, if (unlike some cults) they didn't have better things to do with their time. Unless you're behind 7 proxies.