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Our hero, ladies and gents! Belchic!

Belchic, aka Sean A Owens, born January 30, 1985, is an autistic lolcow bawbaby originating from a weird, fetish infested corner of the internet known as Sparky's 101 Dalmatians forum. The likes of which TwoToneDearly also came from! Belchic is best known for being the bane of literally everyone's existence on the forum. Literally everyone there wants him gone, even people who claim to be his friends, and this place is full of autistic losers whose identity centers around 101 Dalmatians, so what does that tell you? It tells you Belchic is undoubtedly, sincerely the biggest loser in the bunch, and that's saying something.

Belchic has spent the past 16 years terrorizing Sparky's because the rest of the internet simply cannot handle his autistic mantard rages. He is easily butthurt by the most asinine, stupid things, even things said by friends that were not meant to be harmful in any way whatsoever. He is keen to follow any artist who can do a semi decent job of putting pencil to paper and thus, will become said artist's "pal" so he can milk them for all the terrible fetish pictures he could possibly ask for. He is never thankful for this heap of art, heavens no. He cannot be assed to say a simple thank you. Just draw what he asked for dang it, and don't ever take it personal when he nitpicks the pictures drawn for him, either out of the kindness of the artists' heart or because they're tired of him harassing them via pm. These pictures are usually featuring his main ocs (sometimes with other people's) and consist of his absolute favorite fetish ever.

Belchic's OCs

Belchic's primary ocs are three dalmatian puppies named Belchic, Tippy and Joey. All ripoffs of the main characters from 101 Dalmatians the 90s series, respectively: Belchic is a recolor of Rolly, Tippy is a (tall) ripoff of Cadpig, and Joey is Lucky with normal spots and a blue collar. These three pups serve as Belchic's primary vehicle for carrying out his weird fetish for puppies stacked up on each other's shoulders in a trench coat, a phenomenon he frequently refers to as a "totem pole trench". Preferably, the stack has a girl on the bottom and a boy on top. Tippy had to be tall and strong to carry Belchic's fat ass around, because, logic will tell you that a tiny little runt like Cadpig would have her poor spine telescoped trying to hold up that tub of lard. Joey is autistic because....because. And of course, we have the titular Belchic. In stories, this character is written constantly as the coolest, funniest guy in the entire group of 99 puppies (read: Gary Stu). Everyone loves him, and who wouldn't? After all, when he's not making jokes, Belchic is forcing his tall Cadpig ripoff girlfriend to carry him around on her shoulders in a trench coat. Isn't that totes the coolest and awesomest thing ever? Belchic thinks so.


Belchic's idea for teh coolest boyfriend material everz for Cadpig. This equates to a Lucky knockoff in a green backwards cap and shades and a white strip down one ear, being a total genius and hiding a secret laboratory under the farm's barn. He's also voiced by Jason Marsden, of Lion King 2 and Goofy Movie fame (he voices adult Kovu and teen Max), showing our dear Belchic's idea of the coolest doge ever looks and sounds like a dated 90s cliche. Noggin is and will ALWAYS be the ONLY boyfriend for Cadpig EVER and don't you DARE mention other ships to him, even if they make a lot more sense and are far better written.


Belchic's favorite "artist" to milk pictures from over the years. Because let's face it, Trey can churn out a picture of 20+ pictures in five minutes because his art is craptastic, and his coloring over these pencil sketches is even worse. It's good enough for Belchic though, because quick, easy art is the best kind of art amirite? The majority of Belchic's creepy fetish art comes from this guy, including references of his own ripoff ocs (see Noggin). Belchic loves to milk Trey for totem pole trench pics, and Trey lets him because they're pals. Clearly, their relationship is based on mutual trust and respect, and not because Belchic can get all the free art he wants from Trey anytime he asks for it.


Belchic's second favorite artist to milk for all the requests she's worth. Flo has a weird jilted way of speaking and has to literally describe every picture she posts because her watchers are clearly blind. Most of Flo's art is copied or traced from various 101 Dalmatian clipart, but again, it's quick, easy art and Belchic can get her to churn them out because they're buds. See gallery below for more examples of Flo's masterpieces and their combined creativity.


Basically the head admin since Sparky, the creator of the board can't ever be assed to show his face. Belchic has milked several pics out of Bab over the years as well, under the pretense of being his friend, and while Bab's style is certainly an improvement over the other two "artists", it's still, of Belchic. Babclayman shows an extraordinary amount of patience with Belchic and explaining things to him, despite constantly being insulted and belittled and without so much as a single "thank you" or "glad you're helping me!" Bab refuses to entertain the subject of banning Belchic, on account of stupidly allowing him access to his rl family and friends' Failbook pages. This is probably the only reason he's still ON the forum.

Belchic's Butthurt Barrage

Here, we will list the defining moments of this autistic mantard's history over the years. Starting with getting butthurt that almost nobody on the forum loves and wants to partake in his weird fetish. He's known to whine about this repeatedly and even threatened to leave the board several times. But Belchic won't ever leave the one place in the entire internet that can barely tolerate his butthurt rampages. Don't ever block him, that hurts his little autistic baby feefees! On the other hand, Belchic himself is allowed to block with impunity, because he can!