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Ze Fruit Nazi

Ze Froot Nazi The Fruit Nazi is some faggot fame-whore that tries to get as many famous people on random friends lists (like Youtube or Steam) as he can. The funny thing is, he knows absolutely NONE of those people (like LFoxter, Das Bo Schitt, Dizztah, RubberFruit, etc.) and they all hate the guy. Fruit Nazi then tries to justify whatever random bullshit he caused by saying that he has said famous on his friends list. The Froot Jew occasionally tries to stir up trouble on random forums like Facepunch by submitting annoyingly stupid Gmod videos that have no storyline or humor whatsoever.

How to Troll

One can easily troll the fruit Jew by simply doing one or more of the following:

  • Comment about how his video is 100% ripped off of someone else's.
  • Say how he is boring and unoriginal.
  • Notice his pitiful attempts at mastering multimedia.
  • Basically spam the Dislike bar on Youtube.

Bonus points for:

  • Making a video ripped off of his and saying he ripped off you.