User talk:Afilthyjew

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Hey, fancy making an official JewTube account/page for ED too? Hagger 19:14, 23 April 2011 (UTC)


Are you still running the Facebook/Youtube? Let me know, we've been wondering who's handling shit. <3 Garrett 09:58, 4 May 2011 (UTC)

Attention, Fagbucket.

"Don't be a lazy faggot. Edit THIS page, find your special day, and replace File:Hello POTN.jpg with your filename, and the DuMB MESSAGEs where it says
This space OPEN (which uses a tarded alternative for Template:center, BTW)"


Hey, Afilthyjew! I saw what you did with Kevin Martin.
I just wanted to say keep up the good work.

TylerRosenow º Ӕ talk º 01:13, 5 January 2012 (CET)

thanks for the heads up

I might add more videos like that one; if you find a similarly good one drop me a line and I'll add it for you too. - Vinland 17:09, 5 April 2012 (EDT)

RE: Reverting shitty AOTN POTN & VOTN

I usually stay out of edit wars but if you want to revert something then at least get a second or third opinion of some other editors on an XOFN. DekoMan91 12:03, 7 April 2012 (EDT)

If I may interject - what one person may find unfunny may be funny for others. This place is not a dictatorship, nor is it your personal army. If you feel I've overstepped my boundaries in anyway, please take matters to a higher authority rather than into your own hands, as I will simply be spending as much time reverting your reverts, as will others. Have a good day. - 12:40, 7 April 2012 (EDT)
True, its not a dictatorship. I'm reverting your video not because I'm a douche, but because the video sucks. It has nothing to do with the nao section, and as i said before whenever you find some selection of mine not to be worth of the "nao" section feel free to revert it. I did went to IRC and asked about and most of the people there agreed that its shit. You want to keep it there as the video of the nao? feel free. But a little less pride and admitting that its shit will make the front page better. Or is it just me who thinks the late selections where pure crap? We should work together to filter those shit selections, I mean whoever picked the oatmeal and C&H deserves a fucking bullet. ED is not our blog to post our shit. - afilthyjew 12:53, 7 April 2012 (EDT)
You are gravely mistaken. What you're doing now is simply encouraging everybody to fuck everybody else up whenever they see something they don't like. If you have something else to offer, regardless of it being better or not, I will not object nor revert it when you add it to a different date. Overriding a peer's decision is not a peer's job. Trust me when I tell you, you are going to start a trend you'll sorely regret later, and I'm not just talking about your own VOTNs. - Vinland 13:35, 7 April 2012 (EDT)
You seem quite butthurt for a fucking video, as I said, you want to keep it as the VOTN fine by me, it's not going to change the fact that the video is shit, and it will stain the main page for a whole day. As editor I don't make changes or reverts because I want to fuck you up or because I fail to appreciate your special tastes in shitty pics/videos. The change I did it because everyone else I asked thought the video was shit also. However after seeing how overly sensitive you are about this particular video then lest keep it there then, maybe it touched you in ways that I and many more fail to understand, in a weaboo kind of dream you had one day.

P.S. Your shittty video was on KYM first, so we will be recycling shit from KYM, congrats son. Post moar Oatmeal next time also pls.Afilthyjew 16:00, 7 April 2012 (EDT)

But then don't forget to change the name of the VOTN in the VOTN list so people don't accidently add the same video twice -> [1] DekoMan91 13:00, 7 April 2012 (EDT)


Be friends Mike the Great (talk) 16:06, 7 April 2012 (EDT)

I agree, for fuck sakes, this isn't high school, we are all supposed to work together to make ED better, not have fucking stupid wars of fucking shit that doesn't even matter. Afilthyjew, you have a problem with a video, leave a message on that users talk page, and suggest what you think would be more appropriate for future VoTN's don't be a drama queen and fucking start some edit war.~ Sirkillsalot 16:11, 7 April 2012 (EDT)
lol no drama here brah, I just gave up. Lets our friend his special day to post his special video. But honestly now, the OTN section has been sucking balls as of late. In what way would you guys think we can arrange ourselves to avoid shit reaching the front page without hurting other editors sensitive and fragile feelings? Afilthyjew 16:36, 7 April 2012 (EDT)
Talking to them would be a good start. If you're too high and mighty to leave your perch to address something that's touched your fragile heart inappropriately, then sit back and watch instead of throwing this sort of tantrum. I've complained to nobody about your actions. Your intentions have nothing to do with consequences they will lead to. Feel free to come by my talk page to discuss this further.
lolwut? this sort of tantrum? son I just edited your video and changed it for something more appropriated for the front page, I'm not the one spewing butthurt about it. Go ahead and have a blast complaining about me, ill just lol at you, surely my sins of editing a shit video would not go unpunished lightly lol. Afilthyjew 17:09, 7 April 2012 (EDT)
My talk page needs your loving, come on man. It's lonely here. - Vinland 17:36, 7 April 2012 (EDT)
Oh and I will be trying to get better videos. You could have just asked me to do that instead. - Vinland 16:48, 7 April 2012 (EDT)
Well it sucks because it's forced because people don't keep up with it. I've been guilty too the past 4 days I haven't even been able to edit due to system failures. Mike the Great (talk) 16:41, 7 April 2012 (EDT)


hello. you are cordially invited to ED IRC. id like to hear some of your ideas for improving xOTN, cuz i am out of ideas. :) -hipcrime 17:15, 7 April 2012 (EDT)

oh, i forgot.. plz join #wiki , not #ed kthx. -hipcrime 17:16, 7 April 2012 (EDT)


I am a Jew also!

:D  10:13, 20 June 2012 (EDT)