User talk:Gamari

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Welcome, Gamari

This is serious. READ IT.

Before making your first article look over Encyclopedia Dramatica:How 2 EDit for Dummies. If you don't, it is unlikely that your article will survive for more than sixty seconds and you risk being banned by Special:ListAdmins.

We realize a lot of you are busy or may be new to ED, so here's just the most important info:

  • Read Encyclopedia Dramatica:How 2 EDit for Dummies. Seriously. The information contained within is invaluable. Further tutorials of use can be found here.
  • To answer a message, reply on the user's talk page (Tab at the top that says 'discussion').
  • Sign your comments by using four tildes (like this ~~~~)
  • These are the sysops. If you have a problem, talk to them. They're here to help; we promise.
  • The TJC is the community portal. It's linked to from every page; just look at the top left of the page. Check it daily.
  • Use Special:Upload to upload pictures. Be sure to give them meaningful names. Also, do not upload any CP or Bestiality pr0n or you will be b&.
  • Feeling social? Enjoy forums? Join here.
  • See ED:HELP and ED:POLICY for everything else.

~Oblique 23:41, 17 December 2011 (CET)


When you want to use a file in an article, don't use the full url, it doesn't work. What I'm saying is istead of:

  • [[File:]]

Use instead

  • [[File:Example.jpg]]

Also please include thumb and a caption if you wish, it makes the article look better. I've fixed this for you for now, please read more here. Your article also needs more content, please consider expanding it into a full article, if you like I could move it to your userspace? ~Oblique 00:15, 18 December 2011 (CET)


Hi, it looks like you're trying to make an article on AskFMB. Please clean that shit up by expanding/rewriting before it is deleted or sandboxed.


  • Lengthening with lulzy content
  • Adding relevant images
  • Linking to related articles

See also:


  • Go around trying to promote an incomplete article
  • Remove any notice tags on the article, they are there for a reason
  • Get butthurt when someone tells you your article is shit

If you need any help, drop by the Encyclopedia Dramatica:Thizzlehat Junction Center or contact an ED staff member. 22:56, 19 December 2011 (CET)


Your writing is some of the most horrid garbage to ever plague this site. Not only can you not write in satirical/ED-style, you cannot seem to apply what your third grade teacher taught you about basic spelling and grammar. You need to read everything in Encyclopedia Dramatica:Required Reading before trying again. 23:38, 19 December 2011 (CET)

plz die

When you improve your lulz/writing you can edit your user page. º_º 22:55, 20 December 2011 (CET)

Just fucking improve and then you will stop being AIDS. º_º 01:27, 21 December 2011 (CET)

message to you all

still working on writing on here, happy? love how you guys have a million codes for everything

and have been reading the right pages too :| just going to study up on the writing codes before writing an article again

You are doing fine. Don't listen to him, he has no right to decide who can or cannot edit what. Just get more acclimated with the Wiki before you try creating your own article. Start off with smaller edits like grammar fixes. The Random page button is a good place to start. --zaiger (talk) 07:13, 21 December 2011 (CET)

always had a small struggle with grammer, and thank you for being nice. I have tried to read the rules on there, but it just confuses me to try to absorb all that after exams, but I will do my best


I see your contributions and I thought I would thank you. Thanks! Sketch 01:42, 20 January 2012 (CET)

you're welcome, and thank you :D


I assume you're a troll, that would explain your stupidity. Otherwise, it was a blatant attack made by a vandal to get back at someone for something mean they did on the internet, while he tried to clear his/his friend's name off of here. 04:34, 20 January 2012 (CET)

Kamptonleader, I accidentally flushed it thinking some vandal made it. That doesn't change it from being a fucking terrible page. Nobody cares about the "bad people", aka everyone who made fun of your sonic recolor on DeviantArt. I know most of you DA faggots think ED is some kind of revenge-rag for those who don't agree with your teenage-angstery, but it's quite the opposite, so please learn your place or get the fuck out. Thank you 04:45, 20 January 2012 (CET)
"several problems in a group", "other small things". yep, sounds like some circle jerkery nobody else gives a shit about. 04:56, 20 January 2012 (CET)

I have so much to learn

Sorry for the terrible writing before. I promise to improve, but for now, I am just a lowly little beginner. ╯°□°╯┻━┻

i would advise you learn more from [1] 04:59, 20 January 2012 (CET)

My browser wouldn't allow that 0.0 ╯°□°╯┻━┻ 11:09, 19 January 2012 (EST)



04:56, 20 January 2012 (CET)

woah that's a lot of those 0.0

but I will, thank you ╯°□°╯┻━┻ 11:08, 19 January (EST)