User talk:Tama

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Yes friend

  1. Do not return your article back into the mainspace until it is confirmed by an EDitor or a Sysop.
  2. The article which you moved back is still not good enough to be in the mainspace. Read Encyclopedia Dramatica:Required Reading sections for the things that an article must have.

I'm moving your article back into your userspace for additional work, sorry.

A few tips:

  • The subject of an article is good enough to be discribed with much more words than what you have there. Write about where can you find "Yes Friends", how to counter them and other stuff, so it'll be long enough to be readable.
  • Add some lulz into the article! That's why ED actually exists for! Read Encyclopedia Dramatica:LULZ for information.
  • Link your article to somewhere! Add a "See also" section and link related pages there. Also link your page in the See also section of those article you linked. Also, pipe.
  • Categorise your article.

Keep up your edits, and ASK an EDitor or a sysop when you think it's good enough. --MilænorTSW 12:37, 17 June 2011 (UTC)

Would like some help with this article.

Yes_Friend needs a bit more help. I did what I could but I think it needs a bit more.

Can any of my visitors give me a helping hand here?

Thanks. Tama 17:28, 21 August 2011 (UTC)

Tried calling

Couldn't get through. At work right now, can't do it all day. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 20:56, 14 January 2012 (CET)

Okay, just do your best. Hopefully, they will refuse her since she has started to stalk Peter Cullen in her artwork. Let them know of her DA page, when they see her 'stalking action' they'll boot her immediately. Tama 03:19, 15 January 2012 (CET)

Can you do me a favor

And include an edit summary when you remove large blocks of text on a page? Generally it's frowned upon when you delete things from a talk article without archiving it, and it was a pain in the ass to go over every edit to make sure you weren't removing something somebody else wrote out of butthurt. Mike the Græt (Talk) 16:56, 15 February 2012 (EST)

  • Sorry about that, I thought I had put down why I removed it, I guess my computer didn't recognize that click I did in the box. I'll add it now. Tama 11:17, 16 February 2012 (EST)

Why I reverted that recent edit.

She told me what's going on and asked me to keep it quiet for now. She wants to explain if she clears the issue up with the admins. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 23:57, 25 February 2012 (EST)

  • Ah, I hope she does as she has shown she has grown up since her old days. Tell her that her friends are hoping for her to return. Tama 00:02, 26 February 2012 (EST)
    • You shouldn't have posted that shit yet. I've been gaining her trust and promised not to let it get out. Now look. Thanks a lot. I could have gotten drama gold if it turned out she didn't really grow up at all. This is on you if she stops trusting me. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 00:15, 26 February 2012 (EST)
  • I removed it and I hope the other guy will not undo my undoings. Hopefully, she'll still trust you. Tama 00:17, 26 February 2012 (EST)
      • ED doesn't work that way. You're making this shit worse. Nobody would have known if you hadn't blasted it. I wanted to write an update with the ban and after if it went sour for her. So much for that now. Don't apologize. It won't fix jack shit. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 00:21, 26 February 2012 (EST)


Please review this edit and assure that it's not some butthurt biased opinion by an involved party trying to make themselves look better. If you feel that information should be in the article please see to it that it stays, nobody here knows as much about the subject as you. Mike the Great (talk) 14:54, 4 March 2012 (EST)

  • It is being done to correct some wrong information, that we, myself and a few people on dA found that the dA user Ravette2004 has told lies about mrsbonitaprime and we're correcting that information by creating Ravette's very own ED page since she has been proven to be a liar. Tama 19:56, 4 March 2012 (EST)

About editting mrsbonitaprime's article

I've been trying to remove shit from her article due to it being ravette lied to us about bonita contacting her host provider and angry parents contacting her. She's been caught out in her own lies on facebook. Its been months now and not a single screencap to proof anything and when called out she pulls out a bunch of shit about her health and not being on her computer yet she's on facebook clear as day. Every time i try to remove these false accusations some retard keeps reverting it back for vandalism yet if he bothered to lurk moar he would be able to see i've been contributing to the article since it was created. itsnthewater 19:59, 4 March 2012 (EST)

  • Hi matey, I've told the guy who is reverting it back that the edits are correct as we found out that Ravette2004 has lied to us all for months about her claims against mrsbonitaprime. He should stop with the reversals. If he continues, I will tell him on his own page that the edits that itsnthewater has done is correct and valid as the dA user Ravette2004 has lied to the people of ED and to the people on dA about her claims against said person. Tama 20:00, 4 March 2012 (EST)


hey long time no see. how you doin Mike the Great (talk) 02:23, 14 May 2012 (EDT)

Laying low and trying to get goodies from Bonita's trap. Got it though in her latest journal. The one day of the year that she even speaks about her so called son and no other time. I seriouslly don't believe her claim of having a son and that he stayed with her mom and dad while she was gone, she would have said something about how she has to get her son something in those journals of hers. I know if I went there and had a son back home who was not able to go because of school. I would state that I got my son this new TF toy and me this one for my collection, but everyone seen her journals and not one single bloody ass mention of getting him anything or even mentioned in them. Tama 02:33, 14 May 2012 (EDT)

‮You have a powerword on her, don't you? Just do a public information search see what all she's got Mike the Great (talk) 02:37, 14 May 2012 (EDT)
  • From my search, no child ever been seen in connection with her. The video on her YouTube page where she's yelling at some kid, sounds like Ashley, which is her half sister. No mention beyond that. So I seriously doubt she even has a son or a daughter. As one would talk and show off what the kid did in school and other things. All she's concerned about, really, is talking about Optimus and how much she loves him. Tama 03:00, 14 May 2012 (EDT)


You'll be missed. No more updates on that fat trucker lady? Mike the Great (talk) 05:22, 7 June 2012 (EDT)

    • I am back for a short time, but I will state this. Everything that I had posted on that lady's page the source of all the information came from her bully and harrasser, a known liar in another fandom - Ravette2004. I am working with another user here on ED, to create her page. Mrs. Prime has been innocent of everything that is up there, including Mrs. Prime's friends on her Talk page, they too, are innocent as the information I got came directly from Ravette's former friend who was told about it by Ravette2004's hands. Tama 18:24, 14 June 2012 (EDT)


8( Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 01:46, 7 June 2012 (EDT)
You'd better fix your shit, or I will er... indent your colon. Mike the Great (talk) 06:23, 7 June 2012 (EDT)
    • A friend of mine needs your help in creating a page for Ravette2004 since she is the real source behind everything on Mrs. Prime's main page. She posted on your own talk page. Tama 18:27, 14 June 2012 (EDT)
        • I helped my friend create the page offline and it looks pretty good. She's working on the gallery of Ravette's lies at the moment. She is working on getting the codes to some of the images that she has in her computer uploaded so it would be an easy creation for her when she does. Tama 18:36, 14 June 2012 (EDT)


Hey, Tama! I saw what you did with keeping ED relatively factual.
I just wanted to say keep up the good work.

Thanks for the work. By the way, dyk we now have an article on Ravette2004? Mike the Great (talk) 18:12, 18 June 2012 (EDT)

  • Yup saw it and saw that Kathleen Todd used part of my handle to vandalize her page claiming that my friend Fanfictionaxis and RaidenPrime are liars when it is she who did the lying. For one thing, Fanfictionaxis did lose her mother to cancer which Kathleen told her that Bonita was spreading rumors that she wasn't sick at all or dying. Kathleen Todd is a liar flat out liar. She wants to be the center of attention and when you do not give it to her, she probably shits in her fat panties. Tama 20:12, 18 June 2012 (EDT)
  • And thanks for the badge, I am trying to correct my mistakes that I put down when I was believing the lying cunt Kathleen Todd on Bonita's page. Tama 20:12, 18 June 2012 (EDT)

Uhhhh, hi. Some advice.

Changing an article and talking nice comes off as white knighting and it can get you trolled next. Not gonna do it to you myself or anything but you should know. Your edits are gonna end up reverted eventualy. Best thing you can do is just not edit an article and let it fall to the bottom of everything. Focus on Ravette's article and forget about Bonita's. Her shit will overshadow Bonita pretty quick. Are you butthurt? BAWWW here. 12:07, 25 June 2012 (EDT)

  • True, I had started to realize that after I edited some of her page that nothing really looked good. I think I'll focus in helping Icebreakers with Kathleen Todd's page since she's more the fucktard than Bonita is right now. Tama 15:11, 25 June 2012 (EDT)
  • Sorry, I was out for a week but I intend to go over it and check what does/doesn't make sense and fix the tone. Naturally I'm backlogged atm tho Mike the Great (talk) 05:01, 28 June 2012 (EDT)

Useless pics

At least show tits, bitch CobaltCat 15:01, 28 June 2014 (EDT)

  • Sorry, brat, they came from her dA page, during a war that was proven to be nothing more than a bully/harrassment thing from one Kathleen Todd. That entire page on Ms. Bonita Prime is nothing but lies that came from ms. Kathleen Todd. Tama 16:18, 4 July 2014 (EDT)