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VidLii calls out Verond
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Verond likes to waste their money on company flamethrowers
Verond is definitely a good site that everybody should trust

Verond is one of those YouTube clones that are so crappy that it is not worth using making it hard to recommend to a friend or just a general consumer. The website is ran by a 17 year old sociopath named Zach Davis who gets a hard on from banning people and leeches money from the government and Amazon to fund his shitty website. This website is similar to in terms of functionality but with tons of bugs that the creator is too lazy to fix since Zach does not actually know how to code as evidenced by the fact that this very website does not even use an original script, and that every bug is dismissed as "it's supposed to be like that". Verond is so terrible it can easily be described as a website that is only there to fill dead air, but even dead air has more value. Verond is so meaningless that the website currently has no real community to speak of so you will likely get banned before anyone finds any good lulz to start on there. Unlike AliTheZombie13 from VidLii, he is not transparent about his douchebaggery so you will likely not see any screencaps of Zach being an autist or a massive faggot unless you are part of his discord chat room, or talk to him personally (not recommended, because he's a little bitch who won't actually take responisbility for anything you'll say to him, even if you have the proof). Zach censors his opponents without any hesitation or transparency which makes him a much bigger faggot than any hated ex-VidLii admin. Zach Davis's company is fake and his products are scams that are not worth anyone's time.

Verond Could be the New Vidme

This website will be the next Vidme but not in the way this soyboy is thinking.

Verond Bans Proof


It is quite easy to get banned off of Verond. All it takes is hurting the site admin's fee fees. It is even easier if the triggering is done on Discord where you can see the site admin cry like a little bitch constantly complaining that those mean trolls are going to ruin his business and website. Note: The video was flagged by the author of the website.

How Verond Responds to Criticism

Verond does not respond to criticism. If you make fun of them at them at all, these people will DMCA your videos and you might even get banned even if you are not making the criticism on Verond but on YouTube instead.

Viewbotting and False Advertising

Since Verond is backed by Amazon, Verond has the money to promote their shoddy product. Verond's marketing department involves lying to the people and using spam. Verond is ran by people who claim to support free speech despite the fact that they are ran by safe space faggot Millennials who would have never supported the idea of free speech to begin with. People can easily see that Verond is a scam without even looking into it just by looking at how they conduct themselves. The videos that are on their channel typically get plenty of views due to viewbotting but most normalfags that see their videos would not know this or how the world of advertising works in general. The video above currently sits at 150,000 views with the like bar and comments disabled since people can see through their bullshit.

Typical Videos

Unlike VidLii which existed to be a shitty throwback to the early days of YouTube for autistic nostalgiatards, this website has no reason to exist at all. The videos on this website are even more pointless than the ones on VidLii, instead of references to 00s YouTube, because VidLosers can't let go of the past; the content on this website is the most generic content you can find. Every video looks like it came from the normiesphere within YouTube or from someone that constantly uses Facebook.

How to Get Banned off of Verond

  • Criticize the owner for being a money loving cunt.
  • Criticize the owner for making bad business decisions.
  • Criticize the website.
  • Point out that the website uses a stolen script.
  • Point out that the website is filled with bugs.
  • Point out that the website is coded by monkeys.
  • Tell people that Verond doesn't support free speech.
  • Tell people his company isn't legit
  • Mention Vidlii around him
  • Say the word "Doughouzforest"

Verond Sucks

External Links

See Also

  • VidLii - Another YouTube clone which was also fucking pointless
  • YouTube - The real shit if your still okay with being half Jewish.
  • Zippcast - Yet, another pointless YouTube clone, except it's fucking dead

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