Moving to Canada: Difference between revisions

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==See Also==
==See Also==
* '''[[GET OUT]]'''
* '''[[GET OUT]]'''
* [[Ragequit]]
* [[W]]
* [[W]]
* [[Hillary Clinton]]
* [[Hillary Clinton]]

Revision as of 16:56, 11 November 2016

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In November 2008 2000, Barack Obama George W. Bush defeated John McCain Al Gore. Upset mindless young Republicans Democrats, many who are not old enough to vote or realize what their parents say isn't always right, started a new campaign "Let's move to Canada to get away from Obama Bush, before him and his terrorist bible-thumping friends like Rev. Wright Dick Cheney and Bill Ayers Karl Rove kill us and the evil socialist liberals wingnut conservatives, take over the country." Internet communities were soon being flooded with conservatives liberals, all saying this. The initial plan is to not come back to the United States until January of 2013 2004, when Sarah PalinJohn Kerry will be crowned Queen for life of the United States elected president. There are numerous groups on Facebook based around this movement.


'"Moving to Canada" is one of the oldest memes in the book. 100 years ago, it was called draft-dodging and only practiced by dirty hippies. Liberals like Susan Sarandon invoked this same meme in 2004 over Bush and again in 2008 if McCain won (of course since they were still here after 2004, it proves they never had any intention to make good on their promise).

Why this idea is win

Anyone with a brain knows Canada is a country better than USA which is being run by Obama whom is a nigger.

How to troll those who tell you this

"Hope, you like it up there with these guys as your leaders"
  • Tell them about the milk that comes in bags and the socialist government.
  • Find a video of Bob and Doug McKenzie and tell them everyone in Canada is like this.
  • If Bob and Doug don't work ask them if they like The Kids in the Hall or Red Green.
  • Tell them that they don't have the Jonas Brothers, they have their own version called Rush.
  • Suggest going to New Zealand instead.
  • Tell them everyone has a sense of humor like Mike Myers up there.

People who are taking part in this move

  • Dumb Republican teenagers
  • People who are 60+ years old
  • That Baldwin who's a huge fundie
  • The five people who still think Obama is a Socialist Muslim

Of course, just like the left wing fags who threatened to leave over Bush in 2004, these rednecks aren't going anywhere. Who the fuck wants to live in Canada?

What they don't realize is that Canada is basically Obama's vision for the US.

See Also

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