Britain's Got No Fucking Talent: Difference between revisions

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(→‎George Spamson: added an extra fact and some links for the lulz!)
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*If they reply to you with some fucktarded statement along the lines of "ERR OMG HE HAS A SPIINAAAL DISODA LEEV HIM ALON!!!1" tell them he doesn't know them or give a shit about them, and that therefore defending him is pointless.
*If they reply to you with some fucktarded statement along the lines of "ERR OMG HE HAS A SPIINAAAL DISODA LEEV HIM ALON!!!1" tell them he doesn't know them or give a shit about them, and that therefore defending him is pointless.
*Tell them he's good at flailing his arms about and tumbling around on the floor like the retarded cripple he is, but if he tried something that actually required some form of technique, such as ballet, ballroom or the tango, he'd be about as good as that other psycho who auditioned and simply waved his arms in the air from side to fucking side.
*Tell them he's good at flailing his arms about and tumbling around on the floor like the retarded cripple he is, but if he tried something that actually required some form of technique, such as ballet, ballroom or the tango, he'd be about as good as that other psycho who auditioned and simply waved his arms in the air from side to fucking side.
*Say he's overrated.  
*Say he's overrated.
*Point out the [[fact]] that his sister is a known [[whore]]! [[Srsly]]! [ evidence].

== Ways to Troll a BGT act's [[Fag|Fan]] ==
== Ways to Troll a BGT act's [[Fag|Fan]] ==