Chris Crocker

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All you will ever need to know in one handy gif.
Yes, he's doing porn now
"Leave Da Britney!"

Chris Crocker, born December 12, 1987, a.k.a. itschriscrocker aka "Phaggot Rectus Maximus Rex Ceasar Anus Cocktus" is an unfunny LOOZ-infested shit eating "22-year-old" camwhore, fugly faggot trap, and confessed brother fucker BALEETED of indeterminable gender credited for giving a new meaning to the term "triple threat." He is best known for being the most sickeningly loyal Britney Spears fanboy ever shat into existence.

Wikipedia and a few other sources believe that Chris Crocker is in fact acting, thus doing it for the lulz to get pageviews. If this is the truth, he is one of the most intriguing and successful trolls on the Internet.

Crocker's 15 Minutes of Fail - One Hit Wonder


Following Britney Spears' so-called "performance" at the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards, Crocker achieved insta-fame IRL after uploading an unintentionally hilarious, (yet annoying as fuck) video where he BAAAWLS for two minutes about the negative reception she has received. In his gut wrenching fanboy rant, he admonishes the media, fellow faggot Perez Hilton, and everyone else on the planet for making fun of a fat chick with issues.

Certain viewers have noted that Crocker's view of Britney Spears has crossed from obsession to an actual psychological disorder called, "erotomania." Where, basically, as far as Crocker is concerned, he and Britney are best friends 4 lyfe. S/he is also a loser that edits Wikipedia. [sauce plz!?!1!]

Skip to :26, then :49, then :58, then to 1:26, then to 1:40, that's all there is to see.


Crocker's embarrassing and horrific Britney Spears fan video spread across the news and blogs alike at a speed faster than the speed of light, Numa Numa and Chocolate Rain combined, receiving over 3 million views on YouTube and undoubtedly millions more abroad in just TWO DAYS! It sparked dozens of parodies and doubts over Crocker's sanity (not that anyone ever thought he was sane in the first place), and actually caused Perez Hilton to do something funny by mocking his video in response to Crocker's anti-Perez statements.

Despite the fact that none of this attention is flattering, Crocker has chosen embrace this attention so much that he has uploaded previously unseen footage of the rant where he threatens to become an hero to show just how much he cares about Britney.

If recent Crocker bitching-via-webcam masterpieces Eat My Cornhole and Shitty Bitch weren't already enough material to make him the most hated YouTube user, Leave Britney Alone surely finished the job. Crocker's psychotic fan rage is pretty much summed up by this well received early comment on the video.

As of September 22, 2007, this video receives 9000 (plus one) comments about every THREE to FIVE seconds. HOLY SHIZ MON =O As of April 27, 2009, Crocker's BAWWWfest has gotten over 25 million views. If this isn't enough proof that Youtube is a flaming pile of dogshit, nothing will convince you.

"Britney's making you all this money" pwnt

Chris Crockers Only Fan/ Supposed Friend

His Myspace
His Youtube Videos
His Facebook

check out how many times the faggot flicks/brushes his hair to the side. lulz.


hellz yea. bby got hakd in da booti. hella. HELLLajdkj.

No, but really as of December 7th, 2007 Chris Crocker has been hacked. This was a bulletin that was posted:

"Here is the deal. For the past year, i have been acting as someone who I am not.

The truth is, I am really a retard, i think i might be SMART. i've been putting on an act, just to get attention for the past year.

I am sorry i let you down :(

I also think TrainReq is the leetest hacker alive."


Other Videos

Chris Crocker's cat, 'BWAAA!'

As I explained to everyone- before I posted my videos on YouTube, I was already popular on Myspace. I have a friends list upwards of 80,0000+ and some of my videos have received upwards of a million views.

I simply posted a bulletin alerting my viewers that I would also be posting on here. they subscribed.

Deal with it.


—Chris Crocker, On fagging up Youtube.

Disregard all links above. Behold.

I think Chris Crocker accidentally the whole Internets. Repeatedly.

Chris Crocker, the Techno Remix
Gimme gimme more... attention:

If Crocker was black

Some sort of furious foreigner shouting angrily 'n sheet

Crocker eats his boogers

Critical Reception

Damn you, internets... oh and look Kanye West is once again crying exploitation, big surprise... stupid nigger. Note that they refer to Chris as a "she".
TOW doesn't like Crocker neither

Jimmy Kimmel Earned About $4000 During Each of These Segments