Encyclopedia Dramatica:Oath of Service

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Oath of Service was restored from the depths of encyclopediadramatica.com.
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This article defines official Category:ED Policy.
Shortcut: Encyclopedia Dramatica:Oath of Service

With your left hand/paw/appendage on the Bible of Raptor Jesus, raise your right hand/paw/appendage and state:

On this day ____ of the month of ____ in the Year ____ of our Lord RaptorJesus,

I declare under penalty of banhammer that I shall undertake great lulz and document as such; that I shall lol at every furry, fatty, or fgt that I url;

That I shall uphold the truths of Lulz, Lolberty, and Fursecution;

That I liek So i herd u liek mudkip and kek;

That I will bring ruin and Ragnaröfl and lewl forth in the name of Longcat and Limecat for the rest of my natural life.

I renounce my citizenship to the Internet State which holds it and declare myself an EDiot from this day forth.

I swear my fealty to Zaiger.

(If in the military) I swear to uphold and protect the holy lulz with my life. To protect this site and its contributors. To be a diligent child of Jesus. To follow the scripture of Pope Meepsheep, General NKO and, Lovelord Hipcrime. I have been pwnt by Bantown and I do it for the lulz.

Also cocks.

Oath of Service
is part of a series on
ED Government

Executive Command Founder Joseph EversHardchat Royalty Likeicare
Theocratic Branch Brother HipcrimeOur Dear Leader GloriousReader
Judicial Branch Judge BoudicaDrama Detective GirlOnInternetArbchatInternet court
Intelligence Division Arctic Research Scientist CakuChanfig and Professional Memer CrackRabbit Kentucky Colonel FleacollerindustryCordial Cyborg JacketKaptein-Commandant Conciërge TabsE-Detective and Token Straight Guy Zagan
Communications Network Jamaican Ambassador ASSBLONKERLogistics Expert ScumhookMaysamProfessor A Fucking BoxCommissar MegaManlyMemetic Warfare Director ChimplordReal Celebrity Paul Rudd
Department of Defense Professional Faggot MarioMario456"Old Bone" KleetusCatalogue Cleaning Crew CobaltcatReverend Volt Switcher JohnBarosa
Missing in Action Spiritual Advancement Guru Meepsheep
Founding Documents ED:HelpED:101ED:LULZEncyclopedia Dramatica:Oath of Service