Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/May 14, 2011

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Rusty Ray is a racist wannabe news broadcaster, amateur cyberstalker, and notorious hypocrite and liar. In his spare time, he takes news stories from other sources and rehashes them for his own website or for his broadcasts. The rest of his time is spent lurking the shadows of the internet waiting for someone to say something bad about him so that he can get them banned from whatever website they're on or so that he can report them to his local police department. As what you'd expect from a pretend news broadcaster, Rusty is a self-important douchebag and whiny little girl. He emanates an aura of arrogance and quickly removes any person who contradicts him. Whenever trolled, Rusty pretends not to care, but it is frequently obvious that he is near tears from the hurtful remarks made by other people on the internet.

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