Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/May 31, 2012

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Carlos Latuff

Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian devianTARTlet, activist, and megalomaniac who is most renowned for his staunch pro-Arab propaganda. There's also the fact that he constantly bitches and whines about being unable to practice free speech on the internets, while at the same time he censors his critics, like the bastard that he is.

The Palestinians could not have been any closer to getting their land back from the Zionist pigs, when ol' buddy Latuff had to jump in and fuck it all up on the eve of the millennium. Now with this new hit-and-run propaganda artist, the Zionists are able to sway public opinion in their favor and steal all the lulz for themselves as they gawk at the poor Arabs who will never have a place to call "home." Another trait which differentiates Latuff from other fucktards is that he is notorious for hiding comments quicker than a ninja. Either that, or he just sits at his computer and pounds the F5 key all day and all night. Latuff has also made a series of cartoons that portray Israeli Prime Minister Jew, United States President George W. Bush, Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and British Prime Minister Tony Blair among other politicians as monsters and Nazis.