Encyclopedia Dramatica:Article of the Nao/May 4, 2011

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"Teacher recommendedrequired for attitude adjustment."
"Teacher recommendedrequired for attitude adjustment."

According to a very reliable source, a drug is any chemical substance which changes the normal function of the human body. While drugs are used by nearly everyone and being high is a hoot and a holler, the discussion of drugs is the source of much drama on the Interbutts.

The drama generally starts with drug users who post while high, and whine endlessly about the legalization and decriminalization of their drug of choice. Their reasons range from the general harmlessness of being stoned to their beliefs that tripping balls provides legitimate cognitive benefits, as opposed to simply being fun. These morons generally piss off the rest of the druggie community (the ones with functional nervous systems, at least) by making them all look like ignorant burn-outs.

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